bstinson / ipsilon

Forked from ipsilon 6 years ago

8e22bf6 Styled the user consent page for openID Connect

4 files Authored by merlinthp 7 years ago, Committed by puiterwijk 7 years ago,
    Styled the user consent page for openID Connect
    This styles up the user consent page for openID Connect. It presents the
    list of items to consent centered in the middle of a fluid full-page
    layout, with the user action to accept or reject at the bottom of the
    There is a new master-user template that this page now uses to display
    the content, as the the master template uses the login-pf layout that
    does not work well with long lists of content.
    This is mostly Ryan Lerch's work from PR#96, with some minor CSS and
    HTML changes to make it consistent with the login page.
    Merges: #96
    Signed-off-by: Ryan Lerch <>
    Signed-off-by: Howard Johnson <>
    Reviewed-by: Patrick Uiterwijk <>
file modified
+32 -0
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+32 -0