andreasn / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 6 years ago

3120a68 permission plugin: Output the extratargetfilter virtual attribute

6 files Authored by pviktori 10 years ago, Committed by mkosek 10 years ago,
    permission plugin: Output the extratargetfilter virtual attribute
    The --filter, --type, and --memberof options interact in a way that's
    difficult to recreate in the UI: type and memberof are "views" on the
    filter, they affect it and are affected by it
    Add a "extratagretfilter" view that only contains the filters
    not linked to type or memberof.
    Show extra target filter, and not the full target filter, by default;
    show both with --all, and full filter only with --raw.
    Write support will be added in a subsequent patch.
    Part of the work for:
    Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
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+6 -3
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+2 -2
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+33 -6