#1765 Add a framework for special console handling of messages
Merged a year ago by breilly. Opened a year ago by otaylor.
otaylor/fm-orchestrator console-handler  into  master

@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ 

      # Placed here to avoid py2/py3 conflicts...

      import koji


+     log.local_repo_start(tag)


      if not archs:

          archs = ["x86_64", "noarch"]

@@ -100,6 +102,7 @@ 


      if not builds:

          log.debug("No builds are associated with the tag %r", tag)

+         log.local_repo_done(tag, 'No builds to download')

          return False


      # Reformat builds so they are dict with build_id as a key.
@@ -130,9 +133,12 @@ 


              repo_changed = True

              url = pathinfo.build(build_info) + "/" + fname

-             download_args.append((url, local_fn))

+             download_args.append((tag, url, local_fn))


-     log.info("Downloading %d packages from Koji tag %s to %s" % (len(download_args), tag, repo_dir))

+     if repo_changed:

+         log.local_repo_start_downloads(tag, len(download_args), repo_dir)

+     else:

+         log.local_repo_done(tag, 'All builds already downloaded')


      # Create the output directory

@@ -141,22 +147,26 @@ 

          if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:



-     def _download_file(url_and_dest):

+     def _download_file(tag_url_and_dest):


          Download a file in a memory efficient manner

-         :param url_and_dest: a tuple containing the URL and the destination to download to

+         :param url_and_dest: a tuple containing the tag, the URL and the destination to download to

          :return: None


-         log.info("Downloading {0}...".format(url_and_dest[0]))

-         if len(url_and_dest) != 2:

-             raise ValueError("url_and_dest must have two values")

+         assert len(tag_url_and_dest) == 3, "tag_url_and_dest must have three values"


+         tag, url, dest = tag_url_and_dest


-         rv = requests.get(url_and_dest[0], stream=True, timeout=60)

-         with open(url_and_dest[1], "wb") as f:

+         log.local_repo_start_download(tag, url)


+         rv = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=60)

+         with open(dest, "wb") as f:

              for chunk in rv.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):

                  if chunk:



+         log.local_repo_done_download(tag, url)


      # Download the RPMs four at a time.

      pool = ThreadPool(4)

@@ -173,6 +183,8 @@ 

          log.info("Creating local repository in %s" % repo_dir)

          execute_cmd(["/usr/bin/createrepo_c", repo_dir])


+         log.local_repo_done(tag, 'Finished downloading packages')


      return True



@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ 



  class LocalBuildConfiguration(BaseConfiguration):

+     SYSTEM = "mock"


      CACHE_DIR = "~/modulebuild/cache"

      LOG_LEVEL = "debug"

      MESSAGING = "drop"

@@ -19,11 +19,14 @@ 




- from __future__ import absolute_import

+ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

  import os

  import logging

  import logging.handlers

  import inspect

+ import re

+ import signal

+ import sys


  levels = {

      "debug": logging.DEBUG,
@@ -203,6 +206,263 @@ 

          del self.handlers[build.id]



+ class LocalRepo(object):

+     def __init__(self, koji_tag):

+         self.koji_tag = koji_tag

+         self.current_downloads = set()

+         self.total_downloads = 0

+         self.completed_downloads = 0

+         self.status = ""


+     def start_downloads(self, total):

+         self.status = "Downloading packages"

+         self.total_downloads = total


+     def start_download(self, url):

+         self.current_downloads.add(url)


+     def done_download(self, url):

+         self.current_downloads.remove(url)

+         self.completed_downloads += 1


+     def show_status(self, stream, style):

+         if self.total_downloads > 0:

+             count = " {}/{}".format(self.completed_downloads, self.total_downloads)

+         else:

+             count = ""


+         print("{}: {}{}".format(style(self.koji_tag, bold=True), self.status, count),

+               file=stream)

+         for url in self.current_downloads:

+             print("    {}".format(os.path.basename(url)), file=stream)



+ # Used to split aaa\nbbbb\n to ('aaa', '\n', 'bbb', '\n')

+ NL_DELIMITER = re.compile('(\n)')

+ # Matches *common* ANSI control sequences

+ # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#CSI_sequences

+ CSI_SEQUENCE = re.compile('\033[0-9;]*[A-Za-z]')



+ class EraseableStream(object):

+     """

+     Wrapper around a terminal stream for writing output that can be

+     erased.

