#681 Add Kerberos + LDAP Authentication
Merged 6 years ago by ralph. Opened 6 years ago by mprahl.

file modified
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ 




+ .vscode

file modified
@@ -641,6 +641,30 @@ 

    value, DevConfiguration is forced and ``config.py`` is used directly from the

    MBS's develop instance. For more information see ``docs/CONTRIBUTING.rst``.



+ Setting Up Kerberos + LDAP Authentication

+ =========================================


+ MBS defaults to using OIDC as its authentication mechanism. It additionally

+ supports Kerberos + LDAP, where Kerberos proves the user's identity and LDAP

+ is used to determine the user's group membership. To configure this, the following

+ must be set in ``/etc/module-build-service/config.py``:


+ - ``AUTH_METHOD`` must be set to ``'kerberos'``.

+ - ``KERBEROS_HTTP_HOST`` can override the hostname MBS will present itself as when

+   performing Kerberos authentication. If this is not set, Python will try to guess the

+   hostname of the server.

+ - ``KERBEROS_KEYTAB`` is the path to the keytab used by MBS. If this is not set,

+   the environment variable ``KRB5_KTNAME`` will be used.

+ - ``LDAP_URI`` is the URI to connect to LDAP (e.g. ``'ldaps://ldap.domain.local:636'``

+   or ``'ldap://ldap.domain.local'``).

+ - ``LDAP_GROUPS_DN`` is the distinguished name of the container or organizational unit where groups

+   are located (e.g. ``'ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=local'``). MBS does not search the tree below the

+   distinguished name specified here for security reasons because it ensures common names are

+   unique.

+ - ``ALLOWED_GROUPS`` and ``ADMIN_GROUPS`` both need to declare the common name of the LDAP groups,

+   not the distinguished name.





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@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ 


      KOJI_REPOSITORY_URL = 'https://kojipkgs.stg.fedoraproject.org/repos'

      SCMURLS = ["git://pkgs.stg.fedoraproject.org/modules/"]

+     AUTH_METHOD = 'oidc'



  class ProdConfiguration(BaseConfiguration):

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+189 -11
@@ -20,14 +20,33 @@ 



  # Written by Jan Kaluza <jkaluza@redhat.com>

+ # Written by Matt Prahl <mprahl@redhat.com>


  """Auth system based on the client certificate and FAS account"""

+ import json

+ import os

+ from socket import gethostname

+ import ssl


+ import requests

+ import kerberos

+ from flask import Response

+ # Starting with Flask 0.9, the _app_ctx_stack is the correct one,

+ # before that we need to use the _request_ctx_stack.

+ try:

+     from flask import _app_ctx_stack as stack

+ except ImportError:

+     from flask import _request_ctx_stack as stack

+ from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized as FlaskUnauthorized

+ import ldap3

+ from dogpile.cache import make_region


  from module_build_service.errors import Unauthorized, Forbidden

- from module_build_service import app, log

+ from module_build_service import app, log, conf


- import requests

- import json


+ client_secrets = None

+ region = make_region().configure('dogpile.cache.memory')



  def _json_loads(content):
@@ -35,8 +54,6 @@ 

          content = content.decode('utf-8')

      return json.loads(content)


- client_secrets = None



  def _load_secrets():

      global client_secrets
@@ -80,15 +97,10 @@ 

      return resp.json()



- def get_user(request):

+ def get_user_oidc(request):


      Returns the client's username and groups based on the OIDC token provided.



-     if app.config['NO_AUTH'] is True:

-         log.debug("Authorization is disabled.")

-         return "anonymous", {"packager"}




      if "authorization" not in request.headers:
@@ -139,3 +151,169 @@ 

          raise Exception(error)


      return data["username"], groups



+ # Insired by https://pagure.io/waiverdb/blob/master/f/waiverdb/auth.py which was

+ # inspired by https://github.com/mkomitee/flask-kerberos/blob/master/flask_kerberos.py

+ class KerberosAuthenticate(object):

+     def __init__(self):

+         if conf.kerberos_http_host:

+             hostname = conf.kerberos_http_host

+         else:

+             hostname = gethostname()

+         self.service_name = "HTTP@{0}".format(hostname)


+         # If the config specifies a keytab to use, then override the KRB5_KTNAME

