#1176 Add the ability to override a buildrequired module stream based on a module's branch
Merged 5 years ago by jkaluza. Opened 5 years ago by mprahl.

@@ -499,7 +499,23 @@ 

          'allowed_users': {

              'type': set,

              'default': set(),

-             'desc': 'The users/service accounts that don\'t require to be part of a group'}

+             'desc': 'The users/service accounts that don\'t require to be part of a group'},

+         'br_stream_override_module': {

+             'type': str,

+             'default': 'platform',

+             'desc': ('The module name to override in the buildrequires based on the branch name. '

+                      '"br_stream_override_regexes" must also be set for this to take '

+                      'effect.')

+         },

+         'br_stream_override_regexes': {

+             'type': list,

+             'default': [],

+             'desc': ('The list of regexes used to parse the stream override from the branch name. '

+                      '"br_stream_override_module" must also be set for this to take '

+                      'effect. The regexes can contain multiple capture groups that will be '

+                      'concatenated. Any null capture groups will be ignored. The first regex that '

+                      'matches the branch will be used.')

+         },



      def __init__(self, conf_section_obj):

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ 

  import os

  from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool

  from datetime import datetime

+ import copy

  from module_build_service.utils import to_text_type


  import kobo.rpmlib
@@ -516,10 +517,46 @@ 

      :raises ValidationError: if one of the overrides doesn't apply


      dep_overrides = {

-         'buildrequires': params.get('buildrequire_overrides', {}),

-         'requires': params.get('require_overrides', {})

+         'buildrequires': copy.copy(params.get('buildrequire_overrides', {})),

+         'requires': copy.copy(params.get('require_overrides', {}))



+     # Parse the module's branch to determine if it should override the stream of the buildrequired

+     # module defined in conf.br_stream_override_module

+     branch_search = None

+     if params.get('branch') and conf.br_stream_override_module and conf.br_stream_override_regexes:

+         # Only parse the branch for a buildrequire override if the user didn't manually specify an

+         # override for the module specified in conf.br_stream_override_module

+         if not dep_overrides['buildrequires'].get(conf.br_stream_override_module):

+             branch_search = None

+             for regex in conf.br_stream_override_regexes:

+                 branch_search = re.search(regex, params['branch'])

+                 if branch_search:

+                     log.debug(

+                         'The stream override regex `%s` matched the branch %s',

+                         regex, params['branch'])

+                     break

+             else:

+                 log.debug('No stream override regexes matched the branch "%s"', params['branch'])


+     # If a stream was parsed from the branch, then add it as a stream override for the module

+     # specified in conf.br_stream_override_module

+     if branch_search:

+         # Concatenate all the groups that are not None together to get the desired stream.

+         # This approach is taken in case there are sections to ignore.

+         # For instance, if we need to parse `el8.0.0` from `rhel-8.0.0`.

+         parsed_stream = ''.join(group for group in branch_search.groups() if group)

+         if parsed_stream:

+             dep_overrides['buildrequires'][conf.br_stream_override_module] = [parsed_stream]

+             log.info(

+                 'The buildrequired stream of "%s" was overriden with "%s" based on the branch "%s"',

+                 conf.br_stream_override_module, parsed_stream, params['branch'])

+         else:

+             log.warning(

+                 ('The regex `%s` only matched empty capture groups on the branch "%s". The regex '

+                  'is invalid and should be rewritten.'),

+                 regex, params['branch'])


      unused_dep_overrides = {

          'buildrequires': set(dep_overrides['buildrequires'].keys()),

          'requires': set(dep_overrides['requires'].keys())
@@ -541,6 +578,10 @@ 

                  getattr(dep, 'set_' + dep_type)(reqs)


      for dep_type in unused_dep_overrides.keys():

+         # If a stream override was applied from parsing the branch and it wasn't applicable,

+         # just ignore it

+         if branch_search and conf.br_stream_override_module in unused_dep_overrides[dep_type]:

+             unused_dep_overrides[dep_type].remove(conf.br_stream_override_module)

          if unused_dep_overrides[dep_type]:

              raise ValidationError(

                  'The {} overrides for the following modules aren\'t applicable: {}'

@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ 

  import module_build_service.config as mbs_config

  import module_build_service.scheduler.handlers.modules

  from module_build_service.utils import import_mmd, load_mmd

+ from module_build_service.glib import dict_values, from_variant_dict



  user = ('Homer J. Simpson', set(['packager']))
@@ -1673,7 +1674,6 @@ 

      def test_buildrequires_is_included_in_json_output(self):

