#1578 C3I: Rewrite test into bash to be re-usable
Merged 4 years ago by mprahl. Opened 4 years ago by mkovarik.
mkovarik/fm-orchestrator c3i_tests_bash  into  master

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ 

  USER root


  RUN ${DNF_CMD} install -y \

-     java-1.8.0-openjdk nss_wrapper gettext git \

+     java-1.8.0-openjdk nss_wrapper gettext git jq \

      tar gzip skopeo wget make bind-utils python3-jinja2-cli \

      origin-clients \

      # Jenkins pipeline 'sh' steps seem to require ps

@@ -31,27 +31,7 @@ 

      stage('Run tests') {

        steps {

          script {

-           def testcases

-           if (params.TESTCASES) {

-             if (params.TESTCASES == 'skip') {

-               testcases = []

-               echo 'Skipping integration tests'

-             } else {

-               testcases = params.TESTCASES.split()

-               echo "Using specified list of testcases: ${testcases}"

-             }

-           } else {

-             testcases = findFiles(glob: 'openshift/integration/koji/pipelines/tests/*.groovy').collect {

-               it.name.minus('.groovy')

-             }

-             echo "Using all available testcases: ${testcases}"

-           }

-           testcases.each { testcase ->

-             env.CURRENT_TESTCASE = testcase

-             echo "Running testcase ${testcase}..."

-             def test = load "openshift/integration/koji/pipelines/tests/${testcase}.groovy"

-             test.runTests()

-           }

+           sh "openshift/integration/koji/pipelines/tests/runtests ${env.PIPELINE_ID}"



        post {
@@ -64,7 +44,7 @@ 



          failure {

-           echo "Testcase ${env.CURRENT_TESTCASE} FAILED"

+           echo "Testcases FAILED"




@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 

+ ---

+ users:

+   - username: mbs-user-{{ pipeline_id }}

+     name: MBS User {{ pipeline_id }}

+     ldap_groups:

+       - devel


+ koji:

+   btypes:

+     - module

+   tags:

+     - name: module-f28

+     - name: module-f28-build

+       arches:

+         - x86_64

+       inheritance:

+         - parent: module-f28

+           priority: 0

+   targets:

+     - name: module-f28

+       build_tag: module-f28-build

+       dest_tag: module-f28

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash -ex


+ # expected environment variables:

+ # CACERT = filepath with CA cert


+ # KOJI_CONFIG = path to koji configuration


+ # Kerberos ticket with user having permissions to build module


+ if [ -z "$CACERT" ] || [ -z "$MBS_FRONTEND_HOST" ] || [ -z "$KOJI_CONFIG" ] || ! klist &>/dev/null ; then

+     echo "Missing environment configuration"

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ RESPONSE=$(mktemp)

+ HTTP_CODE=$(mktemp)

+ MODULE_REQUEST=$(mktemp)



+ { "modulemd": "$(sed 's/$/\\n/' ${TEST_DIR}/modulemd.yaml | tr -d '\n')"}



+ curl -s --negotiate -u : \

+      --cacert $CACERT \

+      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

+      -H 'Accept: application/json' \

+      -d @$MODULE_REQUEST \

+      -o $RESPONSE \

+      -w '%{http_code}' \

+      https://${MBS_FRONTEND_HOST}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/ > $HTTP_CODE


+ if [ "$(cat $HTTP_CODE)" != "201" ]; then

+     echo "HTTP code was $(cat $HTTP_CODE), not 201"

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ MODULE_ID=$(jq '.id' $RESPONSE)

+ i=0

+ while true; do

+     sleep 5

+     i=$((i + 1))

+     if [ $i -gt 100 ]; then

+         echo "Module build has timed out"

+         exit 1

+     fi

+     curl -s --cacert $CACERT \

+          -o $RESPONSE \

+          -w '%{stderr}%{http_code}' \

+          https://${MBS_FRONTEND_HOST}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/$MODULE_ID 2> $HTTP_CODE

+     if [ "$(cat $HTTP_CODE)" != "200" ]; then

+         echo "HTTP code was $(cat $HTTP_CODE), not 200"

+         exit 1

+     fi

+     STATE=$(jq -r '.state_name' $RESPONSE)

+     if [ "$STATE" == "failed" ]; then

+         echo "Module build failed"