+         # environment variable

+         if conf.kerberos_keytab:

+             os.environ['KRB5_KTNAME'] = conf.kerberos_keytab


+         if 'KRB5_KTNAME' in os.environ:

+             try:

+                 principal = kerberos.getServerPrincipalDetails('HTTP', hostname)

+             except kerberos.KrbError as error:

+                 raise Unauthorized(

+                     'Kerberos: authentication failed with "{0}"'.format(str(error)))


+             log.debug('Kerberos: server is identifying as "{0}"'.format(principal))

+         else:

+             raise Unauthorized('Kerberos: set the config value of "KERBEROS_KEYTAB" or the '

+                                'environment variable "KRB5_KTNAME" to your keytab file')


+     def _gssapi_authenticate(self, token):

+         """

+         Performs GSSAPI Negotiate Authentication

+         On success also stashes the server response token for mutual authentication

+         at the top of request context with the name kerberos_token, along with the

+         authenticated user principal with the name kerberos_user.

+         """

+         state = None

+         ctx = stack.top

+         try:

+             rc, state = kerberos.authGSSServerInit(self.service_name)

+             if rc != kerberos.AUTH_GSS_COMPLETE:

+                 log.error('Kerberos: unable to initialize server context')

+                 return None


+             rc = kerberos.authGSSServerStep(state, token)

+             if rc == kerberos.AUTH_GSS_COMPLETE:

+                 log.debug('Kerberos: completed GSSAPI negotiation')

+                 ctx.kerberos_token = kerberos.authGSSServerResponse(state)

+                 ctx.kerberos_user = kerberos.authGSSServerUserName(state)

+                 return rc

+             elif rc == kerberos.AUTH_GSS_CONTINUE:

+                 log.debug('Kerberos: continuing GSSAPI negotiation')

+                 return kerberos.AUTH_GSS_CONTINUE

+             else:

+                 log.debug('Kerberos: unable to step server context')

+                 return None

+         except kerberos.GSSError as error:

+             log.error('Kerberos: unable to authenticate: {0}'.format(str(error)))

+             return None

+         finally:

+             if state:

+                 kerberos.authGSSServerClean(state)


+     def process_request(self, token):

+         """

+         Authenticates the current request using Kerberos.

+         """

+         kerberos_user = None

+         kerberos_token = None

+         ctx = stack.top

+         rc = self._gssapi_authenticate(token)

+         if rc == kerberos.AUTH_GSS_COMPLETE:

+             kerberos_user = ctx.kerberos_user

+             kerberos_token = ctx.kerberos_token

+         elif rc != kerberos.AUTH_GSS_CONTINUE:

+             raise Forbidden('Invalid Kerberos ticket')


+         return kerberos_user, kerberos_token



+ def get_user_kerberos(request):

+     user = None

+     if 'Authorization' not in request.headers:

+         response = Response('Unauthorized', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Negotiate'})

+         raise FlaskUnauthorized(response=response)

+     header = request.headers.get('Authorization')

+     token = ''.join(header.strip().split()[1:])

+     user, kerberos_token = KerberosAuthenticate().process_request(token)

+     # Remove the realm

+     user = user.split('@')[0]

+     groups = get_ldap_group_membership(user)

+     return user, set(groups)



+ @region.cache_on_arguments()

+ def get_ldap_group_membership(uid):

+     """ Small wrapper on getting the group membership so that we can use caching

+     :param uid: a string of the uid of the user

+     :return: a list of groups the user is a member of

+     """

+     ldap_con = Ldap()

+     return ldap_con.get_user_membership(uid)



+ class Ldap(object):

+     """ A class that handles LDAP connections and queries

+     """

+     connection = None

+     base_dn = None


+     def __init__(self):

+         if not conf.ldap_uri:

+             raise Forbidden('LDAP_URI must be set in server config.')

+         if conf.ldap_groups_dn:

+             self.base_dn = conf.ldap_groups_dn

+         else:

+             raise Forbidden('LDAP_GROUPS_DN must be set in server config.')


