djpadz / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

f230d32 ticket: 48497 extended search without MR indexed attribute prevents later indexing with that MR

Authored and Committed by tbordaz 8 years ago
    ticket: 48497 extended search without MR indexed attribute prevents later indexing with that MR
    Bug Description:
        When creating a mr_indexer or a mr_filter, we first look if it exists the registered MR (global_mr_oids)
        that can handle the required oid.
        If there is no registered MR, we look for a MR plugin that can handle this oid.
        At the beginning no MR is registered. If the retrieved MR plugin is called to create:
                    - an indexer it sets in the registered MR the indexer create function(SLAPI_PLUGIN_MR_INDEXER_CREATE_FN)
                      but not the filter create function (SLAPI_PLUGIN_MR_FILTER_CREATE_FN).
                    - a filter it sets in the registered MR the filter create function (SLAPI_PLUGIN_MR_FILTER_CREATE_FN)
                      but not SLAPI_PLUGIN_MR_INDEXER_CREATE_FN.
         The consequence is that the registered MR may be missing filter or indexer create fn.
         It ends with different wrong behaviors:
                 1 - for example if we index (e.g. msMatchingRule: caseExactIA5Match) it registers 'caseExactIA5Match',
                     MR plugin with the indexer create function.
                     Then if we issue a filter with ": caseExactIA5Match:' it will not find the registered MR
                     (because it is missing SLAPI_PLUGIN_MR_FILTER_CREATE_FN), so it will register once
                     again the same MR plugin but this time with the filter create function.
                 2 - for example if we issue a filter with ": caseExactIA5Match:' it registers 'caseExactIA5Match',
                     MR plugin with the filter create function.
                     Then if we index 'msMatchingRule: caseExactIA5Match', it will retrieve the registered MR plugin
                     but has it has no indexer create function, it fails to index.
    Fix Description:
            When registering a MR plugin, sets both indexer and filter create functions
    Reviewed by: Mark Reynolds, Rich Megginson (thanks Mark, thanks Rich !!)
    Platforms tested: F17
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: no