codehotter / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

6602685 Ticket #604 - Required attribute not checked during search operation

Authored and Committed by Noriko Hosoi 11 years ago
    Ticket #604 - Required attribute not checked during search operation
    Bug description: If attribute list passed from the ldapsearch
    contains a string with a space and following characters, the
    same string is returned to the client.  E.g.,
      ldapsearch -b <basedn> "(filter)" "sn garbage"
      dn: <matched dn>
      sn garbage: <sn>
    Fix description: This patch introduces a config parameter
    nsslapd-search-return-original-type-switch.  It takes on | off.
    By default, it is off.  When it is off, search returns the
    attribute from which a space and following characters are
      dn: <matched dn>
      sn: <sn>
    If it is on, it respects the current behaviour and returns
    the original attribute string.
    Reviewed by Rich (Thank you!!)
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+21 -8
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