+     """


+     def __init__(self, target):

+         self.target = target

+         self.lines_written = 0

+         # We assume that the EraseableStream starts writing at column 0

+         self.column = 0

+         self.resize()


+     def resize(self):

+         self.size = os.get_terminal_size(self.target.fileno())


+     def write(self, string):

+         # We want to track how many lines we've written so that we can

+         # back up and erase them. Tricky thing is handling wrapping.


+         # Strip control sequences

+         plain = CSI_SEQUENCE.sub('', string)


+         for piece in NL_DELIMITER.split(plain):

+             if piece == '\n':

+                 self.column = 0

+                 self.lines_written += 1

+             else:

+                 self.column = self.column + len(piece)

+                 # self.column == self.size.column doesn't wrap -

+                 # normal modern terminals wrap when a character is written

+                 # that would be off-screen, not immediately when the

+                 # line is full.

+                 while self.column > self.size.columns:

+                     self.column -= self.size.columns

+                     self.lines_written += 1


+         self.target.write(string)


+     def erase(self):

+         if self.column > 0:

+             # move cursor to the beginning of line and delete whole line

+             self.target.write("\033[0G\033[2K")

+         for i in range(0, self.lines_written):

+             # move up cursor and delete whole line

+             self.target.write("\033[1A\033[2K")


+         self.lines_written = 0

+         self.column = 0




+     'green': '32',

+     'red': '91',

+ }



+ class MBSConsoleHandler(logging.Handler):

+     """

+     Special logging.Handler that is responsible for creating attractive and

+     informative output when running a local build. To allow certain log

+     messages to be handled differently for console output, methods in this

+     class decorated with the @console_message decorator are propagated to

+     the MBSLogger class.


+     When MBSLogger method is called, a normal log record is generated using

+     the format string from the decoration. The record is logged normally

+     in the build log or to a non-console handler, but when the event is

+     received by this handler, the original decorated method is called instead.

+     This method can optionally return a new string to be output to the log,

+     or simply update internal state without logging anything.


+     This handler also implements the behavior that when the handler level

+     is at its default INFO state, INFO level log messages are only shown if

+     they have an extra 'console' attribute added by calling MBSLogger.console()

+     rather than MBSLogger.info(). This allow further trimming down the

+     set of messages logged to the console without losing the distinction between

+     DEBUG and INFO.

+     """

+     console_messages = {}


+     def __init__(self, *args, stream=sys.stderr, **kwargs):

+         self.stream = stream


+         self.tty = self.stream.isatty()

+         if self.tty:

+             self.status_stream = EraseableStream(self.stream)

+         else:

+             self.status_stream = None


+         self.long_running = None

+         self.repos = {}


+         self.debug_formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)

+         self.info_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")

+         self.error_formatter = logging.Formatter(

+             self.style("%(levelname)s", bold=True, fg='red') + " - %(message)s")


+         logging.Handler.__init__(self, *args, level=logging.INFO, **kwargs)


+     def style(self, text, bold=False, fg=None):

+         if self.tty:

+             start = ""

+             if bold:

+                 start += "\033[1m"

+             if fg:

+                 start += "\033[" + FG_COLORS[fg] + "m"

+             return start + text + "\033[0m"

+         else:

+             return text


+     def emit(self, record):

+         if self.level == logging.INFO and record.levelno == logging.INFO:

+             if not getattr(record, 'console', False):

+                 return


+         self.acquire()

+         try:

+             if self.tty:

+                 self.status_stream.erase()


+             console_message_callback = self.console_messages.get(record.msg)

+             if console_message_callback:

+                 formatted = console_message_callback(self, *record.args)

+             else:

+                 if self.level < logging.INFO:

+                     formatted = self.debug_formatter.format(record)

+                 elif record.levelno == logging.INFO:

+                     formatted = self.info_formatter.format(record)

+                 else:

+                     formatted = self.error_formatter.format(record)


+             if formatted:

+                 if self.long_running:

+                     print(file=self.stream)

+                     self.long_running = None


+                 print(formatted, file=self.stream)


+             if self.tty:

+                 if self.repos:

+                     print('------------------------------', file=self.status_stream)

+                 for repo in self.repos.values():

+                     repo.show_status(self.status_stream, self.style)

+         finally:

+             self.release()


+     def console_message(msg):

+         def decorate(f):

+             f.console_message = msg

+             return f


+         return decorate


+     def resize(self):

+         if self.status_stream:

+             self.status_stream.resize()


+     @console_message("%s ...")