+         if conf.ldap_uri.startswith('ldaps://'):

+             tls = ldap3.Tls(ca_certs_file='/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',

+                             validate=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)

+             server = ldap3.Server(conf.ldap_uri, use_ssl=True, tls=tls)

+         else:

+             server = ldap3.Server(conf.ldap_uri)

+         self.connection = ldap3.Connection(server)

+         try:

+             self.connection.open()

+         except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPSocketOpenError as error:

+             log.error('The connection to "{0}" failed. The following error was raised: {1}'

+                       .format(conf.ldap_uri, str(error)))

+             raise Forbidden('The connection to the LDAP server failed. Group membership '

+                             'couldn\'t be obtained.')


+     def get_user_membership(self, uid):

+         """ Gets the group membership of a user

+         :param uid: a string of the uid of the user

+         :return: a list of common names of the posixGroups the user is a member of

+         """

+         ldap_filter = '(memberUid={0})'.format(uid)

+         # Only get the groups in the base container/OU

+         self.connection.search(self.base_dn, ldap_filter, search_scope=ldap3.LEVEL,

+                                attributes=['cn'])

+         groups = self.connection.response

+         try:

+             return [group['attributes']['cn'][0] for group in groups]

+         except KeyError:

+             log.exception('The LDAP groups could not be determined based on the search results '

+                           'of "{0}"'.format(str(groups)))

+             return []



+ def get_user(request):

+     """ Authenticates the user and returns the username and group name

+     :param request: a Flask request

+     :return: a tuple with a string representing the user name and a set with the user's group

+     membership such as ('mprahl', {'factory2', 'devel'})

+     """

+     if conf.no_auth is True:

+         log.debug('Authorization is disabled.')

+         return 'anonymous', {'packager'}


+     get_user_func_name = 'get_user_{0}'.format(conf.auth_method)

+     get_user_func = globals().get(get_user_func_name)

+     if not get_user_func:

+         raise RuntimeError('The function "{0}" is not implemented'.format(get_user_func_name))

+     return get_user_func(request)

@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ 


  import imp

  import os

+ import re


  from os import sys

@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ 

          if 'MBS_CONFIG_SECTION' in app.request.environ:

              config_section = app.request.environ['MBS_CONFIG_SECTION']

      # TestConfiguration shall only be used for running tests, otherwise...

-     if any(['nosetests' in arg or 'noserunner.py' in arg or 'py.test' in arg or 'pytest.py' in arg for arg in sys.argv]):

+     if any(['nosetests' in arg or 'noserunner.py' in arg or 'py.test' in arg or 'pytest' in arg for arg in sys.argv]):

          config_section = 'TestConfiguration'

          from conf import config

          config_module = config
@@ -358,6 +359,29 @@ 

              'type': list,

              'default': ['/etc/module-build-service/yum.conf', 'conf/yum.conf'],

              'desc': 'List of yum config file paths in order of preference.'},

+         'auth_method': {

+             'type': str,

+             'default': 'oidc',

+             'desc': 'Authentiation method to MBS. Options are oidc or kerberos'},

+         'kerberos_http_host': {

+             'type': str,

+             'default': '',

+             'desc': ('Hardcodes the HTTP host MBS identifies as in Kerberos. If this isn\'t set, '

+                      'it will be derived dynamically.')},

+         'kerberos_keytab': {

+             'type': str,

+             'default': '',

+             'desc': ('Overrides the use of the environment variable KRB5_KTNAME, which specifies '

+                      'the location to the Kerberos keytab for authentication.')},

+         'ldap_uri': {

+             'type': str,

+             'default': '',

+             'desc': 'LDAP URI to query for group information when using Kerberos authentication'},

+         'ldap_groups_dn': {

+             'type': str,

+             'default': '',

+             'desc': ('The distinguished name of the container or organizational unit containing '

+                      'the groups in LDAP')}



      def __init__(self, conf_section_obj):
@@ -488,3 +512,26 @@ 

          if i < 0:

              raise ValueError('NUM_CONCURRENT_BUILDS must be >= 0')

          self._num_concurrent_builds = i


+     def _setifok_auth_method(self, s):

+         s = str(s)

+         if s.lower() not in ('oidc', 'kerberos'):

+             raise ValueError('Unsupported authentication method')

+         self._auth_method = s.lower()


+     def _setifok_kerberos_keytab(self, s):

+         keytab = str(s)

+         if keytab:

+             keytab = os.path.expanduser(keytab)

+             if not os.path.exists(keytab):

