bsmejkal / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

a370f8d Issue 50701 - Add additional healthchecks to dsconf

Authored and Committed by mreynolds 4 years ago
    Issue 50701 - Add additional healthchecks to dsconf
    Description:  New checks and several design changes have been implemented
      Design changes:
        - Moved to a "yield" design, where a lint function can return multiple results
        - Revised the lint report so it's easier to read and distiguish between multiple
        - Revised most lint errors to include CLI examples on how to fix the issue
      New Checks:
        - Check TLS certs for expired/expiring
        - Add RI plugin checks for missing indexes for RI member attributes
        - Added Disk Space check
        - Add Virtual Attribute index check
        - Add replication agmt status check
        - Add replication conflict entry check
        - File System checks (/etc/revolv.conf, and NSS pin files)
        - Replication changelog trimming
    Reviewed by: firstyear, mhonek, tbordaz, and spichugi (Thanks!!!!)
    add suggested changes
    Improved the replication agreement health checks to use the new
    state levels (red, amber, green), and we use that to generate
    different reports.
    Also improved report example autofilling of the values, so the exact
    commands can be copied and pasted.
    Added a changelog trimming check as well.
    Updated the help section to wanr that htehealthcheck feature should
    only be run on the local instance
    Moved healthcheck to dsctl and added file permission checks
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