+     def long_running_start(self, msg):

+         if self.long_running:

+             print("", file=self.stream)

+         self.long_running = msg

+         print("{} ...".format(msg),

+               file=self.stream, end="")

+         self.stream.flush()


+     @console_message("%s ... done")

+     def long_running_end(self, msg):

+         if self.long_running == msg:

+             self.long_running = None

+             print(" done",

+                   file=self.stream)

+         else:

+             self.long_running = None

+             return "{} ... done".format(msg)


+     @console_message("%s: Making local repository for Koji tag")

+     def local_repo_start(self, koji_tag):

+         repo = LocalRepo(koji_tag)

+         self.repos[koji_tag] = repo


+         return "{}: Making local repository for Koji tag".format(

+             self.style(koji_tag, bold=True))


+     @console_message("%s: %s")

+     def local_repo_done(self, koji_tag, message):

+         del self.repos[koji_tag]


+         return "{}: {}".format(

+             self.style(koji_tag, bold=True),

+             self.style(message, fg='green', bold=True))


+     @console_message("%s: Downloading %d packages from Koji tag to %s")

+     def local_repo_start_downloads(self, koji_tag, num_packages, repo_dir):

+         repo = self.repos[koji_tag]

+         repo.start_downloads(num_packages)


+     @console_message("%s: Downloading %s")

+     def local_repo_start_download(self, koji_tag, url):

+         repo = self.repos[koji_tag]

+         repo.start_download(url)


+     @console_message("%s: Done downloading %s")

+     def local_repo_done_download(self, koji_tag, url):

+         repo = self.repos[koji_tag]

+         repo.done_download(url)


+     @classmethod

+     def _setup_console_messages(cls):

+         for value in cls.__dict__.values():

+             console_message = getattr(value, 'console_message', None)

+             if console_message:

+                 cls.console_messages[console_message] = value



+ MBSConsoleHandler._setup_console_messages()



  class MBSLogger:

      def __init__(self):

          self._logger = logging.getLogger("MBS")
@@ -231,6 +491,9 @@ 

      def info(self, *args, **kwargs):

          return self._log_call("info", args, kwargs)


+     def console(self, *args, **kwargs):

+         return self._log_call("info", args, kwargs, console=True)


      def warning(self, *args, **kwargs):

          return self._log_call("warning", args, kwargs)

@@ -246,15 +509,38 @@ 

      def log(self, *args, **kwargs):

          return self._log_call("log", args, kwargs)


-     def _log_call(self, level_name, args, kwargs):

+     def _log_call(self, level_name, args, kwargs, console=False):

          caller_filename = inspect.stack()[2][1]

          caller_filename = os.path.normpath(caller_filename)

          if not caller_filename.startswith(self._current_path):

              log_name = "MBS"


              log_name = "MBS" + caller_filename[len(self._current_path):-3].replace("/", ".")


+         if console:

+             kwargs.setdefault('extra', {})['console'] = True


          return getattr(logging.getLogger(log_name), level_name)(*args, **kwargs)


+     # @console_message decorated methods of MBSConsoleHandler are also propagated

+     # as additional methods of this class


+     @classmethod

+     def _setup_console_message(cls, msg, callback):

+         def log_method(self, *args):

+             self.console(msg, *args)


+         log_method.__name__ = callback.__name__

+         setattr(cls, callback.__name__, log_method)


+     @classmethod

+     def _setup_console_messages(cls):

+         for msg, callback in MBSConsoleHandler.console_messages.items():

+             cls._setup_console_message(msg, callback)



+ MBSLogger._setup_console_messages()



  def str_to_log_level(level):

@@ -280,7 +566,19 @@ 

      log_backend = conf.log_backend


      if not log_backend or len(log_backend) == 0 or log_backend == "console":

-         logging.basicConfig(level=conf.log_level, format=log_format)

+         if conf.system == "mock":

+             root_logger = logging.getLogger()

+             root_logger.setLevel(conf.log_level)

+             handler = MBSConsoleHandler()

