#1030 Resolve stream collision with modules added to ursine content
Merged 5 years ago by mprahl. Opened 5 years ago by cqi.
cqi/fm-orchestrator stream-collision  into  master

@@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ 

      import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib


  import munch

+ from itertools import chain

  from OpenSSL.SSL import SysCallError



  from module_build_service import log, conf, models

  import module_build_service.scm

  import module_build_service.utils
@@ -288,6 +290,12 @@ 

          return filtered_rpms



+     def format_conflicts_line(nevr):

+         """Helper method to format a Conflicts line with a RPM N-E:V-R"""

+         parsed_nvr = kobo.rpmlib.parse_nvr(nevr)

+         return "Conflicts: {name} = {epoch}:{version}-{release}".format(**parsed_nvr)


+     @staticmethod

      def get_disttag_srpm(disttag, module_build):


          # Taken from Karsten's create-distmacro-pkg.sh
@@ -304,22 +312,29 @@ 

          # build-requires based on their "mmd.filter.rpms". So we set the

          # module-build-macros to conflict with these filtered RPMs to ensure

          # they won't be installed to buildroot.

-         filter_conflicts = ""

+         filter_conflicts = []

          for req_name, req_data in mmd.get_xmd()["mbs"]["buildrequires"].items():

              if req_data["filtered_rpms"]:

-                 filter_conflicts += "# Filtered rpms from %s module:\n" % (

-                     req_name)

+                 filter_conflicts.append("# Filtered rpms from %s module:" % req_name)

              # Check if the module depends on itself

              if req_name == module_build.name:

                  filtered_rpms = KojiModuleBuilder._get_filtered_rpms_on_self_dep(

                      module_build, req_data["filtered_rpms"])


                  filtered_rpms = req_data["filtered_rpms"]

-             for nvr in filtered_rpms:

-                 parsed_nvr = kobo.rpmlib.parse_nvr(nvr)

-                 filter_conflicts += "Conflicts: %s = %s:%s-%s\n" % (

-                     parsed_nvr["name"], parsed_nvr["epoch"],

-                     parsed_nvr["version"], parsed_nvr["release"])

+             filter_conflicts.extend(map(

+                 KojiModuleBuilder.format_conflicts_line, filtered_rpms))


+             if req_name in conf.base_module_names and 'ursine_rpms' in req_data:

+                 comments = (

+                     '# Filter out RPMs from stream collision modules found from ursine content'

+                     ' for base module {}:'.format(req_name),

+                     '# ' + ', '.join(req_data['stream_collision_modules']),

+                 )

+                 filter_conflicts.extend(chain(

+                     comments,

+                     map(KojiModuleBuilder.format_conflicts_line, req_data['ursine_rpms'])

+                 ))


          spec_content = """

  %global dist {disttag}
@@ -373,7 +388,7 @@ 




-            filter_conflicts=filter_conflicts)

+            filter_conflicts='\n'.join(filter_conflicts))


          modulemd_macros = ""

          rpm_buildopts = mmd.get_rpm_buildopts()

@@ -477,6 +477,10 @@ 

              'default': 'db',

              'desc': 'Where to look up for modules. Note that this can (and '

                      'probably will) be builder-specific.'},

+         'koji_external_repo_url_prefix': {

+             'type': str,

+             'default': 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/',

+             'desc': 'URL prefix of base module\'s external repo.'},



      def __init__(self, conf_section_obj):

@@ -366,6 +366,11 @@ 

                  sqlalchemy.cast(ModuleBuild.version, db.BigInteger) == subq.c.maxversion))

          return query.all()


+     @staticmethod

+     def get_build_by_koji_tag(session, tag):

+         """Get build by its koji_tag"""

+         return session.query(ModuleBuild).filter_by(koji_tag=tag).first()


      def mmd(self):


              mmd = Modulemd.Module().new_from_string(self.modulemd)

@@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ 

      def __init__(self, config):

          self.config = config


+     def _get_module(self, name, stream, version, context, strict=False):

@cqi, my comment from below is still open. Could you please explain why you created this method instead of reusing get_module_modulemds?

+         with models.make_session(self.config) as session:

+             mb = models.ModuleBuild.get_build_from_nsvc(

+                 session, name, stream, version, context)

+             if mb is None and strict:

+                 raise UnprocessableEntity(

+                     'Cannot find any module builds for %s:%s' % (name, stream))

Since all the parameters are required, why doesn't the error message say 'Cannot find the module build "{}:{}:{}:{}"'.format(name, stream, version, context)?

