ahmedzk / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 2 years ago

81b220a Navigation and redirection to various facets

3 files Authored by pvoborni 12 years ago, Committed by edewata 12 years ago,
    Navigation and redirection to various facets
    In current implementation target facet of navigation(from menu) and redirection is always one exact facet per entity. There isn't a way to navigate to different facet from menu or redirect to different facets from various facets.
    This patch adds:
     * possibility to define menu items which can navigate to different facets of various entities. This also means that now current menu tree can contain leafs with the same entity.
     * possibility to define redirection target per facet - it is needed to keep breadcrumb navigation consistent with various navigation tree patch leading to same entity leafs.
    This functionality is needed for Automember UI. Automember UI is designed as if it was for two entities but it is in fact only one.
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+3 -2
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+52 -27
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+40 -4