+             root_logger.addHandler(handler)


+             def handle_sigwinch(*args):

+                 handler.resize()


+             signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, handle_sigwinch)

+         else:

+             logging.basicConfig(level=conf.log_level, format=log_format)


          log = MBSLogger()

          log.level = conf.log_level


@@ -606,6 +606,10 @@ 

      def nvr_string(self):

          return kobo.rpmlib.make_nvr(self.nvr)


+     @property

+     def nsvc(self):

+         return "{}:{}:{}:{}".format(self.name, self.stream, self.version, self.context)



      def create(


@@ -135,10 +135,9 @@ 



      # if debug is not specified, set log level of console to INFO

-     if not log_debug:

+     if log_debug:

          for handler in logging.getLogger().handlers:

-             if isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler):

-                 handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)

+             handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)


      if "SERVER_NAME" not in app.config or not app.config["SERVER_NAME"]:

          app.config["SERVER_NAME"] = "localhost"

@@ -3,19 +3,16 @@ 

  """MBS handler functions."""


  from __future__ import absolute_import

- import logging


  import dogpile.cache


- from module_build_service.common import models

+ from module_build_service.common import log, models

  from module_build_service.common.config import conf

  from module_build_service.common.errors import StreamNotXyz, UnprocessableEntity

  from module_build_service.common.request_utils import requests_session

  from module_build_service.common.utils import load_mmd, import_mmd

  from module_build_service.resolver.KojiResolver import KojiResolver


- log = logging.getLogger()



  def _canonicalize_state(state):

      if isinstance(state, int):
@@ -441,6 +438,8 @@ 

                  % (", ".join([name, stream, str(version), context]), strict)



+         log.long_running_start("Loading build dependencies")


          # This is the set we're going to build up and return.

          module_tags = {}

@@ -485,6 +484,8 @@ 

              module_tags.setdefault(m["koji_tag"], [])



+         log.long_running_end("Loading build dependencies")


          return module_tags


      def resolve_requires(self, requires):

@@ -255,7 +255,9 @@ 

          log.info("Skipping build of batch %d, no component to build.", module.batch)

          return start_next_batch_build(config, module, builder)


-     log.info("Starting build of next batch %d, %s" % (module.batch, unbuilt_components))

+     log.console("Starting build of next batch %d: %s",

+                 module.batch,

+                 ', '.join(c.package for c in unbuilt_components))


      # Attempt to reuse any components possible in the batch before attempting to build any

      unbuilt_components_after_reuse = []

@@ -243,6 +243,8 @@ 




+     log.long_running_start("Finding RPMs to exclude from the base modules")


      log.info("Finding any buildrequired modules that collide with the RPMs in the base modules")

      bm_tags = set()

      non_bm_tags = set()
@@ -300,6 +302,8 @@ 

      xmd["mbs"]["ursine_rpms"] = list(conflicts)



+     log.long_running_end("Finding RPMs to exclude from the base modules")



  def _get_rpms_from_tags(koji_session, tags, arches):


@@ -145,6 +145,8 @@ 

          build.transition(db_session, conf, state=models.BUILD_STATES["ready"])



+     log.console("Finished building %s", build.nsvc)




@@ -181,7 +183,8 @@ 

          build_logs.build_logs_dir = mock_resultsdir


      build_logs.start(db_session, build)

-     log.info("Start to handle %s which is in init state.", build.mmd().get_nsvc())

+     log.console("Starting to build %s", build.nsvc)

+     log.console("Logging to %s", build_logs.path(db_session, build))


      error_msg = ""

      failure_reason = "unspec"
@@ -413,7 +416,8 @@ 



      if not build.component_builds:

-         log.info("There are no components in module %r, skipping build" % build)

+         log.console("There are no components in module %s, skipping build",

+                     build.nsvc)

          build.transition(db_session, conf, state=models.BUILD_STATES["build"])


@@ -426,13 +430,14 @@ 

      # If all components in module build will be reused, we don't have to build

      # module-build-macros, because there won't be any build done.

      if attempt_to_reuse_all_components(builder, build):

-         log.info("All components have been reused for module %r, skipping build" % build)

+         log.console("All components have been reused for module %s, skipping build",

+                     build.nsvc)

          build.transition(db_session, conf, state=models.BUILD_STATES["build"])



          return []


