akshayshivekar / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

a64a2e9 Ticket 48922 - Fix crash when deleting backend while import is running

Authored and Committed by mreynolds 7 years ago
    Ticket 48922 - Fix crash when deleting backend while import is running
    Bug Description:  If you delete a backend from the config while an
                      import is running the server can crash.
    Fix Description:  When deleting a backend from the config wait for the
                      backend instance to not be busy before removing the
                      indexes.  Otherwise the dbenv is not stable and this
                      can cause the crash.
    Reviewed by: nhosoi(Thanks!)
    (cherry picked from commit 6c77c37ae5ce847ffa2bd75287dbd157c2f2d6af)