+                 raise ValueError('The path set for KERBEROS_KEYTAB does not exist')


+         self._kerberos_keytab = keytab


+     def _setifok_ldap_uri(self, s):

+         ldap_uri = str(s)


+         if ldap_uri and not re.match(r'^(?:ldap(?:s)?:\/\/.+)$', ldap_uri):

+             raise ValueError('LDAP_URI is invalid. It must start with "ldap://" or "ldaps://"')


+         self._ldap_uri = ldap_uri

file modified
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ 

  funcsigs # Python2 only

  futures # Python 2 only


+ kerberos


+ ldap3




file modified
+202 -9
@@ -19,16 +19,21 @@ 



  # Written by Ralph Bean <rbean@redhat.com>

+ # Written by Matt Prahl <mprahl@redhat.com>

+ from os import path, environ


  from nose.tools import eq_


  import unittest

  import mock

- from mock import patch

+ from mock import patch, PropertyMock, Mock

+ import kerberos

+ import ldap3

+ from flask import Response

+ from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized as FlaskUnauthorized


  import module_build_service.auth

  import module_build_service.errors

- from os import path

+ import module_build_service.config as mbs_config



  class TestAuthModule(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -100,12 +105,12 @@ 

              eq_(username, name)

              eq_(groups, set(get_user_info.return_value["groups"]))


-     def test_disable_authentication(self):

-         with patch.dict('module_build_service.app.config', {'NO_AUTH': True}, clear=True):

-             request = mock.MagicMock()

-             username, groups = module_build_service.auth.get_user(request)

-             eq_(username, "anonymous")

-             eq_(groups, {"packager"})

+     @patch.object(mbs_config.Config, 'no_auth', new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=True)

+     def test_disable_authentication(self, conf_no_auth):

+         request = mock.MagicMock()

+         username, groups = module_build_service.auth.get_user(request)

+         eq_(username, "anonymous")

+         eq_(groups, {"packager"})


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.client_secrets', None)

      def test_misconfiguring_oidc_client_secrets_should_be_failed(self):
@@ -173,3 +178,191 @@ 



                                "OIDC_REQUIRED_SCOPE must be set in server config.")



+ class KerberosMockConfig(object):

+     def __init__(self, uri='ldaps://test.example.local:636', dn='ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=local',

+                  kt='/path/to/keytab', host='mbs.domain.local'):

+         """

+         :param uri: a string overriding config.ldap_uri

+         :param dn: a string overriding config.ldap_groups_dn

+         :param kt: a string overriding config.kerberos_keytab

+         :param host: a string overriding config.kerberos_http_host

+         """

+         self.uri = uri

+         self.dn = dn

+         self.kt = kt

+         self.host = host


+     def __enter__(self):

+         self.auth_method_p = patch.object(

+             mbs_config.Config, 'auth_method', new_callable=PropertyMock)

+         mocked_auth_method = self.auth_method_p.start()

+         mocked_auth_method.return_value = 'kerberos'


+         self.ldap_uri_p = patch.object(

+             mbs_config.Config, 'ldap_uri', new_callable=PropertyMock)

+         mocked_ldap_uri = self.ldap_uri_p.start()

+         mocked_ldap_uri.return_value = self.uri


+         self.ldap_dn_p = patch.object(

+             mbs_config.Config, 'ldap_groups_dn', new_callable=PropertyMock)

+         mocked_ldap_dn = self.ldap_dn_p.start()

+         mocked_ldap_dn.return_value = self.dn


+         self.kerberos_keytab_p = patch.object(

+             mbs_config.Config, 'kerberos_keytab', new_callable=PropertyMock)

+         mocked_kerberos_keytab = self.kerberos_keytab_p.start()

+         mocked_kerberos_keytab.return_value = self.kt


+         self.kerberos_http_host_p = patch.object(

+             mbs_config.Config, 'kerberos_http_host', new_callable=PropertyMock)

+         mocked_kerberos_http_host = self.kerberos_http_host_p.start()

+         mocked_kerberos_http_host.return_value = self.host


+     def __exit__(self, *args):

+         self.auth_method_p.stop()

+         self.ldap_uri_p.stop()

+         self.ldap_dn_p.stop()

+         self.kerberos_keytab_p.stop()