+         exit 1

+     elif [ "$STATE" == "ready" ]; then

+         echo "Module build is ready"

+     else

+         continue

+     fi

+     BR_PLATFORM_STREAM=$(jq -r '.buildrequires.platform.stream' $RESPONSE)

+     if [ "${BR_PLATFORM_STREAM}" != "f28" ]; then

+         echo "Module $MODULE_ID buildrequires platform:${BR_PLATFORM_STREAM}, \

+           but it should buildrequire platform:f28"

+         exit 1

+     fi

+     echo "All tests passed"

+     break

+ done

@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ 

- // Build an empty module that buildrequires a virtual stream

- import groovy.json.JsonOutput


- def runTests() {

-   def koji_admin = controller.getVar('KOJI_ADMIN')

-   def clientcert = controller.httpGet("/ca/${koji_admin}", true)

-   def koji_ssl_host = controller.getVar('KOJI_HUB_HOST')

-   def mbs_host = controller.getVar('MBS_FRONTEND_HOST')

-   def ca_cert = controller.httpGet("/ca/cacert")

-   koji.setConfig("https://${koji_ssl_host}/kojihub",

-                  "https://${koji_ssl_host}/kojifiles",

-                  clientcert.cert, clientcert.key, ca_cert)

-   def tags = koji.callMethod("listTags")

-   if (!tags.any { it.name == "module-f28" }) {

-     koji.addTag("module-f28")

-   }

-   if (!tags.any { it.name == "module-f28-build" }) {

-     koji.addTag("module-f28-build", "--parent=module-f28", "--arches=x86_64")

-   }

-   try {

-     // There's currently no way to query whether a given user has CG access, so just add it

-     // and hope no one else has already done it.

-     koji.runCmd("grant-cg-access", koji_admin, "module-build-service", "--new")

-   } catch (ex) {

-     echo "Granting cg-access to ${koji_admin} failed, assuming it was already provided in a previous test"

-   }


-   if (!koji.callMethod("listBTypes").any { it.name == "module" }) {

-     koji.callMethodLogin("addBType", "module")

-   }


-   def testmodule = """

-   document: modulemd

-   version: 1

-   data:

-     summary: A test module in all its beautiful beauty

-     description: This module buildrequires a virtual stream of the platform module

-     name: testmodule

-     stream: buildrequire_virtual_stream

-     license:

-       module: [ MIT ]

-     dependencies:

-       buildrequires:

-           platform: fedora

-       requires:

-           platform: fedora

-     references:

-       community: https://docs.pagure.org/modularity/

-       documentation: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Packaging_Guidelines_for_Modules

-   """


-   writeFile file: 'ca-cert.pem', text: ca_cert

-   def url = "https://${mbs_host}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/"

-   def curlargs = """

-     --cacert ca-cert.pem \

-     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

-     -H 'Accept: application/json' \

-     -d @buildparams.json \

-     -o response.json \

-     -w '%{http_code}'

-   """.trim()

-   def http_code, response

-   if (controller.getVar("KRB5_REALM")) {

-     writeFile file: 'buildparams.json', text: JsonOutput.toJson([modulemd: testmodule])

-     krb5.withKrb(controller.getKrb5Vars(koji_admin)) {

-       http_code = sh script: "curl --negotiate -u : $curlargs $url", returnStdout: true

-       response = readFile file: 'response.json'

-     }

-   } else {

-     writeFile file: 'buildparams.json', text: JsonOutput.toJson([modulemd: testmodule, owner: env.KOJI_ADMIN])

-     http_code = sh script: "curl $curlargs $url", returnStdout: true

-     response = readFile file: 'response.json'

-   }

-   if (http_code != '201') {

-     echo "Response code was ${http_code}, output was ${response}"

-     error "POST response code was ${http_code}, not 201"

-   }

-   def buildinfo = readJSON(text: response)

-   timeout(10) {

-     waitUntil {

-       def resp = httpRequest url: "${url}${buildinfo.id}", ignoreSslErrors: true

-       if (resp.status != 200) {

-         echo "Response code was ${resp.status}, output was ${resp.content}"

-         error "GET response code was ${resp.status}, not 200"

-       }

-       def modinfo = readJSON(text: resp.content)

-       if (modinfo.state_name == "failed") {

-         error "Module ${modinfo.id} (${modinfo.name}) is in the ${modinfo.state_name} state"

