#1047 Support Virtual Streams in MMDResolver.
Merged 5 years ago by jkaluza. Opened 5 years ago by jkaluza.
jkaluza/fm-orchestrator virtual-provides  into  master

@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ 

  import collections

  import itertools

  import solv

- from module_build_service import log

+ from module_build_service import log, conf

+ from module_build_service.models import ModuleBuild



  class MMDResolverPolicy(enum.Enum):
@@ -45,8 +46,11 @@ 


          self.build_repo = self.pool.add_repo("build")

          self.available_repo = self.pool.add_repo("available")

+         # Solvable objects representing modules stored in a list grouped by

+         # the name:stream.

+         self.solvables = {}


-     def _deps2reqs(self, deps):

+     def _deps2reqs(self, deps, base_module_stream_overrides=None, exact_versions=True):


          Helper method converting dependencies from MMD to solv.Dep instance expressing

          the dependencies in a way libsolv accepts as input.
@@ -56,6 +60,24 @@ 

          The resulting solv.Dep expression will be:

              ((module(gtk) with module(gtk:1)) and (module(foo) with module(foo:1)))


+         Base modules are handled in a special way in case when the stream of base module

+         contains version in the "x.y.z" format. For example "el8.0.0" or "el7.6.0".

+         In this case, the resulting solv.Dep expression for such base module will contain verison

+         string computed using ModuleBuild.get_stream_version() method:

+         For example:

+             module(platform) with module(platform:el8) = 080200


+         The stream used to compute the version can be also overriden using the

+         `base_module_stream_overrides` dict which has base module name as a key and

+         the stream which will be used to compute the version as a value.

+         This is needed for cases when module requires just "platform:el8", but was

+         in fact built against particular platform stream, for example platform:el8.1.0.

+         In this case, such module should still require platform:el8, but in particular

+         version which is passed to this method using the `base_module_stream_overrides`.


+         When `exact_versions` is set to False, the base module dependency will contain

+         ">=" operator instead of "=".


          The "with" syntax is here to allow depending on "module(gtk)" meaning "any gtk".

          This can happen in case {'gtk': []} is used as an input.

@@ -66,6 +88,11 @@ 

              ``Modulemd.Dependencies.get_requires`` or

              ``Modulemd.Dependencies.get_buildrequires`` whose value is

              converted from ``Modulemd.SimpleSet`` to list.

+         :param dict base_module_stream_overrides: The key is base module name, value

+             is the stream string which will be used to compute `version` part of the

+             base module solv.Dep expression.

+         :param bool exact_versions: When set to False, the base module dependency

+             will contain ">=" operator instead of "=".

          :rtype: solv.Dep

          :return: solv.Dep instance with dependencies in form libsolv accepts.

@@ -78,6 +105,8 @@ 

          # or "Requires:".

          # This method creates such solve.Dep.

          stream_dep = lambda n, s: pool.Dep("module(%s:%s)" % (n, s))

+         versioned_stream_dep = lambda n, s, v, op: pool.Dep("module(%s:%s)" % (n, s)).Rel(

+             op, pool.Dep(str(v)))


          # There are relations between modules in `deps`. For example:

          #   deps = [{'gtk': ['1'], 'foo': ['1']}]" means "gtk:1 and foo:1" are both required.
@@ -95,6 +124,8 @@ 

              # Contains the solv.Dep requirements for current dict.

              require = None

              for name, streams in dep_dicts.items():

+                 is_base_module = name in conf.base_module_names


                  # The req_pos will store solv.Dep expression for "positive" requirements.

                  # That is the case of 'gtk': ['1', '2'].

                  # The req_neg will store negative requirements like 'gtk': ['-1', '-2'].
@@ -103,10 +134,65 @@ 

                  # For each stream in `streams` for this dependency, generate the

                  # module(name:stream) solv.Dep and add REL_OR relations between them.

                  for stream in streams:

-                     if stream.startswith("-"):

-                         req_neg = rel_or_dep(req_neg, solv.REL_OR, stream_dep(name, stream[1:]))

+                     if is_base_module:

+                         # Override the stream which is used to compute the stream version in case

+                         # `base_module_stream_overrides` is set.