+             return mb.extended_json()


      def get_module_modulemds(self, name, stream, version=None, context=None, strict=False,


@@ -57,11 +66,12 @@ 

              less than or equal the stream version computed from `stream`.

          :return: List of Modulemd metadata instances matching the query


+         if version and context:

+             mmd = self._get_module(name, stream, version, context, strict=strict)

+             return [self.extract_modulemd(mmd['modulemd'])]

If all you're doing is getting the modulemd file, why not just reuse get_module_modulemds instead of creating _get_module?


          with models.make_session(self.config) as session:

-             if version and context:

-                 builds = [models.ModuleBuild.get_build_from_nsvc(

-                     session, name, stream, version, context)]

-             elif not version and not context:

+             if not version and not context:

                  if (stream_version_lte and len(str(models.ModuleBuild.get_stream_version(

                          stream, right_pad=False))) >= 5):

                      stream_version = models.ModuleBuild.get_stream_version(stream)
@@ -306,3 +316,8 @@ 



          return new_requires


+     def get_modulemd_by_koji_tag(self, tag):

+         with models.make_session(self.config) as session:

+             module = models.ModuleBuild.get_build_by_koji_tag(session, tag)

+             return module.mmd() if module else None

@@ -394,3 +394,12 @@ 

                  import_mmd(db.session, mmd)


          return new_requires


+     def get_modulemd_by_koji_tag(self, tag):

+         resp = self.session.get(self.mbs_prod_url, params={'koji_tag': tag, 'verbose': True})

+         data = resp.json()

+         if data['items']:

+             modulemd = data['items'][0]['modulemd']

+             return self.extract_modulemd(modulemd)

+         else:

+             return None

@@ -37,7 +37,14 @@ 



      _resolvers = cfg.SUPPORTED_RESOLVERS


+     # Resolver name. Each subclass of GenericResolver must set its own name.

      backend = "generic"


+     # Supported resolver backends registry. Generally, resolver backend is

+     # registered by calling :meth:`GenericResolver.register_backend_class`.

+     # This is a mapping from resolver name to backend class object

+     # For example, {'mbs': MBSResolver}

      backends = {}


@@ -46,13 +53,19 @@ 



      def create(cls, config, backend=None, **extra):

+         """Factory method to create a resolver object


+         :param config: MBS config object.

+         :type config: :class:`Config`

+         :kwarg str backend: resolver backend name, e.g. 'db'. If omitted,

+             system configuration ``resolver`` is used.

+         :kwarg extra: any additional arguments are optional extras which can

+             be passed along and are implementation-dependent.

+         :return: resolver backend object.

+         :rtype: corresponding registered resolver class.

+         :raises ValueError: if specified resolver backend name is not

+             registered.


-         :param backend: a string representing resolver e.g. 'db'


-         Any additional arguments are optional extras which can be passed along

-         and are implementation-dependent.

-         """


          # get the appropriate resolver backend via configuration

          if not backend:

              backend = conf.resolver
@@ -115,3 +128,13 @@ 


      def resolve_requires(self, requires):

          raise NotImplementedError()


+     @abstractmethod

+     def get_modulemd_by_koji_tag(self, tag):

+         """Get module metadata by module's koji_tag


+         :param str tag: name of module's koji_tag.

+         :return: module metadata

+         :rtype: Modulemd.Module

+         """

+         raise NotImplementedError()

@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ 

          build.transition(conf, models.BUILD_STATES["wait"])

      # Catch custom exceptions that we can expose to the user

      except (UnprocessableEntity, Forbidden, ValidationError, RuntimeError) as e:

+         log.exception(str(e))

          # Rollback changes underway


          build.transition(conf, models.BUILD_STATES["failed"], state_reason=str(e))

@@ -27,3 +27,4 @@ 

  from module_build_service.utils.reuse import *  # noqa

  from module_build_service.utils.submit import *  # noqa

  from module_build_service.utils.batches import *  # noqa

+ from module_build_service.utils.ursine import *  # noqa

@@ -42,47 +42,30 @@ 

      ValidationError, UnprocessableEntity, Forbidden, Conflict)

  from module_build_service import glib

  from .mse import generate_expanded_mmds

+ from module_build_service.utils.ursine import record_stream_collision_modules



  def record_filtered_rpms(mmd):

-     """

-     Reads the mmd["xmd"]["buildrequires"] and extends it with "filtered_rpms"

-     list containing the NVRs of filtered RPMs in a buildrequired module.

