djpadz / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

2ce0a6b Ticket 48861: Memberof plugins can update several times the same entry to set the same values

Authored and Committed by tbordaz 7 years ago
    Ticket 48861: Memberof plugins can update several times the same entry to set the same values
    Bug Description:
        When a group is updated, impacted members are updated (fixup) by memberof plugins.
        If there are multiple paths (membership link) between the udpated group and
        the impacted members then those impacted members are fixup several times
    Fix Description:
        Store impacted members in a global hash table (based on impacted members normalized DN).
        If an impacted member has already been fixup, just skip it.
        (design is
    Reviewed by: William Brown (Thanks for your patience and continous help !)
    Platforms tested: F24
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: no