#665 Changes in MBS restful API
Merged 7 years ago by fivaldi. Opened 7 years ago by fivaldi.
fivaldi/fm-orchestrator fivaldi_component_api  into  master

Changes in MBS restful API:
Filip Valder • 7 years ago  
file modified
+51 -9
@@ -79,10 +79,9 @@ 

  Client-side API



- The orchestrator implements a RESTful interface for module build

- submission and state querying. Not all REST methods are supported. See

- below for details. For client tooling which utilizes the API, please

- refer to `Client tooling`_ section.

+ The MBS implements a RESTful interface for module build submission and state

+ querying. Not all REST methods are supported. See below for details. For client

+ tooling which utilizes the API, please refer to `Client tooling`_ section.


  Module build submission

@@ -158,11 +157,11 @@ 




- "id" is the ID of the task. "state" refers to the orchestrator module

- build state and might be one of "init", "wait", "build", "done", "failed" or

- "ready". "tasks" is a dictionary of information about the individual component

- builds including their IDs in the backend buildsystem, their state, a reason

- for their state, and the NVR (if known).

+ "id" is the ID of the task. "state" refers to the MBS module build state and

+ might be one of "init", "wait", "build", "done", "failed" or "ready". "tasks"

+ is a dictionary of information about the individual component builds including

+ their IDs in the backend buildsystem, their state, a reason for their state,

+ and the NVR (if known).


  By adding ``?verbose=1`` to the request, additional detailed information

  about the module can be obtained.
@@ -409,6 +408,49 @@ 

          "total": 3



+ Component build state query

+ ---------------------------


+ Getting particular component build is very similar to a module build query.


+ ::


+     GET /module-build-service/1/component-builds/1


+ The response, if the build exists, would include various pieces of information

+ about the referenced component build.


+ ::


+     HTTP 200 OK


+ ::


+     {

+         "format": "rpms", 

+         "id": 1, 

+         "module_build": 1, 

+         "package": "nginx", 

+         "state": 1, 

+         "state_name": "COMPLETE", 

+         "state_reason": null, 

+         "task_id": 12312345

+     }


+ "id" is the ID of the component build. "state_name" refers to the MBS component

+ build state and might be one of "COMPLETE", "FAILED", "CANCELED". "task_id"

+ is a related task ID in the backend buildsystem, their state and a reason

+ for their state. "module_build" refers to the module build ID for which this

+ component was built. "format" is typically "rpms", since we're building it

+ and "package" is simply the package name.


+ By adding ``?verbose=1`` to the request, additional detailed information

+ about the component can be obtained.


+ ::


+     GET /module-build-service/1/component-builds/1?verbose=1


  Listing component builds



file modified
+52 -44
@@ -79,6 +79,19 @@ 

  INVERSE_BUILD_STATES = {v: k for k, v in BUILD_STATES.items()}



+ def _utc_datetime_to_iso(datetime_object):

+     """

+     Takes a UTC datetime object and returns an ISO formatted string

+     :param datetime_object: datetime.datetime

+     :return: string with datetime in ISO format

+     """

+     if datetime_object:

+         # Converts the datetime to ISO 8601

+         return datetime_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")


+     return None




  def _dummy_context_mgr():

@@ -290,8 +303,8 @@ 

              return []


          local_modules = [m for m in local_modules

-                          if m.koji_tag

-                          and m.koji_tag.startswith(conf.mock_resultsdir)]

+                          if m.koji_tag and

+                          m.koji_tag.startswith(conf.mock_resultsdir)]

          return local_modules


@@ -335,59 +348,37 @@ 

      def json(self):

          return {

              'id': self.id,

-             'name': self.name,

-             'stream': self.stream,

-             'version': self.version,

              'state': self.state,

              'state_name': INVERSE_BUILD_STATES[self.state],

              'state_reason': self.state_reason,

-             'state_url': get_url_for('module_build', id=self.id),

-             'scmurl': self.scmurl,

              'owner': self.owner,

-             'time_submitted': self._utc_datetime_to_iso(self.time_submitted),

-             'time_modified': self._utc_datetime_to_iso(self.time_modified),

-             'time_completed': self._utc_datetime_to_iso(self.time_completed),

-             "tasks": self.tasks(),

+             'name': self.name,

+             'scmurl': self.scmurl,

+             'time_submitted': _utc_datetime_to_iso(self.time_submitted),

+             'time_modified': _utc_datetime_to_iso(self.time_modified),

+             'time_completed': _utc_datetime_to_iso(self.time_completed),

+             'koji_tag': self.koji_tag,

+             'tasks': self.tasks(),

+         }


+     def extended_json(self):

