bsmejkal / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

cab38f9 Ticket 50155 - password history check has no way to just check the current password

Authored and Committed by mreynolds 5 years ago
    Ticket 50155 - password history check has no way to just check the current password
    Description:  Currently if you set passwordinhistory 1, it checks the last
                  recorded password and the current password.  To get it to just
                  check the current password we need to allow "0" in passwordinhistory.
                  Then only check the current password, and not the entry's
                  passwordHistory attributes (if any).
                  Also added new "rebind" function to Accounts class to "rebind"
                  on the current connection.
    Reviewed by: firstyear & spichugi (Thanks!!)
file modified
+6 -1