#1148 Add the allowed_users configuration for service accounts to bypass the group membership check
Merged 5 years ago by mprahl. Opened 5 years ago by mprahl.

file modified
+17 -8
@@ -147,14 +147,19 @@ 


          raise Exception(error)


-     try:

-         groups = set(extended_data['groups'])

-     except Exception as e:

-         error = "Could not find groups in UserInfo from OIDC %s" % str(e)

-         log.exception(extended_data)

-         raise Exception(error)

+     username = data["username"]

+     # If the user is part of the whitelist, then the group membership check is skipped

+     if username in conf.allowed_users:

+         groups = set()

+     else:

+         try:

+             groups = set(extended_data['groups'])

+         except Exception as e:

+             error = "Could not find groups in UserInfo from OIDC %s" % str(e)

+             log.exception(extended_data)

+             raise Exception(error)


-     return data["username"], groups

+     return username, groups



  # Insired by https://pagure.io/waiverdb/blob/master/f/waiverdb/auth.py which was
@@ -245,7 +250,11 @@ 

      user, kerberos_token = KerberosAuthenticate().process_request(token)

      # Remove the realm

      user = user.split('@')[0]

-     groups = get_ldap_group_membership(user)

+     # If the user is part of the whitelist, then the group membership check is skipped

Out of curiosity, when is get_user_kerberos used? I don't see any references to it outside the test cases.

Update: Ah! It's dynamically constructed in get_user.

+     if user in conf.allowed_users:

+         groups = []

+     else:

+         groups = get_ldap_group_membership(user)

      return user, set(groups)



@@ -481,6 +481,10 @@ 

              'type': str,

              'default': 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/',

              'desc': 'URL prefix of base module\'s external repo.'},

+         'allowed_users': {

+             'type': set,

+             'default': set(),

+             'desc': 'The users/service accounts that don\'t require to be part of a group'}



      def __init__(self, conf_section_obj):

@@ -162,6 +162,9 @@ 



      def check_groups(username, groups, allowed_groups=conf.allowed_groups):

+         # If the user is part of the whitelist, then the group membership check is skipped

Can we check the permission just here? Maybe in get_user_*, if we can't get the groups simply return an empty set. This will make it simpler to make future changes while at the same time reducing the places where bugs can lurk.

At this point, it seems to me that the body of the if-statement below is unreachable.

+         if username in conf.allowed_users:

+             return

          if allowed_groups and not (allowed_groups & groups):

              raise Forbidden("%s is not in any of %r, only %r" % (

                  username, allowed_groups, groups))

file modified
+22 -6
@@ -74,9 +74,12 @@ 


                  assert str(cm.value) == "OIDC token invalid or expired."


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('allowed_users', (set(), set(['Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo'])))

+     @patch.object(mbs_config.Config, 'allowed_users', new_callable=PropertyMock)



-     def test_get_user_good(self, get_user_info, get_token_info):

+     def test_get_user_good(self, get_user_info, get_token_info, m_allowed_users, allowed_users):

+         m_allowed_users.return_value = allowed_users

          base_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))

          client_secrets = path.join(base_dir, "client_secrets.json")

          with patch.dict('module_build_service.app.config', {'OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS': client_secrets,
@@ -99,7 +102,10 @@ 


              username, groups = module_build_service.auth.get_user(request)

              assert username == name

-             assert groups == set(get_user_info.return_value["groups"])

+             if allowed_users:

+                 assert groups == set()

+             else:

+                 assert groups == set(get_user_info.return_value["groups"])


      @patch.object(mbs_config.Config, 'no_auth', new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=True)

      def test_disable_authentication(self, conf_no_auth):
@@ -219,6 +225,7 @@ 



  class TestAuthModuleKerberos:

+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('allowed_users', (set(), set(['mprahl'])))

      @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerInit', return_value=(kerberos.AUTH_GSS_COMPLETE, object()))

