bsmejkal / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

058f4da Ticket 50709 - (cont) Several memory leaks reported by Valgrind for 389-ds

Authored and Committed by tbordaz 4 years ago
    Ticket 50709 - (cont) Several memory leaks reported by Valgrind for 389-ds
    Description of the problem:
            Original fix was incorrect as it set again in pblock (SLAPI_CONN_CLIENTNETADDR_ACLIP)
            the same structure. As old structure is freed during the slapi_pblock_set,
            pblock refers to a freed structure.
            Later an other threads using the same aclpb contain will use it after free
    Description of the fix:
    	Only sets in pblock a newly allocated structure
    Reviewed by: Mark Reynolds (Thanks !)