From ccd9954cc10a6710492181879640bec4e92815c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Susan Lauber Date: Feb 19 2019 20:18:39 +0000 Subject: completed podman commands for running containers and added podman build and dockerfile info --- diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/build-docker.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/build-docker.adoc index c7b408c..7b07140 100644 --- a/modules/ROOT/pages/build-docker.adoc +++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/build-docker.adoc @@ -1,29 +1,254 @@ = Build a Container with a Dockerfile +:toc: -WARNING: This is a placeholder for work in progress +== Creating the Dockerfile +If a container does not already exist for your application, one can be built for your device. -* Dockerfile very common. -* FROM is the starting container, such as a latest Fedora image +It is common to create images from a working directory which holds the Dockerfile and any supporting files. This may be a version controlled directory to facilitate sharing. + +---- +$ mkdir demo-docker && cd demo-docker +---- + +There are many examples of building containers using a Dockerfile. +A simple Dockerfile will contain some of the following elements: + +* The FROM line indicates is the starting container, such as a latest Fedora image. +This image will be pulled if it is not already available locally. +Specify details for which image the same as you would with a `podman pull` command. * Creates layers with each RUN command. -** minimize layers with single lines using && between commands -** include cleanup commands like dnf clean all -* make sure ports are listening with EXPOSE -* start your application +Try to minimize the number of layers with multiple commands on the same line using && between commands. +Also include any cleanup commands such as `dnf clean all` to reduce the final image size. +* Copy content from the working directory into the container. +* Specify any ports to listen on with EXPOSE +* Start your application ** CMD can be over written with podman run command ** ENTRYPOINT often base command and default options. Can be coupled with CMD for additional options. +== Example: Web application + +Create a working directory with some content for a web server: + +---- +$ mkdir demo-httpd && cd demo-httpd && echo 'sample container' > index.html +---- + +Start the Dockerfile with a FROM command to indicate the base image: + +---- +$ echo 'FROM fedora:latest' >> Dockerfile +---- + +Add a RUN command to update the image and add any application and utilities: + +---- +$ echo 'RUN dnf -y update && dnf -y install httpd git && dnf clean all' >> Dockerfile +---- + +The above example installs git. +If your web content is hosted in a version control system, you can add a RUN statement to clone that data to the container. +If your content is available in the build working directory, you can use the COPY command to add it to the container. + +Copy to the sample index.html file into the container: + +---- +$ echo 'COPY index.html /var/www/html/index.html' >> Dockerfile +---- + +The EXPOSE line specifies that the container listens on specified network ports. +It use used by the `--publish-all` option on the `podman run` command. + +Document what ports are available to publish: + +---- +$ echo 'EXPOSE 80' >> Dockerfile +---- + +Specify the command to run when the container starts: + +---- +$ echo 'ENTRYPOINT /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND' >> Dockerfile +---- + +NOTE: Port bindings are not yet supported by rootless containers. +If your container needs to be available on the network, build it in the root namespace. +Port bindings for rootless containers is available in upstream testing for podman 1.1.0 with slirp4netns v0.3.0. +// + +Build the image with a descriptive tag: + +---- +$ sudo podman build --tag fedora:myhttpd -f ./Dockerfile +---- + +The image will appear in the local registry: + +---- +$ sudo podman images +REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE +localhost/fedora myhttpd 223534b48a9c 3 minutes ago 474MB latest 8b38e3af7237 4 weeks ago 315MB +---- + +To make the application port available to the host device use the `--publish` or `-p` option with `hostPort:containerPort` numbers. +An IP can also be specified as well as ranges of ports. See the[man page] for more options. + +Run the container and publish the port: + +---- +$ sudo podman run -p 8080:80 --name myhttpd --rm fedora:myhttpd +---- + +View the port information: + +---- +$ sudo podman port myhttpd +80/tcp -> +---- + +Access the web page from the host device: + +---- +$ curl localhost:8080 +---- + +Access the web page from a remote location using the IP address of the host device and the published port number. + +Open firewall ports, services, or sources as needed. +The Fedora IoT image defaults to allowing any source on the same network through the interfaces option: + +---- +$ sudo firewall-cmd --list-all +public (active) + target: default + icmp-block-inversion: no + interfaces: eth0 + sources: + services: dhcpv6-client mdns ssh + ports: + protocols: + masquerade: no + forward-ports: + source-ports: + icmp-blocks: + rich rules: +---- + +Add a port with: + +---- +$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-port 8080/tcp +---- + +More information on the `firewall-cmd` command can be found at[^, role="ext-link"]. + +== Example: Interaction with GPIO interface + +The Fedora IoT image includes utilities for interacting with any GPIO interfaces: + +---- +$ sudo gpiodetect +---- + +Since the command requires privilege, create a container for an application that works with the GPIO interface in the root namespace. + +Start the Dockerfile with a FROM command to indicate the base image: + +---- +$ echo 'FROM fedora:latest' >> Dockerfile +---- + +Add a RUN command to update the image and add any application and utilities: + +---- +$ echo 'RUN dnf -y update && dnf -y install git libgpiod-utils python3-libgpiod && dnf clean all' >> Dockerfile +---- + +The fedora:latest image includes bash so we can go ahead