#1218 Add missing migration
Closed 4 years ago by mprahl. Opened 5 years ago by cqi.
cqi/fm-orchestrator add-missing-migration  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ 

+ """empty message

Could you set a message here explaining the migration?


+ Revision ID: 7b7788869415

+ Revises: 60c6093dde9e

+ Create Date: 2019-04-19 06:57:37.472140


+ """


+ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.

+ revision = '7b7788869415'

+ down_revision = '60c6093dde9e'


+ from alembic import op

+ import sqlalchemy as sa



+ def upgrade():

+     # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###

Please remove any default comments.

+     op.alter_column('module_builds', 'context',

+                existing_type=sa.VARCHAR(),

+                nullable=True,

After doing some research, it seems that we want nullable=False set on the context column in models.py. This will cause a migration script to not be generated, and that is the behavior we want anyways. I'm not sure how all databases treat nullable + server default, but some databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, will ignore the server default if the column is nullable. You can read about that here:

It does seem that setting it to nullable=False causes issues in the tests. Perhaps we can use default to resolve this.

+                existing_server_default=sa.text(u"'00000000'"))

+     op.create_unique_constraint('unique_buildrequires', 'module_builds_to_module_buildrequires', ['module_id', 'module_buildrequire_id'])

I noticed this as well on Thursday. I'm not sure how it got missed in previous PRs. Perhaps as part of our CI tests, we should make sure mbs-manager db migrate doesn't generate any new migration scripts.

+     # ### end Alembic commands ###



+ def downgrade():

+     # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###

+     op.drop_constraint('unique_buildrequires', 'module_builds_to_module_buildrequires', type_='unique')

+     op.alter_column('module_builds', 'context',

+                existing_type=sa.VARCHAR(),

+                nullable=False,

+                existing_server_default=sa.text(u"'00000000'"))

+     # ### end Alembic commands ###

Add migrations on ModuleBuild.context and unique constraint on table

Signed-off-by: Chenxiong Qi cqi@redhat.com

Found this missing migration when trying to make migration for other changes to model ModuleBuild. Steps to reproduce

  • Remove old module_build_service.db
  • Run mbs-upgradedb
  • Run python module_build_service/manage.py db revision --autogenerate -d module_build_service/migrations/

Tests pass with this migration.

After doing some research, it seems that we want nullable=False set on the context column in models.py. This will cause a migration script to not be generated, and that is the behavior we want anyways. I'm not sure how all databases treat nullable + server default, but some databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, will ignore the server default if the column is nullable. You can read about that here:

It does seem that setting it to nullable=False causes issues in the tests. Perhaps we can use default to resolve this.

Could you set a message here explaining the migration?

I noticed this as well on Thursday. I'm not sure how it got missed in previous PRs. Perhaps as part of our CI tests, we should make sure mbs-manager db migrate doesn't generate any new migration scripts.

I noticed this as well on Thursday. I'm not sure how it got missed in previous PRs. Perhaps as part of our CI tests, we should make sure mbs-manager db migrate doesn't generate any new migration scripts.

I found out the unique constraint has to have name unique_buildrequires, otherwise revision --autogenerate always detects the unique constraint and generate a op.create_unique_constraint call to create one and name it unqiue_buildrequires. I compared this behavior in sqlite and PostgreSQL, it happens in both. But, a slight different is that, for PostgreSQL, alembic also call op.drop_constraint to drop the original one created in 526fb7d445f7_module_buildrequires.py. Hence, the solution should be just to rename existing unique constraint to unique_buildrequires.

It does seem that setting it to nullable=False causes issues in the tests. Perhaps we can use default to resolve this.

Using default does not fix the issue here.

ModuleBuild.context was added in commit d83e689, where it describes explicitly NULL is not allowed for field context. The migration sets nullable=False, but it is not set in model ModuleBuild accordingly. I tested setting nullable=False, it works in both SQLite and PostgreSQL. With this change, it is really necessary to fix code building test data for tests.

@cqi thanks for the research. I think that setting nullable=False in the models and fixing the tests is the right thing to do.

@cqi do you have time to rework this PR? If not, I can take it over.

@mprahl I think I don't have enough time to finish this PR before my leave. Free feel to take it over. Thank you very much!

Just as a note, the revision this migration points to needs to change due to recent PRs getting merged.

Okay, I worked on this in #1244

Pull-Request has been closed by mprahl

4 years ago