+     """Record filtered RPMs that should not be installed into buildroot


+     These RPMs are filtered:


+     * Reads the mmd["xmd"]["buildrequires"] and extends it with "filtered_rpms"

+       list containing the NVRs of filtered RPMs in a buildrequired module.


+     * Every base module could have stream collision modules, whose built RPMs

+       should be filtered out to avoid collision. The filtered out RPMs will be

+       stored into the base module as well.


-     :param Modulemd mmd: Modulemd of input module.

-     :rtype: Modulemd

+     :param Modulemd mmd: Modulemd that will be built next.

+     :rtype: Modulemd.Module

      :return: Modulemd extended with the "filtered_rpms" in XMD section.


-     # Imported here to allow import of utils in GenericBuilder.

-     from module_build_service.builder import GenericBuilder


      new_buildrequires = {}

-     resolver = module_build_service.resolver.system_resolver

      for req_name, req_data in mmd.get_xmd()["mbs"]["buildrequires"].items():

-         # In case this is module resubmit or local build, the filtered_rpms

-         # will already be there, so there is no point in generating them again.

-         if "filtered_rpms" in req_data:

-             new_buildrequires[req_name] = req_data

-             continue


-         # We can just get the first modulemd data from result right here thanks to

-         # strict=True, so in case the module cannot be found, get_module_modulemds

-         # raises an exception.

-         req_mmd = resolver.get_module_modulemds(

-             req_name, req_data["stream"], req_data["version"], req_data["context"], True)[0]


-         # Find out the particular NVR of filtered packages

-         filtered_rpms = []

-         rpm_filter = req_mmd.get_rpm_filter()

-         if rpm_filter and rpm_filter.get():

-             rpm_filter = rpm_filter.get()

-             built_nvrs = GenericBuilder.backends[conf.system].get_built_rpms_in_module_build(

-                 req_mmd)

-             for nvr in built_nvrs:

-                 parsed_nvr = kobo.rpmlib.parse_nvr(nvr)

-                 if parsed_nvr["name"] in rpm_filter:

-                     filtered_rpms.append(nvr)

-         req_data["filtered_rpms"] = filtered_rpms

+         _record_filtered_rpms(req_name, req_data)

+         if req_name in conf.base_module_names and 'stream_collision_modules' in req_data:

+             _record_ursine_rpms(req_data)

          new_buildrequires[req_name] = req_data


      # Replace the old buildrequires with new ones.
@@ -92,6 +75,91 @@ 

      return mmd



+ def _record_filtered_rpms(req_name, req_data):

+     """Store filtered RPMs by a buildrequire module


+     This methods looks for key ``filtered_rpms`` in a buildrequired module's

+     metadata. If there is, nothing is done, just keep it unchanged, which case

+     could be a module is resubmitted or a local build.


+     Otherwise, ``_record_filtered_rpms`` will get module's RPMs listed in

+     filter section, then store them with the key into metadata in place.


+     :param str req_name: name of a buildrequired module.

+     :param dict req_data: a mapping containing metadata of the buildrequired

+         module. A pair of ``req_name`` and ``req_data`` is usually the one of

+         xmd.mbs.buildrequires, which are stored during the module stream

+         expansion process. At least, ``req_data`` must have keys stream,

+         version and context. Key ``filtered_rpms`` will be added as a list of

+         RPMs N-E:V-R.

+     """

+     # Imported here to allow import of utils in GenericBuilder.

+     from module_build_service.builder import GenericBuilder


+     # In case this is module resubmit or local build, the filtered_rpms

+     # will already be there, so there is no point in generating them again.

+     if "filtered_rpms" in req_data:

+         return


+     resolver = module_build_service.resolver.GenericResolver.create(conf)


+     # We can just get the first modulemd data from result right here thanks to

+     # strict=True, so in case the module cannot be found, get_module_modulemds

+     # raises an exception.

+     req_mmd = resolver.get_module_modulemds(

+         req_name, req_data["stream"], req_data["version"], req_data["context"], True)[0]


+     # Find out the particular NVR of filtered packages

+     filtered_rpms = []

+     rpm_filter = req_mmd.get_rpm_filter()

+     if rpm_filter and rpm_filter.get():

+         rpm_filter = rpm_filter.get()

+         built_nvrs = GenericBuilder.backends[conf.system].get_built_rpms_in_module_build(

+             req_mmd)

+         for nvr in built_nvrs:

+             parsed_nvr = kobo.rpmlib.parse_nvr(nvr)

+             if parsed_nvr["name"] in rpm_filter:

+                 filtered_rpms.append(nvr)

+     req_data["filtered_rpms"] = filtered_rpms



+ def _record_ursine_rpms(req_data):

+     """Store ursine RPMs


+     This method handles key ``stream_collision_modules`` from a buildrequired

+     module's metadata to find out all built RPMs and then store them with a new

+     key ``ursine_rpms`` into metadata in place.