+                         if base_module_stream_overrides and name in base_module_stream_overrides:

+                             stream_for_version = base_module_stream_overrides[name]

+                         else:

+                             stream_for_version = stream


+                         # In case x.y.z versioning is not used for this base module, do not

+                         # use versions solv.Dep.

+                         if len(str(ModuleBuild.get_stream_version(

+                                 stream_for_version, right_pad=False))) < 5:

+                             if stream.startswith("-"):

+                                 req_neg = rel_or_dep(

+                                     req_neg, solv.REL_OR, stream_dep(name, stream[1:]))

+                             else:

+                                 req_pos = rel_or_dep(

+                                     req_pos, solv.REL_OR, stream_dep(name, stream))

+                         else:

+                             # The main reason why to use `exact_versions` is the case when

+                             # adding deps for the input module we want to resolve. This module

+                             # buildrequires exact stream version of base module against which it

+                             # needs for building and we should never pull in different one.

+                             # But for modules which are buildrequires of this input module, we

+                             # want to use "base_module >= stream_version" relation, because they

+                             # can be chery-picked even when newer base module stream_version is

+                             # requested, for example:

+                             # - foo buildrequires bar and also buildrequires platform:el8 = 080100.

+                             # - bar:1 is built against platform:el8.0.0.

+                             # - bar:2 is built against platform:el8.2.0.

+                             # We need libsolv to allow chery-picking "bar:1", and ignore "bar:2",

+                             # because it is built against newer platform stream version than the

+                             # requested and and such newer version can be incompatible with the

+                             # old one. so we express bar's dependencies on platform like this:

+                             # - bar:1 buildrequires platform:el8 >= 080000.

+                             # - bar:2 buildrequires platform:el8 >= 080200.

+                             # Because the "foo" limits the solving to platform:el8 = 080100,

+                             # the bar:2 won't be returned by libsolv, because 080100 < 080200.

+                             # But that bar:1 will be returned by libsovl, because it buildrequires

+                             # platform 080000 which is lesser than 080100.

+                             op = solv.REL_EQ

+                             if not exact_versions:

+                                 op |= solv.REL_GT

+                             version = ModuleBuild.get_stream_version(

+                                 stream_for_version, right_pad=False)

+                             if stream.startswith("-"):

+                                 req_neg = rel_or_dep(

+                                     req_neg, solv.REL_OR,

+                                     versioned_stream_dep(name, stream[1:], version, op))

+                             else:

+                                 req_pos = rel_or_dep(

+                                     req_pos, solv.REL_OR,

+                                     versioned_stream_dep(name, stream, version, op))


-                         req_pos = rel_or_dep(req_pos, solv.REL_OR, stream_dep(name, stream))

+                         if stream.startswith("-"):

+                             req_neg = rel_or_dep(

+                                 req_neg, solv.REL_OR, stream_dep(name, stream[1:]))

+                         else:

+                             req_pos = rel_or_dep(req_pos, solv.REL_OR, stream_dep(name, stream))


                  # Generate the module(name) solv.Dep.

                  req = pool.Dep("module(%s)" % name)
@@ -126,6 +212,64 @@ 


          return reqs


+     def _add_virtual_provides(self, solvable, mmd):

+         """

+         Adds "virtual_streams" from XMD section of `mmd` to `solvable`.


+         Base modules like "platform" can contain virtual streams which need to be considered

+         when resolving dependencies. For example module "platform:el8.1.0" can provide virtual

+         stream "el8". In this case the solvable will have following additional Provides:


+         - module(platform:el8.1.0) = 80100 - Modules can require specific platform stream.

+         - module(platform:el8) = 80100 - Module can also require just platform:el8.

+         """

+         xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

+         # Return in case virtual_streams are not set for this mmd.