-       } else if (modinfo.state_name != "ready") {

-         echo "Module ${modinfo.id} (${modinfo.name}) is in the ${modinfo.state_name} state, not ready"

-         return false

-       }

-       def br_platform_stream = modinfo.buildrequires.platform.stream

-       if (br_platform_stream != "f28") {

-         echo "Module ${modinfo.id} (${modinfo.name}) buildrequires platform:${br_platform_stream}, \

-           but it should buildrequire platform:f28"

-         return false

-       }


-       echo "All checks passed"

-       return true

-     }

-   }

- }


- return this;

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash -ex


+ # expected environment variables:

+ # CACERT = filepath with CA cert


+ # KOJI_CONFIG = path to koji configuration


+ # Kerberos ticket with user having permissions to build module


+ if [ -z "$CACERT" ] || [ -z "$MBS_FRONTEND_HOST" ] || [ -z "$KOJI_CONFIG" ] || ! klist &>/dev/null ; then

+     echo "Missing environment configuration"

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ RESPONSE=$(mktemp)

+ HTTP_CODE=$(mktemp)

+ SCMURL="https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/mikeb/modules/testmodule.git?#8b3fb16160f899ce10905faf570f110d52b91154"

+ EXISTING_MODULE=$(curl -s --cacert $CACERT https://${MBS_FRONTEND_HOST}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/ | jq ".items[] | select(.scmurl == \"${SCMURL}\" and .state != 4) | .id")

+ if [ -n "$EXISTING_MODULE" ]; then

+     echo "Marking existing module $EXISTING_MODULE as failed so it can be rebuilt..."

+     curl -s --negotiate -u : \

+          --cacert $CACERT \

+          -X PATCH \

+          -d '{"state": "failed"}' \

+          https://${MBS_FRONTEND_HOST}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/${EXISTING_MODULE} | jq

+ fi

+ curl -s --negotiate -u : \

+      --cacert $CACERT \

+      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

+      -H 'Accept: application/json' \

+      -d "{\"scmurl\": \"${SCMURL}\", \"branch\": \"empty-f28\"}" \

+      -o $RESPONSE \

+      -w '%{stderr}%{http_code}' \

+      https://${MBS_FRONTEND_HOST}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/ 2> $HTTP_CODE

+ if [ "$(cat $HTTP_CODE)" != "201" ]; then

+     echo "HTTP code was $(cat $HTTP_CODE), not 201"

+     exit 1

+ fi

+ MODULE_ID=$(jq '.id' $RESPONSE)

+ i=0

+ while true; do

+     sleep 5

+     i=$((i + 1))

+     if [ $i -gt 100 ]; then

+         echo "Module build has timed out"

+         exit 1

+     fi

+     curl -s --cacert $CACERT \

+          -o $RESPONSE \

+          -w '%{stderr}%{http_code}' \

+          https://${MBS_FRONTEND_HOST}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/$MODULE_ID 2> $HTTP_CODE

+     if [ "$(cat $HTTP_CODE)" != "200" ]; then

+         echo "HTTP code was $(cat $HTTP_CODE), not 200"

+         exit 1

+     fi

+     STATE=$(jq -r '.state_name' $RESPONSE)

+     if [ "$STATE" == "failed" ]; then

+         echo "Module build failed"

+         exit 1

+     elif [ "$STATE" == "ready" ]; then

+         echo "Module build is ready"

+     else

+         continue

+     fi

+     TESTMODULE="$(koji -c $KOJI_CONFIG -q list-builds --package testmodule)"

+     if [ -z "$TESTMODULE" ]; then

+         echo "No builds of testmodule"

+         exit 1

+     else

+         echo $TESTMODULE

+     fi

+     TESTMODULEDEVEL="$(koji -c $KOJI_CONFIG -q list-builds --package testmodule-devel)"

+     if [ -z "$TESTMODULEDEVEL" ]; then

+         echo "No builds of testmodule-devel"

+         exit 1

+     else

+         echo $TESTMODULEDEVEL

+     fi

+     echo "All tests passed"

+     break

+ done

@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ 

- // Build an empty module and verify that the CGImport works correctly


- def runTests() {

-   def koji_admin = controller.getVar('KOJI_ADMIN')

