#1318 Allow configuring the number of parallel submissions to Koji
Merged 4 years ago by mprahl. Opened 4 years ago by mprahl.

@@ -653,7 +653,13 @@ 

                      "x, y, and z (represents the version). The third value is an optional template "

                      "string that represent the Product Pages release for major releases "

                      "(e.g. 8.0.0). After the first match, the rest will be ignored."

-         }

+         },

+         "num_threads_for_build_submissions": {

+             "type": int,

+             "default": 5,

+             "desc": "The number of threads when submitting component builds to an external build "

+                     "system.",

+         },



      def __init__(self, conf_section_obj):
@@ -907,3 +913,10 @@ 



          self._product_pages_module_streams = d


+     def _setifok_num_threads_for_build_submissions(self, i):

+         if not isinstance(i, int):

+             raise TypeError("NUM_THREADS_FOR_BUILD_SUBMISSIONS needs to be an int")

+         if i < 1:

+             raise ValueError("NUM_THREADS_FOR_BUILD_SUBMISSIONS must be >= 1")

+         self._num_threads_for_build_submissions = i

@@ -150,9 +150,7 @@ 



      # Start build of components in this batch.

-     max_workers = 1

-     if config.num_concurrent_builds > 0:

-         max_workers = config.num_concurrent_builds

+     max_workers = config.num_threads_for_build_submissions

      with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:

          futures = {

              executor.submit(start_build_component, builder, c): c for c in components_to_build

When NUM_CONCURRENT_BUILDS is 0, then multi-threading is disabled when submitting builds to Koji. This is not acceptable, so this commit makes the number of threads configurable.

It is possible to set num_threads_for_build_submissions to 0, then max_workers is 0, is this expected?

It is possible to set num_threads_for_build_submissions to 0, then max_workers is 0, is this expected?

Good point. I'll add some code to validate that.

rebased onto 316292727da035fe1704e84da4d932db71be4a7f

4 years ago

rebased onto 50f0a60

4 years ago

@cqi fixed. Thanks for the review. Could you please review it again?

Pull-Request has been merged by mprahl

4 years ago