+         if "mbs" not in xmd.keys() or "virtual_streams" not in xmd["mbs"].keys():

+             return


+         # When depsolving, we will need to follow specific rules to choose the right base

+         # module, like sorting the base modules sharing the same virtual streams based on

+         # their "stream version" - For example stream "el8.1" is lower than stream "el8.2"

+         # and so on. We therefore need to convert the stream and version of base module to

+         # integer representation and add "module($name:$stream) = $stream_based_version"

+         # to Provides.

+         version = ModuleBuild.get_stream_version(

+             mmd.get_stream(), right_pad=False)

+         dep = self.pool.Dep("module(%s:%s)" % (mmd.get_name(), mmd.get_stream())).Rel(

+             solv.REL_EQ, self.pool.Dep(str(version)))

+         solvable.add_deparray(solv.SOLVABLE_PROVIDES, dep)


+         # For each virtual stream, add

+         # "module($name:$stream) = $virtual_stream_based_version" provide.

+         for stream in xmd["mbs"]["virtual_streams"]:

+             dep = self.pool.Dep("module(%s:%s)" % (mmd.get_name(), stream)).Rel(

+                 solv.REL_EQ, self.pool.Dep(str(version)))

+             solvable.add_deparray(solv.SOLVABLE_PROVIDES, dep)


+     def _get_base_module_stream_overrides(self, mmd):

+         """

+         Checks the xmd["mbs"]["buildrequires"] and returns the dict containing

+         base module name as a key and stream of base module against which this

+         module was built. This is later used to override base module streams

+         in the _deps2reqs method.


+         :param Modulemd mmd: Metadata of module for which the stream overrides are returned.

+         :rtype: dict

+         :return: Dict with module name as a key and new stream as a value.

+         """

+         overrides = {}

+         if "mbs" in mmd.get_xmd().keys():

+             for base_module_name in conf.base_module_names:

+                 if base_module_name not in mmd.get_xmd()["mbs"]["buildrequires"].keys():

+                     continue

+                 if "stream" not in mmd.get_xmd()["mbs"]["buildrequires"][base_module_name].keys():

+                     continue

+                 stream = mmd.get_xmd()["mbs"]["buildrequires"][base_module_name]["stream"]


+                 overrides[base_module_name] = stream

+         return overrides


      def add_modules(self, mmd):


          Adds module represented by `mmd` metadata to MMDResolver. Modules added by this
@@ -147,6 +291,8 @@ 

                                       for name, streams in getattr(dep, fn)().items()}

                                      for dep in mmd.get_dependencies()]


+         base_module_stream_overrides = self._get_base_module_stream_overrides(mmd)


          # Each solvable object has name, version, architecture and list of

          # provides/requires/conflicts which defines its relations with other solvables.

          # You can imagine solvable as a single RPM.
@@ -177,14 +323,24 @@ 

                                    pool.Dep("module(%s:%s)" % (n, s)).Rel(

                                        solv.REL_EQ, pool.Dep(str(v))))


+             self._add_virtual_provides(solvable, mmd)


              # Fill in the "Requires" of this module, so we can track its dependencies

              # on other modules.

-             requires = self._deps2reqs(normdeps(mmd, "get_requires"))

+             requires = self._deps2reqs(normdeps(mmd, "get_requires"),

+                                        base_module_stream_overrides, False)

+             log.debug("Adding module %s with requires: %r", solvable.name, requires)

              solvable.add_deparray(solv.SOLVABLE_REQUIRES, requires)


              # Add "Conflicts: module(name)", because TODO, ask ignatenko.

              solvable.add_deparray(solv.SOLVABLE_CONFLICTS, pool.Dep("module(%s)" % n))



+             # Add solvable to solvables list. Sorting is done later in the solve method.

+             ns = ":".join([n, s])

+             if ns not in self.solvables:

+                 self.solvables[ns] = []

+             self.solvables[ns].append(solvable)


              # For input module, we might have multiple buildrequires/requires pairs in the

              # input `mmd`. For example like this:
@@ -224,10 +380,16 @@ 

                  solvable.evr = str(v)

                  solvable.arch = "src"


-                 requires = self._deps2reqs([normalized_deps[c]])

+                 requires = self._deps2reqs([normalized_deps[c]], base_module_stream_overrides)

+                 log.debug("Adding module %s with requires: %r", solvable.name, requires)

                  solvable.add_deparray(solv.SOLVABLE_REQUIRES, requires)



+                 # Add solvable to solvables list. Sorting is done later in the solve method.

