akasurde / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 7 years ago

32dbf7f Make ipa-join work against an LDAP server that disallows anon binds

Authored and Committed by rcritten 12 years ago
    Make ipa-join work against an LDAP server that disallows anon binds
    We determine the realm in the client installer so we can deduce
    the base dn, pass that into ipa-join so we don't have to hunt for
    Re-order the bind so when doing an OTP enrollment so we can use the host
    entry to authenticate before we retrieve the subject base, then initiate
    the enrollment.
    If ipa-join is called without a basedn it will still attempt to
    determine it, but it will fail if anonymous binds are not allowed.
file modified
+88 -106
file modified
+4 -1