and build the container without any specific applications to start or ports to expose. The command can be specified when we run the container. + +Build the image with a descriptive tag: + +---- +$ sudo podman build --tag fedora:gpio -f ./Dockerfile +---- + +The image will appear in the localhost registry for the root namespace: + +---- +$ sudo podman images +REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE +localhost/fedora gpio 655abf78e6b9 4 minutes ago 542MB latest 8b38e3af7237 4 weeks ago 315MB +---- + +To access the host GPIO device from the container, use the `--device` option when you start the container: + +---- +$ sudo podman run -it --name demo-gpio --device=/dev/gpiochip0 localhost/fedora:gpio /bin/bash +---- + +Verify you can see the GPIO device: + +---- +[root@167f31750fdb /]# gpiodetect +gpiochip0 [pinctrl-bcm2835] (54 lines) +---- + +Now that the device is available from the container, continue to use the installed tools or add addition applications. + +Examples for using `gpioset` can be found in a 2018 Fedora Magazine article: +[How to turn on an LED with Fedora IoT] + +Automate additional steps by modifying the Dockerfile and building a new container. + +The images do not have to be built from a Fedora container. +This Dockerfile uses a raspbian image and clones the[lightshowpi] project: + +---- +$ cat Dockerfile +FROM raspbian/stretch:latest +RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install git-core && apt-get -y clean +WORKDIR / +RUN git clone && \ + cd lightshowpi && git fetch && git checkout stable +---- + +The Docker documentation includes[Dockerfile best practices]. + +== Reusing and Sharing the Containers + +Once the container image is created it can be deployed to multiple devices by uploading it to a registry. + +Most registries require a naming convention of the 'useraccount/description:tag' and the default for most pull commands is to look for a container with a tag of 'latest'. +An image can have multiple tags and these tags are used to help identify architecture compatibility and version control. + +To rename or add a tag to a local image: + +---- +$ podman tag fedora:myhttpd testuser/fedora-myhttpd:latest +$ podman tag fedora:myhttpd +---- + +Both names will appear in the list of images but the image ID will be the same for each: + +---- +$ podman images +REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE +localhost/fedora myhttpd d52cbe4136e8 24 hours ago 428 MB +localhost/testuser/fedora-myhttpd latest d52cbe4136e8 24 hours ago 428 MB latest d52cbe4136e8 24 hours ago 428 MB latest 26ffec5b4a8a 4 weeks ago 283 MB +---- + +You can then push an image to a registry with `podman push imageID destination`. -Example for container with General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) support. - -Written with F28 +To extract the image to a local directory in a docker format: -Another option is a container for -Silva give an update on his cana kit experience here too: +---- +$ podman push dir:/tmp/fedora-myhttpd +---- -Also consider pritunl -This article compiles from source since there are not any aarch64 packages. - +For more exporting options, see the[podman-push] man page. -The site has install instructions for CentOS[here] and exists but only has x86_64 diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/run-container.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/run-container.adoc index 9bb2fba..a46d918 100644 --- a/modules/ROOT/pages/run-container.adoc +++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/run-container.adoc @@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ Listing the images available to root displays a different or empty list: $ sudo podman images ---- +Some actions can not be done with rootless containers. +Some devices and volumes will require that pull and run containers in the root namespace. +The current podman v1.0 also requires root for port publishing. +The next version will allow rootless port publishing. + Like remote images, local images can also be inspected: ---- @@ -127,11 +132,13 @@ bash-4.4# <5> == Publishing Ports -If your application listens on the network, you will need to map the container port to a local port on your device. -Add the `-p` option when you launch the container. +If your application listens on the network, you will need to map the container port to a local port on your device. +In the current version, publishing ports requires root so the image must be available in the root namespace. + +Add the `-p` option when you launch the container: ---- -$ podman run -p --name demo mydemohttp:latest +$ sudo podman run -p --name demo mydemohttp:latest ---- You can then connect to your application via @@ -140,6 +147,31 @@ The format is `ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containe Other options for publishing ports and many other run options are available and well documentation in the podman-run man page. +== Mapping a local directory + +You may want to have your application write logs or collect data to a directory on the host. +Some containers expect that customized configuration files are on the host device. +In both cases, you can create a bind mount with the `--volume` option. +Specify the host directory, the mount point inside the container, and any mount options. + +For example,[Home Assistant] expects the configuration files to be on the host device: + +---- +$ podman run -d --name="home-assistant" -v /home/pi/homeassistant:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant +---- + +== Mapping a local device + +The `--device` option will add a host device to the container. +Specify the host device name and optionally, the device name on the container and any permissions. +Some devices, like the GPIO device, will require root. + +To access the host GPIO device from the container: + +---- +$ sudo podman run -it --rm --name demo-gpio --device=/dev/gpiochip0 fedora:latest /bin/bash +---- + == Connect to a Running Container You can also connect to a running container. Specify the container name or ID and the command to execute: