akasurde / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 7 years ago

f8c637d DNSSEC: prevent ipa-ods-exporter from looping after service auto-restart

1 file Authored by pspacek 8 years ago, Committed by mbasti 8 years ago,
    DNSSEC: prevent ipa-ods-exporter from looping after service auto-restart
    It might happen that systemd will restart the service even if there is
    no incomming connection to service socket. In that case we want to exit
    because HSM synchronization is done before socket.accept() and we want
    to synchronize HSM and DNS zones at the same time.
    Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Oleg Fayans <ofayans@redhat.com>