-     log.debug("Starting build batch 1")

+     log.console("Starting build of batch 1: module-build-macros")

      build.batch = 1



@@ -255,6 +255,8 @@ 

      if not default_streams:

          default_streams = {}


+     log.long_running_start("Expanding module streams to determine build requirements")


      # Create local copy of mmd, because we will expand its dependencies,

      # which would change the module.

      current_mmd = mmd.copy()
@@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ 

      # Resolve the dependencies between modules and get the list of all valid

      # combinations in which we can build this module.

      requires_combinations = mmd_resolver.solve(current_mmd)

-     log.info("Resolving done, possible requires: %r", requires_combinations)

+     log.long_running_end("Expanding module streams to determine build requirements")


      # This is where we are going to store the generated MMDs.

      mmds = []
@@ -383,6 +385,9 @@ 

              nsvc = ":".join(nsvca.split(":")[:-1])



+         log.console("Build requirements #%s:\n  %s",

+                     len(mmds) + 1, ", ".join(br_list))


          # Resolve the buildrequires and store the result in XMD.

          if "mbs" not in xmd:

              xmd["mbs"] = {}

@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@ 

  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

  # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

  from __future__ import absolute_import

+ import io

+ import logging

  import os

  from os import path

+ import re

  import pytest

  import shutil

  import tempfile

+ import textwrap

+ from unittest.mock import patch


  from module_build_service.common import log, models

- from module_build_service.common.logger import ModuleBuildLogs

+ from module_build_service.common.logger import ModuleBuildLogs, MBSConsoleHandler

  from module_build_service.scheduler.consumer import MBSConsumer

  from module_build_service.scheduler.db_session import db_session

@@ -113,3 +118,309 @@ 

          log2 = ModuleBuildLogs("/some/path", "build-{name}-{stream}-{version}.log")

          assert log2.name(db_session, build) == "build-nginx-1-2.log"

          assert log2.path(db_session, build) == "/some/path/build-nginx-1-2.log"



+ class FakeTerminal(object):

+     """

+     Just enough terminal to allow meaningfully testing the terminal fanciness

+     in MBSConsoleHandler

+     """


+     def __init__(self):

+         self.serializer = FakeTerminalSerializer(self)

+         self.reset()

+         self.columns = 80

+         self.rows = 24


+     def get_size(self):

+         return os.terminal_size((self.columns, self.rows))


+     def isatty(self):

+         return True


+     def fileno(self):

+         return 42


+     def flush(self):

+         pass


+     def write(self, raw):

+         for m in re.finditer(r'\n|\033\[[0-9;]*[A-Za-z]|\033|[^\033\n]*', raw):

+             piece = m.group(0)

+             if piece == '\n':

+                 self._next_row()

+             elif piece == '\033[0m':

+                 self.cur_attr = "x"

+             elif piece == '\033[1m':

+                 self.cur_attr = self.cur_attr.upper()

+             elif piece == '\033[32m':

+                 self.cur_attr = 'G' if self.cur_attr.isupper() else 'g'

+             elif piece == '\033[91m':

+                 self.cur_attr = 'R' if self.cur_attr.isupper() else 'r'

+             elif piece == '\033[0G':

+                 self.cursor_column = 0

+             elif piece == '\033[1A':

+                 self.cursor_column = 0

+                 self.cursor_row = max(self.cursor_row - 1, 0)

+             elif piece == '\033[2K':

+                 self.text[self.cursor_row] = ' ' * self.cursor_column

+                 self.attrs[self.cursor_row] = 'x' * self.cursor_column

+             elif piece.startswith('\033['):

+                 raise RuntimeError("Unhandled CSI sequence: %r", piece)

+             else:

+                 pos = 0

+                 while len(piece) - pos > self.columns - self.cursor_column:

+                     to_insert = self.columns - self.cursor_column

+                     self._insert(piece[pos:pos + to_insert])

+                     pos += to_insert

+                     self._next_row()

+                 self._insert(piece[pos:])


+     def _next_row(self):

+         self.cursor_row += 1

+         if self.cursor_row == len(self.text):

+             self.text.append('')

+             self.attrs.append('')

+         self.cursor_column = 0


+     def _insert(self, string):

+         text = self.text[self.cursor_row]

+         self.text[self.cursor_row] = (text[0:self.cursor_column]

