From 403417adf013924163f5bc25584396a4d5821aa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mcyprian Date: Oct 05 2017 09:07:55 +0000 Subject: Add #34 'Making sudo pip Safe (Again)' --- diff --git a/en-US/developers/Development_Python.adoc b/en-US/developers/Development_Python.adoc index bb58c23..aa6cb15 100644 --- a/en-US/developers/Development_Python.adoc +++ b/en-US/developers/Development_Python.adoc @@ -3,3 +3,7 @@ include::en-US/entities.adoc[] [[sect-python]] == Python + +[[sect-python-sudo-pip]] +=== Making sudo pip Safe (Again) +The location where sudo pip3 installs modules has been changed to /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages, and sudo pip3 is henceforth safer to use. No other changes in user experience are expected. Sudo pip3 is not considered a standard way to install Python packages. Virtual environment and pip3 install --user should still be the prefered options. Additionally, Fedora will increase it's compliance with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, as user-installed host-specific Python modules will now be correctly located under /usr/local.