+     :param dict req_data: a mapping containing metadata of the buildrequired

+         module. At least, ``req_data`` must have keys stream, version and

+         context. As a result, a new key ``filtered_ursine_rpms`` will be added

+         with a list of RPMs N-E:V-R which are built for the found stream

+         collision modules.

+     """

+     from module_build_service.builder.KojiModuleBuilder import KojiModuleBuilder

+     resolver = module_build_service.resolver.GenericResolver.create(conf)


+     # Key stream_collision_modules is not used after rpms are recorded, but

+     # just keep it here in case it would be helpful in the future.

+     modules_nsvc = req_data['stream_collision_modules']

+     built_rpms = []


+     koji_session = KojiModuleBuilder.get_session(conf, None)


+     for nsvc in modules_nsvc:

+         name, stream, version, context = nsvc.split(':')

+         module = resolver._get_module(name, stream, version, context, strict=True)

+         rpms = koji_session.listTaggedRPMS(module['koji_tag'], latest=True)[0]

+         built_rpms.extend(

+             kobo.rpmlib.make_nvr(rpm, force_epoch=True) for rpm in rpms

+         )


+     # In case there is duplicate NEVRs, ensure every NEVR is unique in the final list.

+     # And, sometimes, sorted list of RPMs would be easier to read.

+     built_rpms = sorted(set(built_rpms))

+     req_data['ursine_rpms'] = built_rpms



  def _scm_get_latest(pkg):


          # If the modulemd specifies that the 'f25' branch is what
@@ -367,11 +435,6 @@ 


      yaml_file = handle.read()

      mmd = load_mmd(yaml_file)


-     # Mimic the way how default values are generated for modules that are stored in SCM

-     # We can take filename as the module name as opposed to repo name,

-     # and also we can take numeric representation of current datetime

-     # as opposed to datetime of the last commit

      dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))

      def_name = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(handle.filename))[0])

      def_version = int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
@@ -524,6 +587,9 @@ 

              module.transition(conf, transition_to, "Resubmitted by %s" % username)

              log.info("Resumed existing module build in previous state %s" % module.state)


+             log.info('Start to handle potential module stream collision.')

+             record_stream_collision_modules(mmd)


              log.debug('Creating new module build')

              module = models.ModuleBuild.create(


@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ 

+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

+ # Copyright (c) 2018  Red Hat, Inc.

+ #

+ # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

+ # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

+ # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights

+ # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell

+ # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is

+ # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

+ #

+ # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all

+ # copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ #








+ #

+ # Written by Chenxiong Qi <cqi@redhat.com>


+ import re


+ from module_build_service import conf, log, glib

+ from module_build_service.resolver import system_resolver



+ """

+ This module handles module stream collision with ursine content before a module

+ is built.


+ This kind of collision would happen when packages, which are managed by

+ Ursa-Major, are used to build a module. Let's see an example, when a module foo

+ buildrequires bar with stream A, however module bar with another stream B was

+ already added to ursine content by Ursa-Major when it has been built and moved

+ to ready state. Hence, MBS has to ensure any packages from module bar:B are not

+ present in the buildroot.


+ A technical background:


+ Generally, each module buildrequires a platform module, which is associated

+ with ursine content by adding an external repository to the platform module's

+ tag. That repository is generated from a build tag that inherits from a set

+ modules' koji tag through its tag inheritance hierarchy. Ursa-Major manages

+ the inheritance relationship.


+ Stream collision modules are just those modules added to tag inheritance by

+ Ursa-Major.

+ """



+ def find_build_tags_from_external_repos(koji_session, repo_infos):

+     """Find build tags from external repos


+     An external repo added to a tag could be an arbitrary external repository.

+     Hence, this method tries best to guess the tags from each external repo's

+     URL by a regular expression.


+     :param repo_infos: list of mappings represeting external repos information.

+     :type repo_infos: list[dict]

+     :return: a list of tag names.