+         self.kerberos_http_host_p.stop()



+ class TestAuthModuleKerberos(unittest.TestCase):

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerInit', return_value=(kerberos.AUTH_GSS_COMPLETE, object()))

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerStep', return_value=kerberos.AUTH_GSS_COMPLETE)

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerResponse', return_value='STOKEN')

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerUserName', return_value='mprahl@EXAMPLE.ORG')

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerClean')

+     @patch('kerberos.getServerPrincipalDetails')

+     @patch.dict('os.environ')

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.stack')

+     def test_get_user_kerberos(self, stack, principal, clean, name, response,

+                                step, init):

+         """

+         Test that authentication works with Kerberos and LDAP

+         """

+         mock_top = Mock()

+         stack.return_value = mock_top


+         headers = {'Authorization': 'foobar'}

+         request = mock.MagicMock()

+         request.headers.return_value = mock.MagicMock(spec_set=dict)

+         request.headers.__getitem__.side_effect = headers.__getitem__

+         request.headers.__setitem__.side_effect = headers.__setitem__

+         request.headers.__contains__.side_effect = headers.__contains__


+         # Create the mock LDAP instance

+         server = ldap3.Server('ldaps://test.domain.local')

+         connection = ldap3.Connection(server, client_strategy=ldap3.MOCK_SYNC)

+         base_dn = 'dc=domain,dc=local'

+         factory_group_attrs = {

+             'objectClass': ['top', 'posixGroup'],

+             'memberUid': ['mprahl', 'tbrady'],

+             'gidNumber': 1234,

+             'cn': ['factory2-devs']

+         }

+         devs_group_attrs = {

+             'objectClass': ['top', 'posixGroup'],

+             'memberUid': ['mprahl', 'mikeb'],

+             'gidNumber': 1235,

+             'cn': ['devs']

+         }

+         athletes_group_attrs = {

+             'objectClass': ['top', 'posixGroup'],

+             'memberUid': ['tbrady', 'rgronkowski'],

+             'gidNumber': 1236,

+             'cn': ['athletes']

+         }

+         mprahl_attrs = {

+             'memberOf': ['cn=Employee,ou=groups,{0}'.format(base_dn)],

+             'uid': ['mprahl'],

+             'cn': ['mprahl'],

+             'objectClass': ['top', 'person']

+         }

+         connection.strategy.add_entry('cn=factory2-devs,ou=groups,{0}'.format(base_dn),

+                                       factory_group_attrs)

+         connection.strategy.add_entry('cn=athletes,ou=groups,{0}'.format(base_dn),

+                                       athletes_group_attrs)

+         connection.strategy.add_entry('cn=devs,ou=groups,{0}'.format(base_dn), devs_group_attrs)

+         connection.strategy.add_entry('cn=mprahl,ou=users,{0}'.format(base_dn), mprahl_attrs)


+         groups = {'devs', 'factory2-devs'}

+         with patch('ldap3.Connection') as mock_ldap_con, KerberosMockConfig():

+             mock_ldap_con.return_value = connection

+             assert module_build_service.auth.get_user_kerberos(request) == ('mprahl', groups)


+     def test_auth_header_not_set(self):

+         """

+         Test that an Unauthorized exception is returned when there is no authorization header

+         set.

+         """

+         headers = {}

+         request = mock.MagicMock()

+         request.headers.return_value = mock.MagicMock(spec_set=dict)

+         request.headers.__getitem__.side_effect = headers.__getitem__

+         request.headers.__setitem__.side_effect = headers.__setitem__

+         request.headers.__contains__.side_effect = headers.__contains__


+         with KerberosMockConfig():

+             try:

+                 module_build_service.auth.get_user_kerberos(request)

+                 assert False, 'Unauthorized error not raised'

+             except FlaskUnauthorized as error:

+                 assert error.response.www_authenticate.to_header().strip() == 'Negotiate'

+                 assert error.response.status == '401 UNAUTHORIZED'


+     @patch.dict(environ)

+     def test_keytab_not_set(self):

+         """

+         Test that authentication fails when the keytab is not set

+         """

+         if 'KRB5_KTNAME' in environ:

+             del environ['KRB5_KTNAME']


+         headers = {'Authorization': 'foobar'}

+         request = mock.MagicMock()

