#1363 Rewrite import_mmd
Merged 4 years ago by cqi. Opened 4 years ago by cqi.
cqi/fm-orchestrator remove-dropped-virtual-streams  into  master

@@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ 


      def get_buildrequired_base_modules(self, db_session):


-         Find the base modules in the modulemd's xmd section.

+         Find the base modules in the modulemd's xmd/mbs/buildrequires section.


          :param db_session: the SQLAlchemy database session to use to query

          :return: a list of ModuleBuild objects of the base modules that are buildrequired with the
@@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ 


                  bm_dict = xmd["mbs"]["buildrequires"].get(bm)

              except KeyError:

-                 raise RuntimeError("The module's mmd is missing information in the xmd section")

+                 raise RuntimeError("The module's mmd is missing xmd/mbs or xmd/mbs/buildrequires.")


              if not bm_dict:

@@ -1139,6 +1139,40 @@ 




+     def update_virtual_streams(self, db_session, virtual_streams):

+         """Add and remove virtual streams to and from this build


+         If a virtual stream is only associated with this build, remove it from

+         database as well.


+         :param db_session: SQLAlchemy session object.

+         :param virtual_streams: list of virtual streams names used to update

+             this build's virtual streams.

+         :type virtual_streams: list[str]

+         """

+         orig_virtual_streams = set(item.name for item in self.virtual_streams)

+         new_virtual_streams = set(virtual_streams)


+         dropped_virtual_streams = orig_virtual_streams - new_virtual_streams

+         newly_added_virtual_streams = new_virtual_streams - orig_virtual_streams


+         for stream_name in newly_added_virtual_streams:

+             virtual_stream = VirtualStream.get_by_name(db_session, stream_name)

+             if not virtual_stream:

+                 virtual_stream = VirtualStream(name=stream_name)

+             self.virtual_streams.append(virtual_stream)


+         for stream_name in dropped_virtual_streams:

+             virtual_stream = VirtualStream.get_by_name(db_session, stream_name)

+             only_associated_with_self = (

+                 len(virtual_stream.module_builds) == 1

+                 and virtual_stream.module_builds[0].id == self.id

+             )


+             self.virtual_streams.remove(virtual_stream)

+             if only_associated_with_self:

+                 db_session.delete(virtual_stream)



  class VirtualStream(MBSBase):

      __tablename__ = "virtual_streams"
@@ -1151,6 +1185,10 @@ 

      def __repr__(self):

          return "<VirtualStream id={} name={}>".format(self.id, self.name)


+     @classmethod

+     def get_by_name(cls, db_session, name):

+         return db_session.query(cls).filter_by(name=name).first()



  class ModuleArch(MBSBase):

      __tablename__ = "module_arches"

@@ -412,6 +412,8 @@ 

      The ModuleBuild.owner is set to "mbs_import".


      :param db_session: SQLAlchemy session object.

+     :param mmd: module metadata being imported into database.

+     :type mmd: Modulemd.ModuleStream

      :param bool check_buildrequires: When True, checks that the buildrequires defined in the MMD

          have matching records in the `mmd["xmd"]["mbs"]["buildrequires"]` and also fills in

          the `ModuleBuild.buildrequires` according to this data.
@@ -419,31 +421,29 @@ 

               log messages collected during import (list)

      :rtype: tuple


+     xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

+     # Set some defaults in xmd["mbs"] if they're not provided by the user

+     if "mbs" not in xmd:

+         xmd["mbs"] = {"mse": True}


      if not mmd.get_context():



+     # NSVC is used for logging purpose later.

+     nsvc = mmd.get_nsvc()

+     if nsvc is None:

+         msg = "Both the name and stream must be set for the modulemd being imported."

+         log.error(msg)

+         raise UnprocessableEntity(msg)


      name = mmd.get_module_name()

      stream = mmd.get_stream_name()

      version = str(mmd.get_version())

      context = mmd.get_context()


-     try:

-         disttag_marking = mmd.get_xmd()["mbs"]["disttag_marking"]

-     except (ValueError, KeyError):

-         disttag_marking = None


-     try:

-         virtual_streams = mmd.get_xmd()["mbs"]["virtual_streams"]

-     except (ValueError, KeyError):

-         virtual_streams = []

+     xmd_mbs = xmd["mbs"]


-     # Verify that the virtual streams are the correct type

-     if virtual_streams and (

-         not isinstance(virtual_streams, list)

-         or any(not isinstance(vs, string_types) for vs in virtual_streams)

-     ):

-         msg = "The virtual streams must be a list of strings"

-         log.error(msg)

-         raise UnprocessableEntity(msg)

+     disttag_marking = xmd_mbs.get("disttag_marking")


      # If it is a base module, then make sure the value that will be used in the RPM disttags

      # doesn't contain a dash since a dash isn't allowed in the release field of the NVR
@@ -452,46 +452,49 @@ 

              msg = "The disttag_marking cannot contain a dash"


              raise UnprocessableEntity(msg)

-         elif not disttag_marking and "-" in stream:

+         if not disttag_marking and "-" in stream:

              msg = "The stream cannot contain a dash unless disttag_marking is set"


              raise UnprocessableEntity(msg)


-     # Log messages collected during import

-     msgs = []

+     virtual_streams = xmd_mbs.get("virtual_streams", [])


-     # NSVC is used for logging purpose later.

