bsmejkal / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

2ca86fe Ticket 50340 - 2nd try - structs for diabled plugins will not be freed

1 file Authored by lkrispen 5 years ago, Committed by mreynolds 5 years ago,
    Ticket 50340 - 2nd try - structs for diabled plugins will not be freed
        Bug: when plugins are loaded from dse.ldif enabled plugins will be added to
                the list of the plugin type and freed when plugins are stopped.
                But the memory allocated for disabled plugins will remain allocated and
                and be reported.
        Fix: The previous fix did free not enabled plugins in plugin_setup, but
    	 that caused a lot of issues.
    	 This patch frees not enabled plugins in plugin_dependency_freeall
        Reviewed by:  ?
    Signed-off-by: Mark Reynolds <>
file modified
+8 -3