
Software Factory configuration for the Fedora project.

Here are configured:

  • resources/: Git repositories to be listened by's Zuul.
  • zuul.d/: Zuul pipelines and base Zuul jobs for Fedora.
  • playbooks/: Ansible playbooks used by Zuul jobs.
  • tools/: Some addtionnal tooling.
  • FZCI.dhall: Dhall description of Fedora Resources to be used in Zuul job configuration.

Prepare your workspace to edit FZCI Dhall config

Clone sources

git clone
git clone
git clone

Ensure tooling installed

Follow install Dhall section.

Then ensure the dhall-to-yaml process as expected.

cd fedora-zuul-jobs-config/zuul.d/
dhall-to-yaml --generated-comment --file jobs-unformated.yaml

Install zuul-fmt:

python3 -mpip install --user zuulfmt

Run zuul-fmt

cat jobs-unformated.yaml | zuulfmt > jobs.yaml

If both dhall-to-yaml and zuul-fmt succeeded then your are ready to move forward. But first remove rm -f jobs-unformated.yaml jobs.yaml.

Note that it is adviced to get a support for Dhall Lang into your IDE but at least you must have installed the dhall commands on you system.

Adding support for a Fedora Branch

Adding new branch definition

  • Edit file branches.dhall in order to add the <new-branch>.
  • The type checker will help you to fill the places where the <new-branch> handling must be done.

If you don't have the support of Dhall in your IDE, you might want to check your edit with the type checker:

cd fedora-project-config
dhall <<< './FZCI.dhall/Branches.dhall'

Update jobs from fedora-zuul-jobs-config

In fedora-zuul-jobs-config

  • Edit jobs.dhall to handle the <new-branch>. Again the type checker will help you.

If the type checker does not complain then nothing needs to be done into that file.

Then run:

cd zuul.d
dhall-to-yaml --generated-comment --file jobs.dhall | zuulfmt > jobs.yaml

Update jobs from fedora-zuul-jobs

In fedora-zuul-jobs

  • Edit jobs.dhall in order to ensure jobs will trigger in the <new-branch>. Again the type checker will help you.

Then run:

cd zuul.d
dhall-to-yaml --generated-comment --file jobs.dhall | zuulfmt > jobs.yaml

Push changes

When edits are done on those repos then commits and push changes (as PR) then wait for CI result.

Install Dhall

On Fedora 34

dnf install -y dhall dhall-json

Packages does not provide dhall-to-yaml command yet so you might want to install it via the upstream release.

Using upstream relase

curl -OL
tar -xf dhall-1.39.0-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2
cp bin/dhall ~/.local/bin/
curl -OL
tar -xf dhall-yaml-1.2.7-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2
cp bin/dhall-to-yaml ~/.local/bin/