+         json = self.json()

+         json.update({

+             'stream': self.stream,

+             'version': self.version,

+             'state_url': get_url_for('module_build', id=self.id),

              # TODO, show their entire .json() ?

              'component_builds': [build.id for build in self.component_builds],

              'modulemd': self.modulemd,

-             'koji_tag': self.koji_tag,

-             'state_trace': [{'time': self._utc_datetime_to_iso(record.state_time),

+             'state_trace': [{'time': _utc_datetime_to_iso(record.state_time),

                               'state': record.state,

                               'state_name': INVERSE_BUILD_STATES[record.state],

                               'reason': record.state_reason}

                              for record

                              in self.state_trace(self.id)]

-         }


-     @staticmethod

-     def _utc_datetime_to_iso(datetime_object):

-         """

-         Takes a UTC datetime object and returns an ISO formatted string

-         :param datetime_object: datetime.datetime

-         :return: string with datetime in ISO format

-         """

-         if datetime_object:

-             # Converts the datetime to ISO 8601

-             return datetime_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")


-         return None

+         })


-     def api_json(self):

-         return {

-             "id": self.id,

-             "state": self.state,

-             'state_name': INVERSE_BUILD_STATES[self.state],

-             'state_reason': self.state_reason,

-             "owner": self.owner,

-             "name": self.name,

-             "scmurl": self.scmurl,

-             "time_submitted": self._utc_datetime_to_iso(self.time_submitted),

-             "time_modified": self._utc_datetime_to_iso(self.time_modified),

-             "time_completed": self._utc_datetime_to_iso(self.time_completed),

-             "koji_tag": self.koji_tag,

-             "tasks": self.tasks()

-         }

+         return json


      def tasks(self):

@@ -435,7 +426,7 @@ 

          retval = {

              'id': self.id,

              'module_id': self.module_id,

-             'state_time': self._utc_datetime_to_iso(self.state_time),

+             'state_time': _utc_datetime_to_iso(self.state_time),

              'state': self.state,

              'state_reason': self.state_reason,

@@ -495,6 +486,10 @@ 

          return session.query(cls).filter_by(

              package=component_name, module_id=module_id).first()


+     def state_trace(self, component_id):

+         return ComponentBuildTrace.query.filter_by(

+             component_id=component_id).order_by(ComponentBuildTrace.state_time).all()


      def json(self):

          retval = {

              'id': self.id,
@@ -516,6 +511,19 @@ 


          return retval


+     def extended_json(self):

+         json = self.json()

+         json.update({

+             'state_trace': [{'time': _utc_datetime_to_iso(record.state_time),

+                              'state': record.state,

+                              'state_name': INVERSE_BUILD_STATES[record.state],

+                              'reason': record.state_reason}

+                             for record

+                             in self.state_trace(self.id)]

+         })


+         return json


      def __repr__(self):

          return "<ComponentBuild %s, %r, state: %r, task_id: %r, batch: %r, state_reason: %s>" % (

              self.package, self.module_id, self.state, self.task_id, self.batch, self.state_reason)
@@ -536,7 +544,7 @@ 

          retval = {

              'id': self.id,

              'component_id': self.component_id,

-             'state_time': self._utc_datetime_to_iso(self.state_time),

+             'state_time': _utc_datetime_to_iso(self.state_time),

              'state': self.state,

              'state_reason': self.state_reason,

              'task_id': self.task_id,

@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ 

      log.info("Found build=%r from message" % build)

      log.info("%r", build.modulemd)


-     module_info = build.json()

+     module_info = build.extended_json()

      if module_info['state'] != msg.module_build_state:

          log.warn("Note that retrieved module state %r "

                   "doesn't match message module state %r" % (

file modified
+24 -16
@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ 

              'methods': ['GET'],



+     'component_build': {

+         'url': '/module-build-service/1/component-builds/<int:id>',

+         'options': {

+             'methods': ['GET'],

+         }

+     },



@@ -84,23 +90,23 @@ 



              if verbose_flag.lower() == 'true' or verbose_flag == '1':

