alciregi / fedora-join / Welcome-to-Fedora

Forked from a deleted repository 2 years ago

alciregi / fedora-join / Welcome-to-Fedora

Forked from a deleted repository 2 years ago
Welcome to Fedora community!
Members 1
Alessio committed 2 years ago


Welcome to Fedora!

Welcome to the Fedora community! We are the people that make the Fedora operating system (and all the other cool stuff around it)! This ticketing project is for new members looking to find their way in the community.

Please create a Fedora Account first! Everything in Fedora requires it.

Workflow Summary

The idea is summarised in this Community Blog post.

When a new person, say Jane, joins the Fedora community, she may or may not immediately know what she wants to do. If she doesn't, the Join SIG aims to help to explore the community and find a part that suits her interests.

So, when Jane gets in touch with the Join SIG, we go through the following steps together. Jane does not need to know any of this. We, the community, will handle it all :)

We use tags to mark the status of each ticket. Tags starting with "S:" track the status of the ticket from Jane's perspective. Tags starting with "C:" track the status of the ticket from the community's perspective. Tags starting with "I:" track Jane's interests.

  • We add Jane to the Fedora Join group on Pagure. This gives Jane permissions to interact with the Pagure projects that Fedora Join has.
  • We subscribe Jane to the Fedora Join mailing list. So people can interact also via e-mail, and can stay informed on what happens in the community. The associated tag is: S: Subscribed. The newcomer can always opt-out and unsubscribe from the mailing list.
  • Then, we open a new "Hello Fedora World" ticket for Jane. The associated tag is: S: Hello Fedora World.
  • We also add Jane to the Fedora Join group on Pagure so that Jane and other newcomers all get notifications from their tickets. This will help them all beware of what everyone is doing, and they can all go through the process together.
  • We ask Jane to tell the community a little about herself so that people can get to know her. The associated tag is: C: Introduction requested.
  • When Jane has introduced herself, we mark the ticket with the S: Introduced myself tag.
  • Jane can comment on the ticket whenever she needs to ask questions, to give feedback, or just to chat. When Jane needs a response, she can use the C: Needs response tag to gain the community's attention.
  • Jane then spends time exploring Fedora, speaking to people, learning how things work; all at her own pace. Jane is not expected to do any tasks at this time. The idea is for Jane to get comfortable with the Fedora community first and then dive into contributing by doing work.
  • From time to time, we check to see how Jane is doing. Each time we do so, we set a new tag:
    • At the first progress check, we will set the C: Progress check 1 tag.
    • If we do not hear from Jane in sometime, such as two weeks, we do a second progress check and set the C: Progress check 2 tag.
    • If we do not hear from Jane again, say for another two weeks, we do a third and final progress check. We set the C: Progress check 3 - Final tag.
    • If we do not hear from Jane here also (so, in total for about 6 weeks), we assume that Jane is inactive and close the ticket with the S: User unresponsive tag.
  • Some infrastructure in Fedora requires Jane to be part of a team or group on the Fedora Account System. We will give her temporary membership to the fedora-join FAS group if required. This can be requested by setting the C: Temporary membership needed tag to the ticket. After discussing the situation, if temporary membership to the FAS group is given, we will mark the ticket with the C: Temporary membership approved tag.
  • As Jane learns about the community, she will hopefully find tasks and teams that interest her. When she has joined a team, she has become a contributing Fedora community member! We mark the ticket as S: I am Fedora to celebrate this.
  • We collect feedback from new community members. For this, we use the S: Feedback.
  • Finally, when Jane feels that she no longer needs our help, we can close the ticket.
  • If due to certain circumstances Jane decides to give up on her efforts to contribute to the Fedora community we will close the ticket with the tag S: User closed