cverna / elections

Forked from elections 7 years ago

Fedora Elections

fedora-elections is a web application written in Python and based on Flask. It implements the Range Voting system.

This project was developed using Fedora Project requests but can be easily adapted to other projects. Fedora Elections is integrated with the Fedora Account System (FAS).

Creating a development environment

To work on the Fedora Elections web application, you will need to create a development environment to test your changes. This is simplified by using Vagrant, a powerful and useful tool for creating development environments on your workstation.

Using Vagrant

You can quickly start hacking on the Fedora Elections web application using the Vagrant setup included in the elections repo is super simple.

First, install Vagrant, the vagrant-libvirt plugin, and the vagrant-sshfs plugin from the official Fedora repos:

sudo dnf install vagrant vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs

Now, from the main directory (the one with the Vagrantfile in it), run the vagrant up command to provision your development environment:

vagrant up

When completed, you will be able to SSH into your development virtual machine with vagrant ssh and run the command to start the Fedora Elections server:

vagrant ssh
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ pushd /vagrant/; ./ --host "";

Once that is running, go to localhost:5002 in your browser to see your running Fedora Elections test instance.

A note about fonts

Fedora Elections uses web fonts hosted in Fedora's infrastructure that might not work when hacking locally due to CORS restrictions. If you install the fonts yourself, the Fedora Elections website will look the same as it would when deployed to production.

You can install the fonts with this command.

sudo dnf install open-sans-fonts

How to launch Fedora Elections

The following steps will get the rest of the application running. Make sure to use your Vagrant development environment when following these steps.


Before launching fedora-elections, the following packages should be installed:

  • httpd
  • libxslt
  • python
  • python-backports-ssl_match_hostname
  • python-bunch
  • python-chardet
  • python-fedora
  • python-fedora-flask
  • python-flask
  • python-flask-sqlalchemy
  • python-flask-wtf
  • python-jinja2
  • python-kitchen
  • python-lxml
  • python-openid
  • python-ordereddict
  • python-ordereddict
  • python-setuptools
  • python-simplejson
  • python-six
  • python-sqlalchemy0.7
  • python-urllib3
  • python-wtforms

Get the source code

This project is hosted on Pagure. For convenience, a mirror is also hosted on GitHub.

You can obtain the code via:

git clone

Configure the application

An example configuration file is provided here.

Create database



Starting the app

There are 2 ways to start the application:

  • Without Apache
  • With Apache

Without Apache

This is useful for a quick development instance, when you don't have to worry about security yet. Do not run this in production. The server will start on


With Apache

Copy fedora-elections.conf to your Apache conf.d directory:

sudo cp files/fedora-elections.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/.

Next, place fedora-elections.wsgi in /var/www:

sudo cp files/fedora-elections.wsgi /var/www

Adjust the Apache configuration file to point to your web directory. Then, adjust the .wsgi file in /var/www to point to the fedora_elections directory.

Place the configuration file in /etc/fedora-elections/fedora-elections.cfg.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/fedora-elections/
sudo cp files/fedora-elections.cfg /etc/fedora-elections/

Now, restart Apache:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

How to contribute

As mentioned earlier, this project is primarily hosted on Pagure. There is a mirror on GitHub, but only for convenience. Pagure is the preferred platform for accepting contributions. To file an issue, RFE, or other ticket, you must use Pagure. See other issues already filed here.

If you are interested in working on this project, ask in #fedora-admin on or say hello on the Fedora Infrastructure mailing list.


fedora-elections is licensed under the GPLv2.