bsmejkal / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

8350315 Issue 50754 - Add Restore Change Log option to CLI

Authored and Committed by spichugi 4 years ago
    Issue 50754 - Add Restore Change Log option to CLI
    Description: dsconf can export the changelog
    but there is no feature to import a changelog dump.
    Add the feature.
    Fix replication CLI parsers.
    Add 'copy_with_permissions' function to lib389.utils.
    usage: dsconf instance replication restore-changelog [-h] {from-ldif,from-changelogdir}
    positional arguments:
                            Replication Configuration
        from-ldif           Restore a single LDIF file.
        from-changelogdir   Restore LDIF files from changelogdir.
    Reviewed by: mreynolds (Thanks!)
file modified
+61 -3
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+10 -0