-     try:

-         nsvc = ":".join([name, stream, version, context])

-     except TypeError:

-         msg = "Incomplete NSVC: {}:{}:{}:{}".format(name, stream, version, context)

+     # Verify that the virtual streams are the correct type

+     if virtual_streams and (

+         not isinstance(virtual_streams, list)

+         or any(not isinstance(vs, string_types) for vs in virtual_streams)

+     ):

+         msg = "The virtual streams must be a list of strings"


          raise UnprocessableEntity(msg)


-     if len(mmd.get_dependencies()) > 1:

-         raise UnprocessableEntity(

-             "The imported module's dependencies list should contain just one element")


-     xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

-     # Set some defaults in xmd["mbs"] if they're not provided by the user

-     if "mbs" not in xmd:

-         xmd["mbs"] = {"mse": True}


-     if check_buildrequires and mmd.get_dependencies():

-         brs = set(mmd.get_dependencies()[0].get_buildtime_modules())

-         xmd_brs = set(xmd["mbs"].get("buildrequires", {}).keys())

-         if brs - xmd_brs:

+     if check_buildrequires:

+         deps = mmd.get_dependencies()

+         if len(deps) > 1:

              raise UnprocessableEntity(

-                 "The imported module buildrequires other modules, but the metadata in the "

-                 'xmd["mbs"]["buildrequires"] dictionary is missing entries'

-             )

-     elif "buildrequires" not in xmd["mbs"]:

-         xmd["mbs"]["buildrequires"] = {}

-         mmd.set_xmd(xmd)


-     koji_tag = xmd["mbs"].get("koji_tag")

-     if koji_tag is None:

+                 "The imported module's dependencies list should contain just one element")


+         if "buildrequires" not in xmd_mbs:

+             # Always set buildrequires if it is not there, because

+             # get_buildrequired_base_modules requires xmd/mbs/buildrequires exists.

+             xmd_mbs["buildrequires"] = {}

+             mmd.set_xmd(xmd)


+         if len(deps) > 0:

+             brs = set(deps[0].get_buildtime_modules())

+             xmd_brs = set(xmd_mbs["buildrequires"].keys())

+             if brs - xmd_brs:

+                 raise UnprocessableEntity(

+                     "The imported module buildrequires other modules, but the metadata in the "

+                     'xmd["mbs"]["buildrequires"] dictionary is missing entries'

+                 )


+     if "koji_tag" not in xmd_mbs:

          log.warning("'koji_tag' is not set in xmd['mbs'] for module {}".format(nsvc))

+         log.warning("koji_tag will be set to None for imported module build.")


+     # Log messages collected during import

+     msgs = []


      # Get the ModuleBuild from DB.

      build = models.ModuleBuild.get_build_from_nsvc(db_session, name, stream, version, context)
@@ -501,11 +504,12 @@ 



          build = models.ModuleBuild()

+         db_session.add(build)


      build.name = name

      build.stream = stream

      build.version = version

-     build.koji_tag = koji_tag

+     build.koji_tag = xmd_mbs.get("koji_tag")

      build.state = models.BUILD_STATES["ready"]

      build.modulemd = mmd_to_str(mmd)

      build.context = context
@@ -523,19 +527,7 @@ 

              if base_module not in build.buildrequires:



-     db_session.add(build)

-     db_session.commit()


-     for virtual_stream in virtual_streams:

-         vs_obj = db_session.query(models.VirtualStream).filter_by(name=virtual_stream).first()

-         if not vs_obj:

-             vs_obj = models.VirtualStream(name=virtual_stream)

-             db_session.add(vs_obj)

-             db_session.commit()


-         if vs_obj not in build.virtual_streams:

-             build.virtual_streams.append(vs_obj)

-             db_session.add(build)

+     build.update_virtual_streams(db_session, virtual_streams)




@@ -455,6 +455,63 @@ 


              module_build_service.utils.import_mmd(db_session, mmd)


+     def test_import_mmd_remove_dropped_virtual_streams(self, db_session):

+         mmd = load_mmd(read_staged_data("formatted_testmodule"))


+         # Add some virtual streams

+         xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

+         xmd["mbs"]["virtual_streams"] = ["f28", "f29", "f30"]

+         mmd.set_xmd(xmd)


+         # Import mmd into database to simulate the next step to reimport a module

+         module_build_service.utils.general.import_mmd(db_session, mmd)


+         # Now, remove some virtual streams from module metadata

+         xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

+         xmd["mbs"]["virtual_streams"] = ["f28", "f29"]  # Note that, f30 is removed

+         mmd.set_xmd(xmd)


+         # Test import modulemd again and the f30 should be removed from database.