+         request.headers.return_value = mock.MagicMock(spec_set=dict)

+         request.headers.__getitem__.side_effect = headers.__getitem__

+         request.headers.__setitem__.side_effect = headers.__setitem__

+         request.headers.__contains__.side_effect = headers.__contains__


+         with KerberosMockConfig(kt=''):

+             try:

+                 module_build_service.auth.get_user_kerberos(request)

+                 assert False, 'Unauthorized error not raised'

+             except module_build_service.errors.Unauthorized as error:

+                 assert str(error) == ('Kerberos: set the config value of "KERBEROS_KEYTAB" '

+                                       'or the environment variable "KRB5_KTNAME" to your '

+                                       'keytab file')


+     # Set the return value to something not 0 (continue) or 1 (complete)

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerInit', return_value=(100, object()))

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerStep', return_value=kerberos.AUTH_GSS_COMPLETE)

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerResponse', return_value='STOKEN')

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerUserName', return_value='mprahl@EXAMPLE.ORG')

+     @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerClean')

+     @patch('kerberos.getServerPrincipalDetails')

+     @patch.dict('os.environ')

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.stack')

+     def test_get_user_kerberos_invalid_ticket(self, stack, principal, clean, name, response,

+                                               step, init):

+         """

+         Test that authentication fails with an invalid Kerberos ticket

+         """

+         mock_top = Mock()

+         stack.return_value = mock_top


+         headers = {'Authorization': 'foobar'}

+         request = mock.MagicMock()

+         request.headers.return_value = mock.MagicMock(spec_set=dict)

+         request.headers.__getitem__.side_effect = headers.__getitem__

+         request.headers.__setitem__.side_effect = headers.__setitem__

+         request.headers.__contains__.side_effect = headers.__contains__


+         with KerberosMockConfig():

+             try:

+                 module_build_service.auth.get_user_kerberos(request)

+                 assert False, 'Forbidden error not raised'

+             except module_build_service.errors.Forbidden as error:

+                 assert str(error) == ('Invalid Kerberos ticket')

no initial comment

/cc @puiterwijk, we won't be using this in Fedora.. but it touches authn/z code. Do you want to have a look?

Looks good to me, but I haven't tried if it really works and I have no big knowledge of kerberos :)

The same with me and Kerberos. :)

But as of LDAP, I would suggest another option enforcing/checking LDAP over TLS/SSL by default. Or maybe even something like implementing TLS_REQCERT option (see ldap.conf(5)).

Just a suggestion...

Needs to be rebased on master now.

@fivaldi if I include that then I need to include other options such as the path to the CA file that signed the LDAP server's certification. As of now if you specify ldaps://domain.local:636, it does SSL, it just doesn't validate the cert.

Edit: I'll take a look and see how difficult that is.

rebased onto 8db5de5

6 years ago

3 new commits added

  • Add Kerberos + LDAP authentication support
  • Support calling the tests by using pytest instead of just py.test
  • Add .vscode to .gitignore
6 years ago

5 new commits added

  • Only search for LDAP posixGroups in base container
  • Enforce certificate verification on LDAPS connections
  • Add Kerberos + LDAP authentication support
  • Support calling the tests by using pytest instead of just py.test
  • Add .vscode to .gitignore
6 years ago

5 new commits added

  • Only search for LDAP posixGroups in base container
  • Enforce certificate verification on LDAPS connections
  • Add Kerberos + LDAP authentication support
  • Support calling the tests by using pytest instead of just py.test
  • Add .vscode to .gitignore
6 years ago

5 new commits added

  • Only search for LDAP posixGroups in base container
  • Enforce certificate verification on LDAPS connections
  • Add Kerberos + LDAP authentication support
  • Support calling the tests by using pytest instead of just py.test
  • Add .vscode to .gitignore
6 years ago

I don't think this should ever happen but I added it here as a protection. Should we remove this?

You're actually returning the common name of the groups.

If you keep it, you should add a log.exception("Failed to find groups") statement.

3 new commits added

  • Add Kerberos + LDAP authentication support
  • Support calling the tests by using pytest instead of just py.test
  • Add .vscode to .gitignore
6 years ago

Commit fa8ac20 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by rbean@redhat.com

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by ralph

6 years ago