+                 ns = ":".join([n, s])

+                 if ns not in self.solvables:

+                     self.solvables[ns] = []

+                 self.solvables[ns].append(solvable)


          return solvables

@@ -267,6 +429,10 @@ 

          # "solvable to n:s"

          s2ns = lambda s: ":".join(s.name.split(":", 2)[:2])


+         # Sort the solvables by version for NSVC in descending order.

+         for ns, unordered_solvables in self.solvables.items():

+             unordered_solvables.sort(key=lambda s: int(s.name.split(":")[2]), reverse=True)


          # For each solvable object generated from input module, run the solver.

          # For reasons why there might be multiple solvable objects, please read the

          # `add_modules(...)` inline comments.
@@ -359,12 +525,27 @@ 

                  # of our jobs - those are the modules we are looking for.

                  newsolvables = solver.transaction().newsolvables()



                  for s in newsolvables:

                      log.debug("  - %s", s)


+                 # Skip this alternative in case not all the favored Solvables are in

+                 # the solution. For example if we favored gtk:4:1:c8, but it simply

+                 # cannot be installed because of other dependencies, we know this is not a

+                 # possible combination and we should not treat it as an alternative.

+                 all_solvables_found = True

+                 for s in opt:

+                     if s not in newsolvables:

+                         all_solvables_found = False

+                         break


                  # Append them as an alternative for this src_alternative.

                  # Remember that src_alternatives are grouped by NS or NSVC depending on

                  # MMDResolverPolicy, so there might be more of them.

-                 alternative.append(newsolvables)

+                 if all_solvables_found:

+                     alternative.append(newsolvables)

+                 else:

+                     log.debug("  - ^ Not all favored solvables found in the result, skipping.")


          # If the MMDResolverPolicy is First, we will check all the alternatives and keep

          # just the "first" one.
@@ -372,15 +553,37 @@ 

              # Prune

              for transactions in alternatives.values():

                  for ns, trans in transactions.items():

-                     try:

-                         # The transation to keep is defined by the name:stream comparison,

-                         # so we always return the same name:stream if the input is the same.

-                         transactions[ns] = [next(t for t in trans

-                                                  if set(ns) <= set(s2ns(s) for s in t))]

-                     except StopIteration:

-                         # No transactions found for requested N:S

-                         del transactions[ns]

-                         continue

+                     # Each transaction in trans lists all the possible working

+                     # combination of solvables. Our goal here is to find out the

+                     # transaction which installs the most latest Solvables - ideally

+                     # always the latest versions of the Solvables we have, but this might

+                     # not be always possible because of dependencies.

+                     #

+                     # We achieve that by generating sorted_trans list in follwing format:

+                     #   [[transaction_id, [solvable1_index, solvable2_index, ...]], [...], ...]

+                     #

+                     # The solvableN_index is a number saying how new the solvable is. We use

+                     # `self.solvables` to get that number and it is simply index

+                     # of the solvable in the particular self.solvables[name_stream] list.

+                     # The newest solvable has therefore index 0, the next newest solvable index 1

+                     # and so on.

+                     #

+                     # Then we simply sort the `sorted_trans` based on the sum of solvableN_index

+                     # which gives us the transaction with the most recent versions. This is

+                     # used as a solution.

