cgrzemba / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

f6b74ad Trac Ticket #346 - Slow ldapmodify operation time for large

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 11 years ago
    Trac Ticket #346 - Slow ldapmodify operation time for large
                       quantities of multi-valued attribute values
    Fix Description:
    Fix in "commit c0151f78509c35250095da6e2785842337963008" takes
    advantage of the knowledge on normalized attribute DNs.  When
    generating index keys from the attribute value, it has to be
    case normalized, but the attribute DN is normalized w/o the
    cases lowered.  This patch introduces attribute flags to
    distinguish the 2 cases:
      SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_NORMALIZED_CES - normalized but not case-
      SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_NORMALIZED_CIS - case-normalized
    And SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_NORMALIZED is the combination of the 2
    (cherry picked from commit 63d68b122dc5efe6cd0e73873e26c38ba8a2d2f4)
file modified
+1 -1
file modified
+1 -1