akasurde / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 7 years ago

861d1bb Fix SELinux errors caused by enabling TLS on dogtag 389-ds instance.

Authored and Committed by rcritten 13 years ago
    Fix SELinux errors caused by enabling TLS on dogtag 389-ds instance.
    This fixes 2 AVCS:
    * One because we are enabling port 7390 because an SSL port must be
      defined to use TLS On 7389.
    * We were symlinking to the main IPA 389-ds NSS certificate databsae.
      Instead generate a separate NSS database and certificate and have
      certmonger track it separately
    I also noticed some variable inconsistency in cainstance.py. Everywhere
    else we use self.fqdn and that was using self.host_name. I found it
    confusing so I fixed it.
    ticket 1085
file modified
+58 -15
file modified
+19 -0