-                 json_data['items'] = [item.api_json() for item in p_query.items]

+                 json_data['items'] = [item.extended_json() for item in p_query.items]


                  json_data['items'] = [{'id': item.id, 'state': item.state} for

                                        item in p_query.items]


              return jsonify(json_data), 200


-             # Lists details for the specified module builds

-             module = models.ComponentBuild.query.filter_by(id=id).first()

+             # Lists details for the specified component builds

+             component = models.ComponentBuild.query.filter_by(id=id).first()


-             if module:

+             if component:

                  if verbose_flag.lower() == 'true' or verbose_flag == '1':

-                     return jsonify(module.json()), 200

+                     return jsonify(component.extended_json()), 200


-                     return jsonify(module.api_json()), 200

+                     return jsonify(component.json()), 200


-                 raise NotFound('No such module found.')

+                 raise NotFound('No such component found.')



  class ModuleBuildAPI(MethodView):
@@ -117,7 +123,7 @@ 



              if verbose_flag.lower() == 'true' or verbose_flag == '1':

-                 json_data['items'] = [item.api_json() for item in p_query.items]

+                 json_data['items'] = [item.extended_json() for item in p_query.items]


                  json_data['items'] = [{'id': item.id, 'state': item.state} for

                                        item in p_query.items]
@@ -129,9 +135,9 @@ 


              if module:

                  if verbose_flag.lower() == 'true' or verbose_flag == '1':

-                     return jsonify(module.json()), 200

+                     return jsonify(module.extended_json()), 200


-                     return jsonify(module.api_json()), 200

+                     return jsonify(module.json()), 200


                  raise NotFound('No such module found.')

@@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ 



          module = handler.post()

-         return jsonify(module.json()), 201

+         return jsonify(module.extended_json()), 201


      def patch(self, id):

          username, groups = module_build_service.auth.get_user(request)
@@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ 




-         return jsonify(module.api_json()), 200

+         return jsonify(module.json()), 200



  class BaseHandler(object):
@@ -286,15 +292,17 @@ 

      module_view = ModuleBuildAPI.as_view('module_builds')

      component_view = ComponentBuildAPI.as_view('component_builds')

      for key, val in api_v1.items():

-         if key != 'component_builds_list':

+         if key.startswith('component_build'):



-                              view_func=module_view,

+                              view_func=component_view,


-         else:

+         elif key.startswith('module_build'):



-                              view_func=component_view,

+                              view_func=module_view,


+         else:

+             raise NotImplementedError("Unhandled api key.")



file modified
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ 




+ parameterized



@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ 

          builder.module_build_tag = {'name': 'some-tag-build'}

          create_builder.return_value = builder

          mocked_module_build = mock.Mock()

-         mocked_module_build.json.return_value = {

+         mocked_module_build.extended_json.return_value = {

              'name': 'foo',

              'stream': 1,

              'version': 1,

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ 

  from shutil import copyfile

  from os import path, mkdir

  from os.path import dirname

+ from parameterized import parameterized

  import hashlib


  from tests import app, init_data
@@ -256,12 +257,52 @@ 

          self.assertEquals(item['time_modified'], '2016-09-03T11:25:32Z')

          self.assertEquals(item['time_submitted'], '2016-09-03T11:23:20Z')


-     def test_query_builds_filter_nvr(self):

+     def test_query_component_build(self):

+         rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/component-builds/1')

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)

+         self.assertEquals(data['id'], 1)

+         self.assertEquals(data['format'], 'rpms')

+         self.assertEquals(data['module_build'], 1)

+         self.assertEquals(data['package'], 'nginx')

+         self.assertEquals(data['state'], 1)

+         self.assertEquals(data['state_name'], 'COMPLETE')

+         self.assertEquals(data['state_reason'], None)

+         self.assertEquals(data['task_id'], 12312345)


+     def test_query_component_build_verbose(self):

+         rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/component-builds/3?verbose=1')

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)

+         self.assertEquals(data['id'], 3)

+         self.assertEquals(data['format'], 'rpms')

+         self.assertEquals(data['module_build'], 2)