-   def clientcert = controller.httpGet("/ca/${koji_admin}", true)

-   def koji_ssl_host = controller.getVar('KOJI_HUB_HOST')

-   def mbs_host = controller.getVar('MBS_FRONTEND_HOST')

-   def ca_cert = controller.httpGet("/ca/cacert")

-   koji.setConfig("https://${koji_ssl_host}/kojihub",

-                  "https://${koji_ssl_host}/kojifiles",

-                  clientcert.cert, clientcert.key, ca_cert)

-   def tags = koji.callMethod("listTags")

-   if (!tags.any { it.name == "module-f28" }) {

-     koji.addTag("module-f28")

-   }

-   if (!tags.any { it.name == "module-f28-build" }) {

-     koji.addTag("module-f28-build", "--parent=module-f28", "--arches=x86_64")

-   }

-   try {

-     // There's currently no way to query whether a given user has CG access, so just add it

-     // and hope no one else has already done it.

-     koji.runCmd("grant-cg-access", koji_admin, "module-build-service", "--new")

-   } catch (ex) {

-     echo "Granting cg-access to ${koji_admin} failed, assuming it was already provided in a previous test"

-   }


-   if (!koji.callMethod("listBTypes").any { it.name == "module" }) {

-     koji.callMethodLogin("addBType", "module")

-   }


-   writeFile file: 'ca-cert.pem', text: ca_cert

-   def url = "https://${mbs_host}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/"

-   def curlargs = """

-     --cacert ca-cert.pem \

-     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

-     -H 'Accept: application/json' \

-     -d @buildparams.json \

-     -o response.json \

-     -w '%{http_code}'

-   """.trim()

-   def http_code, response

-   if (controller.getVar("KRB5_REALM")) {

-     writeFile file: 'buildparams.json', text: """

-       {"scmurl": "https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/mikeb/modules/testmodule.git?#8b3fb16160f899ce10905faf570f110d52b91154",

-        "branch": "empty-f28"}

-     """

-     krb5.withKrb(controller.getKrb5Vars(koji_admin)) {

-       http_code = sh script: "curl --negotiate -u : $curlargs $url", returnStdout: true

-       response = readFile file: 'response.json'

-     }

-   } else {

-     writeFile file: 'buildparams.json', text: """

-       {"scmurl": "https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/mikeb/modules/testmodule.git?#8b3fb16160f899ce10905faf570f110d52b91154",

-        "branch": "empty-f28",

-        "owner":  "${koji_admin}"}

-     """

-     http_code = sh script: "curl $curlargs $url", returnStdout: true

-     response = readFile file: 'response.json'

-   }

-   if (http_code != '201') {

-     echo "Response code was ${http_code}, output was ${response}"

-     error "POST response code was ${http_code}, not 201"

-   }

-   def buildinfo = readJSON(text: response)

-   timeout(10) {

-     waitUntil {

-       def resp = httpRequest url: "${url}${buildinfo.id}", ignoreSslErrors: true

-       if (resp.status != 200) {

-         echo "Response code was ${resp.status}, output was ${resp.content}"

-         error "GET response code was ${resp.status}, not 200"

-       }

-       def modinfo = readJSON(text: resp.content)

-       if (modinfo.state_name == "failed") {

-         error "Module ${modinfo.id} (${modinfo.name}) is in the ${modinfo.state_name} state"

-       } else if (modinfo.state_name != "ready") {

-         echo "Module ${modinfo.id} (${modinfo.name}) is in the ${modinfo.state_name} state, not ready"

-         return false

-       }

-       def builds = koji.listBuilds()

-       echo "Builds: ${builds}"

-       def build = builds.find { it.name == "testmodule" }

-       if (!build) {

-         echo "Could not find a build of testmodule"

-         return false

-       }

-       def develbuild = builds.find { it.name == "testmodule-devel" }

-       if (!develbuild) {

-         echo "Could not find a build of testmodule-devel"

-         return false

-       }

-       echo "All checks passed"

-       return true

-     }

-   }

- }


- return this;

@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash -ex


+ # expected environment variables:

+ # CACERT = filepath with CA cert


+ # KOJI_CONFIG = path to koji configuration


+ # Kerberos ticket with user having permissions to build module


+ if [ -z "$CACERT" ] || [ -z "$MBS_FRONTEND_HOST" ] || [ -z "$KOJI_CONFIG" ] || ! klist &>/dev/null ; then