+         module_build, _ = module_build_service.utils.general.import_mmd(db_session, mmd)

module_build = module_build_service.utils.general.import_mmd(db_session, mmd)[0]


+         db_session.refresh(module_build)

+         assert ["f28", "f29"] == sorted(item.name for item in module_build.virtual_streams)

+         assert 0 == db_session.query(models.VirtualStream).filter_by(name="f30").count()


+     def test_import_mmd_dont_remove_dropped_virtual_streams_associated_with_other_modules(

+         self, db_session

+     ):

+         mmd = load_mmd(read_staged_data("formatted_testmodule"))

+         # Add some virtual streams to this module metadata

+         xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

+         xmd["mbs"]["virtual_streams"] = ["f28", "f29", "f30"]

+         mmd.set_xmd(xmd)

+         module_build_service.utils.general.import_mmd(db_session, mmd)


+         # Import another module which has overlapping virtual streams

+         another_mmd = load_mmd(read_staged_data("formatted_testmodule-more-components"))

+         # Add some virtual streams to this module metadata

+         xmd = another_mmd.get_xmd()

+         xmd["mbs"]["virtual_streams"] = ["f29", "f30"]

+         another_mmd.set_xmd(xmd)

+         another_module_build, _ = module_build_service.utils.general.import_mmd(

+             db_session, another_mmd)


+         # Now, remove f30 from mmd

+         xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

+         xmd["mbs"]["virtual_streams"] = ["f28", "f29"]

+         mmd.set_xmd(xmd)


+         # Reimport formatted_testmodule again

+         module_build, _ = module_build_service.utils.general.import_mmd(db_session, mmd)


+         db_session.refresh(module_build)

+         assert ["f28", "f29"] == sorted(item.name for item in module_build.virtual_streams)


+         # The overlapped f30 should be still there.

+         db_session.refresh(another_module_build)

+         assert ["f29", "f30"] == sorted(item.name for item in another_module_build.virtual_streams)


      def test_get_rpm_release_mse(self, db_session):



@@ -2019,7 +2019,8 @@ 

          data = json.loads(rv.data)


          assert data["error"] == "Unprocessable Entity"

-         assert data["message"] == "Incomplete NSVC: None:None:0:00000000"

+         expected_msg = "Both the name and stream must be set for the modulemd being imported."

+         assert data["message"] == expected_msg


      @pytest.mark.parametrize("api_version", [1, 2])

      @patch("module_build_service.auth.get_user", return_value=import_module_user)

  • xmd/mbs is always set if it is not present in xmd, so move the code on
    the top of function. This change is also helpful for accessing keys
    under xmd/mbs.
  • By setting xmd/mbs in the beginning, code is simplified to get
    disttag_marking and virtual_streams. The result is much straightforwar
    for getting a default value for them.
  • Move disttag_marking validation code next to the line getting
    disttag_marking from xmd/mbs. As a result, the code structure is
    easier to read as getting disttag_marking and validate it, getting
    virtual_streams and validate.
  • Rewrite the part of code for check_buildrequires. Always set
    xmd/mbs/buildrequires if it is not present and check_buildrequires is
    set to True, as it is required by
  • Using in operator instead of dict.get to check if key koji_tag exists.
    Using dict.get would be ambiguous because even if koji_tag exists
    under xmd/mbs, but due to its value is set to None occasionally, there
    is still a message logged to tell koji_tag is not set.
  • Rwrite all lines of code for updating virtual streams. A new method
    update_virtual_streams is added to ModuleBuild. This also fixes
  • Tests are added for the rewrite of virtual streams update.

Signed-off-by: Chenxiong Qi cqi@redhat.com

module_build = module_build_service.utils.general.import_mmd(db_session, mmd)[0]

pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

4 years ago

module_build = module_build_service.utils.general.import_mmd(db_session, mmd)[0]

@vmaljulin Thanks. I personally like current way to get the result as it is much straightforward than getting via an index from a list or tuple.

Instead of a try and except. Could you do return db_session.query(cls).filter_by(name=name).first()?

In the future, changes like this should be in a separate commit from any refactoring if possible.

How about the following?

msg = "Both the name and stream must be set for the modulemd being imported"

In this case, there should be an empty dict in xmd.mbs.buildrequires.

This should be if "koji_tag" not in xmd_mbs:

rebased onto 116597c7a85d6accd3dc5aedab979caa5ab3b320

4 years ago

rebased onto b600cee67dfaad3d3f093062c72eea57772798a0

4 years ago

@mprahl Thanks. All comments are addressed.

Build #315 failed (commit: b600cee67dfaad3d3f093062c72eea57772798a0).
Rebase or make new commits to rebuild.

rebased onto f7bb71138d6e0dbb7791fff9393a56467f8266c2

4 years ago

rebased onto 9c6c4da

4 years ago

Commit b5df145 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by cqi

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by cqi

4 years ago