+                                       + string

+                                       + text[self.cursor_column + len(string):])

+         attrs = self.attrs[self.cursor_row]

+         self.attrs[self.cursor_row] = (attrs[0:self.cursor_column]

+                                        + self.cur_attr * len(string)

+                                        + attrs[self.cursor_column + len(string):])

+         self.cursor_column += len(string)


+     def reset(self):

+         self.text = ['']

+         self.attrs = ['']

+         self.cur_attr = 'x'

+         self.cursor_row = 0

+         self.cursor_column = 0


+     def serialize(self):

+         return self.serializer.serialize()



+ class FakeTerminalSerializer(object):

+     """Serializes the terminal contents with <R></R> tags to represent attributes"""


+     def __init__(self, terminal):

+         self.terminal = terminal


+     def serialize(self):

+         self.result = io.StringIO()

+         self.last_attr = 'x'


+         for row in range(0, len(self.terminal.text)):

+             text = self.terminal.text[row]

+             attrs = self.terminal.attrs[row]


+             for col in range(0, len(text)):

+                 self.set_attr(attrs[col])

+                 self.result.write(text[col])

+             self.set_attr('x')

+             self.result.write('\n')


+         value = self.result.getvalue()

+         self.result = None


+         return value


+     def set_attr(self, attr):

+         if attr != self.last_attr:

+             if self.last_attr != 'x':

+                 self.result.write('</' + self.last_attr + '>')

+             if attr != 'x':

+                 self.result.write('<' + attr + '>')

+             self.last_attr = attr



+ class TestConsoleHandler:

+     def terminal(test_method):

+         test_method.terminal = True

+         return test_method


+     def level(level):

+         def decorate(test_method):

+             test_method.level = level

+             return test_method


+         return decorate


+     def setup_method(self, test_method):

+         if getattr(test_method, 'terminal', False):

+             self.stream = FakeTerminal()


+             self.get_terminal_size_patcher = patch("os.get_terminal_size")

+             mock_get_terminal_size = self.get_terminal_size_patcher.start()


+             def get_terminal_size(fileno):

+                 return self.stream.get_size()


+             mock_get_terminal_size.side_effect = get_terminal_size

+         else:

+             self.stream = io.StringIO()


+         self.handler = MBSConsoleHandler(stream=self.stream)

+         self.handler.level = getattr(test_method, 'level', logging.INFO)


+         logging.getLogger().addHandler(self.handler)


+     def teardown_method(self, test_method):

+         logging.getLogger().removeHandler(self.handler)


+         if getattr(test_method, 'terminal', False):

+             self.get_terminal_size_patcher.stop()


+     def current(self):

+         if isinstance(self.stream, FakeTerminal):

+             val = self.stream.serialize()

+         else:

+             val = self.stream.getvalue()


+         return val.rstrip() + '\n'


+     def log_messages(self):

+         log.debug("Debug")

+         log.info("Info")

+         log.console("Console")

+         log.warning("Warning")

+         log.error("Error")


+     def test_console_basic(self):

+         self.log_messages()


+         current = self.current()

+         assert "Debug" not in current

+         assert "Info" not in current

+         assert "Console" in current

+         assert "\nWARNING - Warning" in current

+         assert "\nERROR - Error" in current


+     @terminal

+     def test_console_terminal(self):

+         self.log_messages()


+         current = self.current()

+         assert "Debug" not in current

+         assert "Info" not in current

+         assert "Console" in current

+         assert "<R>WARNING</R> - Warning" in current

+         assert "<R>ERROR</R> - Error" in current


+     @level(logging.DEBUG)

+     @terminal

+     def test_console_debug(self):

+         self.log_messages()


+         current = self.current()

+         assert "MainThread - MBS - DEBUG - Debug" in current

+         assert "MainThread - MBS - INFO - Info" in current

+         assert "MainThread - MBS - INFO - Console" in current

+         assert "MainThread - MBS - WARNING - Warning" in current

+         assert "MainThread - MBS - ERROR - Error" in current


+     @terminal

+     def test_console_long_running(self):

+         log.long_running_start("Frobulating")

+         log.long_running_end("Frobulating")

+         log.console("---")


+         log.long_running_start("Frobulating")

+         log.console("Now Hear This")

+         log.long_running_end("Frobulating")

+         log.console("---")


+         log.long_running_start("Frobulating")

+         log.long_running_start("Blabbing")

+         log.long_running_end("Blabbing")

+         log.long_running_end("Frobulating")


+         assert self.current() == textwrap.dedent("""\

+             Frobulating ... done

+             ---

+             Frobulating ...