+     echo "Missing environment configuration"

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ RESPONSE=$(mktemp)

+ HTTP_CODE=$(mktemp)

+ MODULE_REQUEST=$(mktemp)



+ {"scmurl": "https://src.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule.git?#9c589780e1dd1698dc64dfa28d30014ad18cad32", "branch": "f28"}



+ curl -s --negotiate -u : \

+      --cacert $CACERT \

+      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

+      -H 'Accept: application/json' \

+      -d @$MODULE_REQUEST \

+      -o $RESPONSE \

+      -w '%{http_code}' \

+      https://${MBS_FRONTEND_HOST}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/ > $HTTP_CODE


+ if [ "$(cat $HTTP_CODE)" != "201" ]; then

+     echo "HTTP code was $(cat $HTTP_CODE), not 201"

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ MODULE_ID=$(jq '.id' $RESPONSE)


+ i=0

+ while true; do

+     sleep 5

+     i=$((i + 1))

+     if [ $i -gt 100 ]; then

+         echo "Module build has timed out"

+         exit 1

+     fi

+     curl -s --cacert $CACERT \

+          -o $RESPONSE \

+          -w '%{stderr}%{http_code}' \

+          https://${MBS_FRONTEND_HOST}/module-build-service/1/module-builds/$MODULE_ID 2> $HTTP_CODE

+     if [ "$(cat $HTTP_CODE)" != "200" ]; then

+         echo "HTTP code was $(cat $HTTP_CODE), not 200"

+         exit 1

+     fi

+     STATE=$(jq -r '.state_name' $RESPONSE)

+     if [ "$STATE" == "failed" ]; then

+         echo "Module build failed"

+         exit 1

+     elif [ "$STATE" != "build" ]; then

+         echo "Module ${MODULE_ID} is in the $STATE state, not build"

+         continue

+     fi

+     TEST_TARGET="$(koji -c $KOJI_CONFIG -q list-targets | awk '$1~"^module-testmodule-" {print $1, $2}')"

+     if [ -z "$TEST_TARGET" ]; then

+         echo "Could not find module target"

+         continue

+     fi

+     TEST_TARGET_NAME=$(echo ${TEST_TARGET} | awk '{print $1}')

+     TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG=$(echo ${TEST_TARGET} | awk '{print $2}')

+     echo "Target: ${TEST_TARGET_NAME}"



+     if ! grep -q "Arches: x86_64" ${TEST_TARGET_TAG_INFO_FILE}; then

+        echo "${TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG} does not have arches set to x86_64"

+        continue

+     fi


+     if ! grep -q "Required permission: 'admin'" ${TEST_TARGET_TAG_INFO_FILE}; then

+        echo "${TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG} does not have perm set to admin"

+        continue

+     fi

+     if ! grep -q "  mock.package_manager : 'dnf'" ${TEST_TARGET_TAG_INFO_FILE}; then

+        echo "${TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG} is not configured to use dnf"

+        continue

+     fi

+     if ! grep -q "  repo_include_all : True" ${TEST_TARGET_TAG_INFO_FILE}; then

+        echo "${TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG} is not configured with repo_include_all"

+        continue

+     fi

+     if ! koji -c $KOJI_CONFIG list-tag-inheritance ${TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG} | grep -q 'module-f28-build'; then

+        echo "module-f28-build not in inheritance of  ${TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG}"

+        continue

+     fi

+     if [ "$(koji -c $KOJI_CONFIG list-groups ${TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG} | grep 'bash:\|rpm-build:\|module-build-macros:' | wc -l)" != 6 ]; then

+        echo "${TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG} does not have required packages in the srpm-build or build group "

+        continue

+     fi

+     BUILD_TASK=$(koji -c $KOJI_CONFIG list-tasks | grep 'build (')

+     if [ -z "${BUILD_TASK}" ]; then

+        echo "No build task has been created"

+        continue

+     fi

+     if ! echo ${BUILD_TASK} | grep -q "module-build-macros"; then

+         echo "The build task is not building module-build-macros"

+         continue

+     fi

+     if ! echo ${BUILD_TASK} | grep -q "\.src\.rpm"; then

+         echo "The build task is not building from an SRPM"