+                     sorted_trans = []

+                     for i, t in enumerate(trans):

+                         idx = []

+                         for s in t:

+                             name_stream = s2ns(s)

+                             if name_stream not in self.solvables:

+                                 continue

+                             index = self.solvables[name_stream].index(s)

+                             idx.append(index)

+                         sorted_trans.append([i, idx])

+                     sorted_trans.sort(key=lambda i: sum(i[1]))

+                     if sorted_trans:

+                         transactions[ns] = [trans[sorted_trans[0][0]]]


          # Convert the solvables in alternatives to nsvc and return them as set of frozensets.

          return set(frozenset(s2nsvc(s) for s in transactions[0])

@@ -222,11 +222,13 @@ 


          xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

          version = mmd.get_version()


          base_module_stream = None

          for base_module in conf.base_module_names:

              # xmd is a GLib Variant and doesn't support .get() syntax


-                 base_module_stream = xmd['mbs']['buildrequires'].get(base_module, {}).get('stream')

+                 base_module_stream = xmd['mbs']['buildrequires'].get(

+                     base_module, {}).get('stream')

                  if base_module_stream:

                      # Break after finding the first base module that is buildrequired


file modified
+99 -1
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ 


  from module_build_service.mmd_resolver import MMDResolver

  from module_build_service import Modulemd

+ from module_build_service import glib



  class TestMMDResolver:
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ 




-     def _make_mmd(nsvc, requires):

+     def _make_mmd(nsvc, requires, xmd_buildrequires=None, virtual_streams=None):

          name, stream, version = nsvc.split(":", 2)

          mmd = Modulemd.Module()

@@ -51,6 +52,17 @@ 




+         xmd = glib.from_variant_dict(mmd.get_xmd())

+         xmd["mbs"] = {}

+         xmd["mbs"]["buildrequires"] = {}

+         if xmd_buildrequires:

+             for ns in xmd_buildrequires:

+                 n, s = ns.split(":")

+                 xmd["mbs"]["buildrequires"][n] = {"stream": s}

+         if virtual_streams:

+             xmd["mbs"]["virtual_streams"] = virtual_streams

+         mmd.set_xmd(glib.dict_values(xmd))


          if ":" in version:

              version, context = version.split(":")

@@ -162,3 +174,89 @@ 

                         for e in exp)


          assert expanded == expected


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize(

+         "buildrequires, xmd_buildrequires, expected", (

+             # BR all platform streams -> build for all platform streams.

+             ({"platform": []}, {}, [

+                 [["platform:el8.2.0:0:c0:x86_64"],

+                  ["platform:el8.1.0:0:c0:x86_64"],

+                  ["platform:el8.0.0:0:c0:x86_64"],

+                  ["platform:el7.6.0:0:c0:x86_64"]],

+             ]),

+             # BR "el8" platform stream -> build for all el8 platform streams.

+             ({"platform": ["el8"]}, {}, [

+                 [["platform:el8.2.0:0:c0:x86_64"],

+                  ["platform:el8.1.0:0:c0:x86_64"],

+                  ["platform:el8.0.0:0:c0:x86_64"]],

+             ]),

+             # BR "el8.1.0" platfrom stream -> build just for el8.1.0.

+             ({"platform": ["el8"]}, ["platform:el8.1.0"], [

+                 [["platform:el8.1.0:0:c0:x86_64"]],

+             ]),

+             # BR platform:el8.1.0 and gtk:3, which is not built against el8.1.0,

+             # but it is built only against el8.0.0 -> cherry-pick gtk:3 from el8.0.0

+             # and build once against platform:el8.1.0.

+             ({"platform": ["el8"], "gtk": ["3"]}, ["platform:el8.1.0"], [

+                 [["platform:el8.1.0:0:c0:x86_64", "gtk:3:0:c8:x86_64", ]],

+             ]),

+             # BR platform:el8.2.0 and gtk:3, this time gtk:3 build against el8.2.0 exists

+             # -> use both platform and gtk from el8.2.0 and build once.

+             ({"platform": ["el8"], "gtk": ["3"]}, ["platform:el8.2.0"], [

+                 [["platform:el8.2.0:0:c0:x86_64", "gtk:3:1:c8:x86_64", ]],

+             ]),

+             # BR platform:el8.2.0 and mess:1 which is built against platform:el8.1.0 and

+             # requires gtk:3 which is built against platform:el8.2.0 and platform:el8.0.0

+             # -> Use platform:el8.2.0 and

+             # -> cherry-pick mess:1 from el8.1.0 and

+             # -> use gtk:3:1 from el8.2.0.