+         self.assertEquals(data['package'], 'postgresql')

+         self.assertEquals(data['state'], 1)

+         self.assertEquals(data['state_name'], 'COMPLETE')

+         self.assertEquals(data['state_reason'], None)

+         self.assertEquals(data['task_id'], 2433433)

+         self.assertEquals(data['state_trace'][0]['reason'], None)

+         self.assertTrue(data['state_trace'][0]['time'] is not None)

+         self.assertEquals(data['state_trace'][0]['state'], 1)

+         self.assertEquals(data['state_trace'][0]['state_name'], 'wait')


+     component_builds_filters = ['tagged', 'ref', 'format']


+     @parameterized.expand([

+         ('format', 'rpms', 60),

+         ('ref', 'this-filter-query-should-return-zero-items', 0),

+         ('tagged', 'this-filter-query-should-return-zero-items', 0),

+     ])

+     def test_query_component_builds_filters(self, f, s, c):

+         rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/component-builds/?{}={}'.format(f, s))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)

+         self.assertEquals(data['meta']['total'], c)


+     def test_query_component_builds_filter_nvr(self):

          rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/component-builds/?nvr=nginx-1.10.1-2.module_nginx_1_2')

          data = json.loads(rv.data)

          self.assertEquals(data['meta']['total'], 10)


-     def test_query_builds_filter_task_id(self):

+     def test_query_component_builds_filter_task_id(self):

          rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/component-builds/?task_id=12312346')

          data = json.loads(rv.data)

          self.assertEquals(data['meta']['total'], 1)

file modified
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ 




+     parameterized



  commands = py.test {posargs}

Fixes #654

Changes in MBS restful API
- Refactor MBS API code
- Unify module-/component_build API philosophy/design/approach
- Naming fixes
- _utc_datetime_to_iso moved from ModuleBuildAPI and is now a module-level function.
- Existing v1 API remains unchanged. ComponentBuildAPI now supports individual component build listing + verbose mode.
- documented in README
- various component_build API tests added

For consistency, can you use single quotes or double quotes in the dictionary? I prefer single quotes, but consistency is what I'm most after.

:+1: to the gist.

Also, :+1: to @mprahl's comment.

Once the TODOs are knocked out let's merge this. :)

3 new commits added

  • final stuff ; to be squashed
  • tests
  • double quotes -> single quotes
7 years ago

PR just updated with tests, README updates and @mprahl 's recommendation. Please for second round of your review... TODO: Verify test results.

OK - I ran the tests and got a few failures. Here's a fix for one of them:

diff --git a/tests/test_views/test_views.py b/tests/test_views/test_views.py
index ab491e5..c579d30 100644
--- a/tests/test_views/test_views.py
+++ b/tests/test_views/test_views.py
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class TestViews(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEquals(item['time_submitted'], '2016-09-03T11:23:20Z')

     def test_query_component_build(self):
-        rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/component-build/1')
+        rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/component-builds/1')
         data = json.loads(rv.data)
         self.assertEquals(data['id'], 1)
         self.assertEquals(data['format'], 'rpms')
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ class TestViews(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEquals(data['task_id'], 12312345)

     def test_query_component_build_verbose(self):
-        rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/component-build/3?verbose=1')
+        rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/component-builds/3?verbose=1')
         data = json.loads(rv.data)
         self.assertEquals(data['id'], 3)
         self.assertEquals(data['format'], 'rpms')

And then, I'd also make this addition to the api wiring code, just to be future-proof:

diff --git a/module_build_service/views.py b/module_build_service/views.py
index 6c45145..f557820 100644
--- a/module_build_service/views.py
+++ b/module_build_service/views.py
@@ -302,5 +302,7 @@ def register_api_v1():
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Unhandled api key.")


After that, I still get one more test failure and I'm not sure why it's failing.

Can you run them and see if you can figure out why?

1 new commit added

  • @ralph's additions and his + other fixes for tests
7 years ago

rebased onto 3cb41aa

7 years ago

@ralph Thanks for those fixes :thumbsup:. I superseded the failing test with additional parametrized tests for all filters which should be supported in component_build API.

A.T.M. it should be ready for merge! :)

Cool. Looks good here. :)

Pull-Request has been merged by fivaldi

7 years ago