+         continue

+     fi


+     NEW_REPO_TASK=$(koji -c $KOJI_CONFIG list-tasks | grep 'newRepo (')

+     if [ -z "${NEW_REPO_TASK}" ]; then

+        echo "No newRepo task has been created"

+        continue

+     fi


+     if ! echo $NEW_REPO_TASK | grep -q ${TEST_TARGET_BUILD_TAG}; then

+        echo "The newRepo task is not associated with the correct tag"

+        continue

+     fi


+     echo "All tests passed"

+     break

+ done

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ 

+ document: modulemd

+ version: 1

+ data:

+   summary: A test module in all its beautiful beauty

+   description: This module buildrequires a virtual stream of the platform module

+   name: testmodule

+   stream: buildrequire_virtual_stream

+   license:

+     module: [ MIT ]

+   dependencies:

+     buildrequires:

+         platform: fedora

+     requires:

+         platform: fedora

+   references:

+     community: https://docs.pagure.org/modularity/

+     documentation: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Packaging_Guidelines_for_Modules

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash -ex


+ export PIPELINE_ID=$1

+ if [ -z "$PIPELINE_ID" ]; then

+     echo You must specify the pipeline ID

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ if [ "$TESTCASES" == "skip" ]; then

+     echo "TESTCASES=skip defined, skipping tests"

+     exit 0

+ fi


+ export TEST_DIR=$(realpath $(dirname $0))

+ CONTROLLER=http://${PIPELINE_ID}.cloud.paas.psi.redhat.com

+ echo "Provisioning pipeline services..."

+ curl -X POST -F data=@${TEST_DIR}/mbs-cgimport-vars.yaml $CONTROLLER/scripts/provision

+ CERT_DIR=$(mktemp -d)

+ export CACERT="${CERT_DIR}/ca.crt"

+ curl -s ${CONTROLLER}/ca/cacert > $CACERT

+ export KRB5_CONFIG=$(mktemp)

+ curl -so $KRB5_CONFIG ${CONTROLLER}/krb5/configfile


+ # The MBS user is defined in the Ansible vars file

+ export MBS_USER="mbs-user-${PIPELINE_ID}"

+ export MBS_USER_PASSWORD=$(curl -s ${CONTROLLER}/krb5/principal/${MBS_USER})



+ CLIENT_CERTS="${CERT_DIR}/client.pem"

+ curl -s ${CONTROLLER}/ca/${MBS_USER}/cert > ${CLIENT_CERTS}

+ curl -s ${CONTROLLER}/ca/${MBS_USER}/key >> ${CLIENT_CERTS}



+ export KOJI_CONFIG=$(mktemp)

+ cat > $KOJI_CONFIG <<EOF

+ [koji]

+ server = https://${KOJI_HUB_HOST}/kojihub

+ weburl = https://${KOJI_HUB_HOST}/koji

+ serverca = $CACERT

+ authtype = ssl

+ cert = ${CLIENT_CERTS}



+ for TEST_FILE in $(ls ${TEST_DIR}); do


+     if [ -x "$TEST" ] && [ "${TEST_FILE}" != "runtests" ]; then

+        if [ -z "$TESTCASES" ] || echo "$TESTCASES" | grep "${TEST_FILE}"; then

+            echo "Running test ${TEST_FILE}"

+            $TEST

+        else

+            echo "Skipping test ${TEST_FILE}"

+        fi

+     fi

+ done

Move execution logic from groovy scripts to bash. To be possible to run
them from any environment.
Setup pipeline using provion endpoint.

rebased onto 40e293f2c0d1a16d8bc02ef1bff368439d6750a8

4 years ago

Build #759 failed (commit: 642fc308f3d6e2261bab1b3d43acf91d08cd9b10).
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

Build #760 failed (commit: 40e293f2c0d1a16d8bc02ef1bff368439d6750a8).
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

${env.CURRENT_TESTCASE} in snippets/mbs-integration-test.groovy needs to be removed, it's no longer set.

Build #763 failed (commit: 40e293f2c0d1a16d8bc02ef1bff368439d6750a8).
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto b4dc9ddeaf1024d1566244c13f7e535d4549e251

4 years ago

Build #764 failed (commit: b4dc9ddeaf1024d1566244c13f7e535d4549e251).
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto de9443a

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mprahl

4 years ago