+             ({"platform": ["el8"], "mess": ["1"]}, ["platform:el8.2.0"], [

+                 [["platform:el8.2.0:0:c0:x86_64", "mess:1:0:c0:x86_64", "gtk:3:1:c8:x86_64", ]],

+             ]),

+             # BR platform:el8.1.0 and mess:1 which is built against platform:el8.1.0 and

+             # requires gtk:3 which is built against platform:el8.2.0 and platform:el8.0.0

+             # -> Use platform:el8.1.0 and

+             # -> Used mess:1 from el8.1.0 and

+             # -> cherry-pick gtk:3:0 from el8.0.0.

+             ({"platform": ["el8"], "mess": ["1"]}, ["platform:el8.1.0"], [

+                 [["platform:el8.1.0:0:c0:x86_64", "mess:1:0:c0:x86_64", "gtk:3:0:c8:x86_64", ]],

+             ]),

+             # BR platform:el8.0.0 and mess:1 which is built against platform:el8.1.0 and

+             # requires gtk:3 which is built against platform:el8.2.0 and platform:el8.0.0

+             # -> No valid combination, because mess:1 is only available in el8.1.0 and later.

+             ({"platform": ["el8"], "mess": ["1"]}, ["platform:el8.0.0"], []),

+             # This is undefined... it might build just once against latest platform or

+             # against all the platforms... we don't know

+             # ({"platform": ["el8"], "gtk": ["3"]}, {}, [

+             #     [["platform:el8.2.0:0:c0:x86_64", "gtk:3:1:c8:x86_64"]],

+             # ]),

+         )

+     )

+     def test_solve_virtual_streams(self, buildrequires, xmd_buildrequires, expected):

+         modules = (

+             # (nsvc, buildrequires, expanded_buildrequires, virtual_streams)

+             ("platform:el8.0.0:0:c0", {}, {}, ["el8"]),

+             ("platform:el8.1.0:0:c0", {}, {}, ["el8"]),

+             ("platform:el8.2.0:0:c0", {}, {}, ["el8"]),

+             ("platform:el7.6.0:0:c0", {}, {}, ["el7"]),

+             ("gtk:3:0:c8", {"platform": ["el8"]}, {"platform:el8.0.0"}, None),

+             ("gtk:3:1:c8", {"platform": ["el8"]}, {"platform:el8.2.0"}, None),

+             ("mess:1:0:c0", [{"gtk": ["3"], "platform": ["el8"]}], {"platform:el8.1.0"}, None),

+         )

+         for n, req, xmd_br, virtual_streams in modules:

+             self.mmd_resolver.add_modules(self._make_mmd(

+                 n, req, xmd_br, virtual_streams))


+         app = self._make_mmd("app:1:0", buildrequires, xmd_buildrequires)

+         if not expected:

+             with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

+                 self.mmd_resolver.solve(app)

+             return

+         else:

+             expanded = self.mmd_resolver.solve(app)


+         expected = set(frozenset(["app:1:0:%d:src" % c] + e)

+                        for c, exp in enumerate(expected)

+                        for e in exp)


+         assert expanded == expected

@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ 


          xmd = {

              "mbs": {

-                 "buildrequires": [],

-                 "requires": [],

+                 "buildrequires": {},

+                 "requires": {},

                  "commit": "ref_%s" % context,

                  "mse": "true",


Modularity team needs to be able to define multiple streams for single "platform"
module. They need it to express that "platform:el8.1.0" also provides "platform:el8".

This needs changes in a way how MMDResolver resolves dependencies between modules.

For example, if we are building module against platform:el8.1.0, the MMDResolver must
not return buildrequired module built against platform > el8.1.0, but it can for example
return (cherry-pick) buildrequired module from platform:el8.0.0 if there is no such
module built for platform:el8.1.0.