          # Inject xmd/mbs/buildrequires into an existing module build for

          # assertion later.

-         from module_build_service.glib import dict_values, from_variant_dict

          from module_build_service.models import make_session

          from module_build_service import conf

          br_modulea = dict(stream='6', version='1', context='1234')
@@ -1903,3 +1903,96 @@ 

          # this test is the same as the previous except YAML_SUBMIT_ALLOWED is False,

          # but it should still succeed since yaml is always allowed for scratch builds

          assert rv.status_code == 201


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('branch, platform_override', (

+         ('10', None),

+         ('10-rhel-8.0.0', 'el8.0.0'),

+         ('10-LP-product1.2', 'product1.2'),

+     ))

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)

+     @patch('module_build_service.scm.SCM')

+     @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'br_stream_override_regexes',

+                   new_callable=PropertyMock)

+     def test_submit_build_dep_override_from_branch(

+             self, mocked_regexes, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, branch, platform_override):

+         """

+         Test that MBS will parse the SCM branch to determine the platform stream to buildrequire.

+         """

+         mocked_regexes.return_value = [

+             r'(?:rh)(el)(?:\-)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$',

+             r'(?:\-LP\-)(.+)$'

+         ]

+         init_data(data_size=1, multiple_stream_versions=True)

+         # Create a platform for whatever the override is so the build submission succeeds

+         if platform_override:

+             platform_mmd = load_mmd(path.join(base_dir, 'staged_data', 'platform.yaml'), True)

+             platform_mmd.set_stream(platform_override)

+             if platform_override == 'el8.0.0':

+                 xmd = from_variant_dict(platform_mmd.get_xmd())

+                 xmd['mbs']['virtual_streams'] = 'el8'

+                 platform_mmd.set_xmd(dict_values(xmd))

+             import_mmd(db.session, platform_mmd)


+         FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule.yaml',

+                 '620ec77321b2ea7b0d67d82992dda3e1d67055b4')


+         post_url = '/module-build-service/2/module-builds/'

+         scm_url = ('https://src.stg.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule.git?#68931c90de214d9d13fe'

+                    'efbd35246a81b6cb8d49')


+         rv = self.client.post(post_url, data=json.dumps({'branch': branch, 'scmurl': scm_url}))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)

+         assert rv.status_code == 201


+         mmd = Modulemd.Module().new_from_string(data[0]['modulemd'])

+         assert len(mmd.get_dependencies()) == 1

+         dep = mmd.get_dependencies()[0]

+         if platform_override:

+             expected_br = {platform_override}

+         else:

+             expected_br = {'f28'}

+         assert set(dep.get_buildrequires()['platform'].get()) == expected_br

+         # The requires should not change

+         assert set(dep.get_requires()['platform'].get()) == {'f28'}


+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)

+     @patch('module_build_service.scm.SCM')

+     @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'br_stream_override_regexes',

+                   new_callable=PropertyMock)

+     def test_submit_build_dep_override_from_branch_br_override(

+             self, mocked_regexes, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user):

+         """

+         Test that when the branch includes a stream override for the platform module, that the

+         provided "buildrequire_override" for the platform module takes precedence.

+         """

+         mocked_regexes.return_value = [r'(?:\-LP\-)(.+)$']

+         init_data(data_size=1, multiple_stream_versions=True)

+         # Create a platform for the override so the build submission succeeds

+         platform_mmd = load_mmd(path.join(base_dir, 'staged_data', 'platform.yaml'), True)

+         platform_mmd.set_stream('product1.3')

+         import_mmd(db.session, platform_mmd)


+         FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule.yaml',

+                 '620ec77321b2ea7b0d67d82992dda3e1d67055b4')


+         post_url = '/module-build-service/2/module-builds/'

+         scm_url = ('https://src.stg.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule.git?#68931c90de214d9d13fe'

+                    'efbd35246a81b6cb8d49')

+         json_input = {

+             'branch': '10-LP-product1.2',

+             'scmurl': scm_url,

+             'buildrequire_overrides': {'platform': ['product1.3']}

+         }


+         rv = self.client.post(post_url, data=json.dumps(json_input))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)

+         assert rv.status_code == 201


+         mmd = Modulemd.Module().new_from_string(data[0]['modulemd'])

+         assert len(mmd.get_dependencies()) == 1

+         dep = mmd.get_dependencies()[0]

+         # The buildrequire_override value should take precedence over the stream override from

+         # parsing the branch

+         assert set(dep.get_buildrequires()['platform'].get()) == {'product1.3'}

+         # The requires should not change

+         assert set(dep.get_requires()['platform'].get()) == {'f28'}