djpadz / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

74b25ce Ticket 403 - CLEANALLRUV feature

22 files Authored by mreynolds 11 years ago, Committed by rmeggins 11 years ago,
    Ticket 403 - CLEANALLRUV feature
    This is a rewrite of the first version of CLEANALLRUV.  The task is now an official slapi task, but the
    older/original method still works as well.  You can run multiple tasks(4) at the same time.  The task can handle
    situations where a replica is down, or "older"replicas are in the topology.  I've also added an "abort"
    task to cancel a particular cleanallruv task, as the task can potentially run for a long time while
    waiting for a server to come online or be cleaned.
    Reviewed by: richm & noriko (Thanks!)
    (cherry picked from commit 657efc69487cc1b04d82642dddd47f93b7a37cf1)
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