      @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerStep', return_value=kerberos.AUTH_GSS_COMPLETE)

      @patch('kerberos.authGSSServerResponse', return_value='STOKEN')
@@ -227,11 +234,13 @@ 




-     def test_get_user_kerberos(self, stack, principal, clean, name, response,

-                                step, init):

+     @patch.object(mbs_config.Config, 'allowed_users', new_callable=PropertyMock)

+     def test_get_user_kerberos(self, m_allowed_users, stack, principal, clean, name, response,

+                                step, init, allowed_users):


          Test that authentication works with Kerberos and LDAP


+         m_allowed_users.return_value = allowed_users

          mock_top = Mock()

          stack.return_value = mock_top

@@ -277,10 +286,17 @@ 

          connection.strategy.add_entry('cn=devs,ou=groups,{0}'.format(base_dn), devs_group_attrs)

          connection.strategy.add_entry('cn=mprahl,ou=users,{0}'.format(base_dn), mprahl_attrs)


-         groups = {'devs', 'factory2-devs'}

+         # If the user is in allowed_users, then group membership is not checked, and an empty set

+         # is just returned for the groups

+         if allowed_users:

+             expected_groups = set()

+         else:

+             expected_groups = {'devs', 'factory2-devs'}


          with patch('ldap3.Connection') as mock_ldap_con, KerberosMockConfig():

              mock_ldap_con.return_value = connection

-             assert module_build_service.auth.get_user_kerberos(request) == ('mprahl', groups)

+             assert module_build_service.auth.get_user_kerberos(request) == \

+                 ('mprahl', expected_groups)


      def test_auth_header_not_set(self):


@@ -1150,6 +1150,22 @@ 

          build = ModuleBuild.query.filter(ModuleBuild.id == result['id']).one()

          assert (build.owner == result['owner'] == 'foo') is True


+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=('svc_account', set()))

+     @patch('module_build_service.scm.SCM')

+     @patch('module_build_service.config.Config.allowed_users', new_callable=PropertyMock)

+     def test_submit_build_allowed_users(self, allowed_users, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user):

+         FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule.yaml',

+                 '620ec77321b2ea7b0d67d82992dda3e1d67055b4')


+         allowed_users.return_value = {'svc_account'}

+         data = {

+             'branch': 'master',

+             'scmurl': 'https://src.stg.fedoraproject.org/modules/'

+                       'testmodule.git?#68931c90de214d9d13feefbd35246a81b6cb8d49',

+         }

+         rv = self.client.post('/module-build-service/1/module-builds/', data=json.dumps(data))

+         assert rv.status_code == 201


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=anonymous_user)


      @patch("module_build_service.config.Config.no_auth", new_callable=PropertyMock)

This is required for monitoring use-cases, where we can have a Kerberos principal for a service account but no associated account in LDAP to check group membership.

Why not allowed_users? We already have allowed_groups.

rebased onto 5558cc8241ae9698fbdfdb7f2746079cb17fb4db

5 years ago

rebased onto 776330a

5 years ago

@jkaluza good suggestion. I renamed the configuration.

Out of curiosity, when is get_user_kerberos used? I don't see any references to it outside the test cases.

Update: Ah! It's dynamically constructed in get_user.

Can we check the permission just here? Maybe in get_user_*, if we can't get the groups simply return an empty set. This will make it simpler to make future changes while at the same time reducing the places where bugs can lurk.

At this point, it seems to me that the body of the if-statement below is unreachable.

Can we check the permission just here? Maybe in get_user_*, if we can't get the groups simply return an empty set. This will make it simpler to make future changes while at the same time reducing the places where bugs can lurk.
At this point, it seems to me that the body of the if-statement below is unreachable.

If we default to an empty set of groups if something goes wrong when fetching this info from LDAP, for example, then we are potentially silencing other issues.

I think the way it is now is fine.


Pull-Request has been merged by mprahl

5 years ago