+             Now Hear This

+             Frobulating ... done

+             ---

+             Frobulating ...

+             Blabbing ... done

+             Frobulating ... done

+         """)


+     @terminal

+     def test_console_local_repo(self):

+         log.local_repo_start("module-testmodule-build")


+         assert self.current() == textwrap.dedent("""\

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>: Making local repository for Koji tag

+             ------------------------------

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>:

+         """)


+         log.local_repo_start_downloads("module-testmodule-build", 42, "/tmp/download-dir")

+         log.local_repo_start_download("module-testmodule-build",

+                                       "https://ftp.example.com/libsomething-1.2.3-1.x86_64.rpm")

+         log.local_repo_start_download("module-testmodule-build",

+                                       "https://ftp.example.com/libother-1.2.3-1.x86_64.rpm")

+         log.local_repo_done_download("module-testmodule-build",

+                                      "https://ftp.example.com/libother-1.2.3-1.x86_64.rpm")

+         assert self.current() == textwrap.dedent("""\

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>: Making local repository for Koji tag

+             ------------------------------

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>: Downloading packages 1/42

+                 libsomething-1.2.3-1.x86_64.rpm

+         """)


+         log.local_repo_done_download("module-testmodule-build",

+                                      "https://ftp.example.com/libsomething-1.2.3-1.x86_64.rpm")

+         log.local_repo_done("module-testmodule-build", "downloaded everything")

+         assert self.current() == textwrap.dedent("""\

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>: Making local repository for Koji tag

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>: <G>downloaded everything</G>

+         """)


+     @terminal

+     def test_console_local_repo_wrap(self):

+         log.local_repo_start("module-testmodule-build")

+         long_url = "https://ftp.example.com/lib" + (80 * "z") + "-1.2.3-1.x86_64.rpm"

+         log.local_repo_start_downloads("module-testmodule-build", 42, "/tmp/download-dir")

+         log.local_repo_start_download("module-testmodule-build", long_url)

+         assert self.current() == textwrap.dedent("""\

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>: Making local repository for Koji tag

+             ------------------------------

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>: Downloading packages 0/42

+                 libzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

+             zzzzzzz-1.2.3-1.x86_64.rpm

+         """)


+         log.local_repo_done_download("module-testmodule-build", long_url)

+         log.local_repo_done("module-testmodule-build", "downloaded everything")

+         assert self.current() == textwrap.dedent("""\

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>: Making local repository for Koji tag

+             <X>module-testmodule-build</X>: <G>downloaded everything</G>

+         """)


+     @terminal

+     def test_console_partial_line_erase(self):

+         self.handler.status_stream.write("Foo\nBar")

+         self.handler.status_stream.erase()

+         self.handler.status_stream.write("Baz")


+         assert self.current() == "Baz\n"


+     @terminal

+     def test_console_resize(self):

+         self.stream.columns = 20

+         self.handler.resize()


+         self.stream.write("Foo\n")

+         self.handler.status_stream.write(30 * "x")

+         self.handler.status_stream.erase()

+         self.handler.status_stream.write("Baz")


+         assert self.current() == "Foo\nBaz\n"

When running in local mode, add a special handler that filters log messages to the console to produce attractive output. Implemented behaviors include:

  • INFO level messages are only displayed if done through MBSLogger.console() rather than MBSLogger.info().
  • Timestamps and thread names are omitted unless the local build is started with the -d option
  • Warning/error messages have the level highlighted in red
  • Special handling can be added to log messages, initially:
    Long running operations can be displayed to the console as"Doing foo ... <pause>done"

A second patch adds dynamic display of downloads on top of this: when downloading files from Koji to make a local repository, display a temporary status of which files are being displayed to the console appended after any log messages. Updates are done by erasing the status that was written, adding a log message, then writing the status again.

rebased onto 76cf5d8

a year ago

rebased onto f510060

a year ago

Commit e974aca fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by breilly

a year ago

Pull-Request has been merged by breilly

a year ago