The way how it is implemented is following:

  • MMDResolver reads list of virtual streams from xmd["mbs"]["virtual_streams"] when
    creating Solvable from MMD and adds additional Provides for these virtual streams.
    We expect these to be set mainly on base modules. The versions of such provides
    are based on "stream version" number, so we can compare them.
  • The base module ("platform") buildrequires of MMDs added to MMDResolver are overriden
    to mark particular platform "stream version". For example, if module "foo" buildrequires
    "platform:el8" in MMD file, but was in fact built against platform:el8.1.0, it will
    be treated as if it would really buildrequire "platform:el8.1.0". This is needed
    to not include buildrequired modules built against newer platform than what we want.
  • MMDResolver resolves all the valid combinations of buildrequires, but we are only
    interested in the one with latest versions of buildrequired module. Therefore the
    solve() method is changed to find out combinations which have the latest versions
    for each alternative name:stream buildrequires.

The tests have been +1 by @contyk. He agreed they are complete and MBS resolves buildrequires properly.

I still think that adding REL_LT in provides is very bad idea. Because if you will require platform:el8 =80000, then it would still match. While it is not true. Also I can't guarantee that it won't be an error in future in libsolv.

rebased onto adb789f074d476e31645f967fec272b05f90e7e5

5 years ago

After discussing with @ignatenkograin on IRC, I've changed the code a bit based on his ideas and his comment is now addressed.

I believe we agreed for exact, without versions ;)

I was thinking about this once more and I think what we should change here is: module(platform:el8.2.0) = 080200 should become module(platform:el8.2.0) = 080200-$version. Same for just el8. This is done just for pruning to best version. I guess that MBS fills pool just with latest module versions per stream, however I would like to see this part more generic. So that when DNF team comes to issue that their implementation doesn't work with those virtual streams they know how to fix it ;)

In the latest master, this is no longer needed. You can just call:

models.ModuleBuild.get_stream_version(base_module_stream, right_pad=False)

Edit: This will not have the leading zero since an int is returned, I'm not sure if this would cause any issues.

This comment will need to refer to the method in models.ModuleBuild in master once this PR is rebased.

Optional: I find this hard to read as a lambda function. Do you mind just making this a regular closure?

Optional: It'd be more efficient to loop through conf.base_module_names instead of all the buildrequires because there is only one value in the conf.base_module_names list.

Optional: Adding documentation for the mmd parameter is appreciated. In general, I'd like us to start doing this even if this case is obvious.

@ignatenkobrain you are correct, since get_base_module_version_prefix returns a string and not an integer.

Optional: Could you move this comment above the if statement? I think that makes it easier to read.

For a consistent algorithm to determine what the stream version format is, perhaps after you rebase, you could do the following:

from module_build_service.models import ModuleBuild
if len(str(ModuleBuild.get_stream_version(stream_for_version, right_pad=False))) < 5:

The length check is 5 because if there is a leading zero, it is dropped since it is an int. So 5 or 6 would mean x.y.z versioning was used.

You could also do:

from module_build_service.models import ModuleBuild
if 10000 > ModuleBuild.get_stream_version(stream_for_version, right_pad=False):

1000 would be the minimum a stream version could be when expressed as an integer when x.y.z versioning is used.

Could you add a comment describing this please? I think the gist of it is that if there is a module dep that requires platform:7.6.0 and another module dep that requires platform:7.7.0, the module that buildrequires both of these modules could buildrequire platform:7.7.0.

Optional: Storing this as a variable called unordered_solvables and then only populating ordered_solvables once the sorting takes place would make the use of this less error prone on future code additions.

Is this sorting it by version (assuming s.name.split(":")[2] is the version) in descending order? If so, it'd be nice to add a comment saying that.

"as alternative" => "as an alternative"

You could add a break statement after this line.

rebased onto a730baa054a24f952f27477c10027a48177b82df

5 years ago

All the non-optional and some optional advises have been addressed, except of Igor's idea about adding -$version suffix to provides. It does not have any benefit to MBS currently and although I agree with Igor it would be nice to have this in code, I also feel we should not postpone this PR and features depending on this more now. The current code passes our tests and is complete for features we want to use it for.

:thumbsup: once the tests pass

rebased onto 192eaae

5 years ago

Tests are passing, merging.

Pull-Request has been merged by jkaluza

5 years ago