+     :rtype: list[str]

+     """

+     re_external_repo_url = r'^{}/repos/(.+-build)/latest/\$arch/?$'.format(

+         conf.koji_external_repo_url_prefix.rstrip('/'))

+     tag_names = []

+     for info in repo_infos:

+         match = re.match(re_external_repo_url, info['url'])

+         if match:

+             name = match.groups()[0]

+             if koji_session.getTag(name) is None:

+                 log.warning('Ignoring the found tag %s because no tag info was found '

+                             'with this name.', name)

+             else:

+                 tag_names.append(name)

+         else:

+             log.warning('The build tag could not be parsed from external repo '

+                         '%s whose url is %s.',

+                         info['external_repo_name'], info['url'])

+     return tag_names



+ def find_module_koji_tags(koji_session, build_tag):

+     """

+     Find module koji tags from parents of build tag through the tag inheritance


+     MBS supports a few prefixes which are configured in

+     ``conf.koij_tag_prefixes``. Tags with a configured prefix will be

+     considered as a module's koji tag.


+     :param koji_session: instance of Koji client session.

+     :type koji_session: ClientSession

+     :param str build_tag: tag name, which is the build tag inheriting from

+         parent tags where module koji tags are contained.

+     :return: list of module koji tags.

+     :rtype: list[str]

+     """

+     return [

+         data['name'] for data in koji_session.getFullInheritance(build_tag)

+         if any(data['name'].startswith(prefix) for prefix in conf.koji_tag_prefixes)

+     ]



+ def get_modulemds_from_ursine_content(tag):

+     """Get all modules metadata which were added to ursine content


+     Ursine content is the tag inheritance managed by Ursa-Major by adding

+     specific modules' koji_tag.


+     Background of module build based on ursine content:


+     Each module build buildrequires a platform module, which is a presudo-module

+     used to connect to an external repository whose packages will be present

+     in the buildroot. In practice, the external repo is generated from a build

+     tag which could inherit from a few module koji_tags so that those module's

+     RPMs could be build dependencies for some specific packages.


+     So, this function is to find out all module koji_tags from the build tag

+     and return corresponding module metadata.


+     :param str tag: a base module's koji_tag.

+     :return: list of module metadata. Empty list will be returned if no ursine

+         modules metadata is found.

+     :rtype: list[Modulemd.Module]

+     """

+     from module_build_service.builder.KojiModuleBuilder import KojiModuleBuilder

+     koji_session = KojiModuleBuilder.get_session(conf, None)

+     repos = koji_session.getExternalRepoList(tag)

+     build_tags = find_build_tags_from_external_repos(koji_session, repos)

+     if not build_tags:

+         log.debug('No external repo containing ursine content is found.')

+         return []

+     modulemds = []

+     for tag in build_tags:

+         koji_tags = find_module_koji_tags(koji_session, tag)

+         for koji_tag in koji_tags:

+             md = system_resolver.get_modulemd_by_koji_tag(koji_tag)

+             if md:

+                 modulemds.append(md)

+             else:

+                 log.warning('No module is found by koji_tag \'%s\'', koji_tag)

+     return modulemds



+ def find_stream_collision_modules(buildrequired_modules, koji_tag):

+     """

+     Find buildrequired modules that are part of the ursine content represented

+     by the koji_tag but with a different stream.


+     :param dict buildrequired_modules: a mapping of buildrequires, which is just

+         the ``xmd/mbs/buildrequires``. This mapping is used to determine if a module

+         found from ursine content is a buildrequire with different stream.

+     :param str koji_tag: a base module's koji_tag. Modules will be retrieved from

+         ursine content associated with this koji_tag and check if there are

+         modules that collide.

+     :return: a list of NSVC of collision modules. If no collision module is

+         found, an empty list is returned.

+     :rtype: list[str]

+     """

+     ursine_modulemds = get_modulemds_from_ursine_content(koji_tag)

+     if not ursine_modulemds:

+         log.debug('No module metadata is found from ursine content.')

+         return []


+     collision_modules = [

+         item.dup_nsvc()

+         for item in ursine_modulemds

+         # If some module in the ursine content is one of the buildrequires but has

+         # different stream, that is what we want to record here, whose RPMs will be

+         # excluded from buildroot by adding them into SRPM module-build-macros as

+         # Conflicts.

+         if (item.get_name() in buildrequired_modules and

+             item.get_stream() != buildrequired_modules[item.get_name()]['stream'])

+     ]


+     for item in collision_modules:

+         name, stream, _ = item.split(':', 2)

+         log.info('Buildrequired module %s exists in ursine content with '

+                  'different stream %s, whose RPMs will be excluded.',

+                  name, stream)


+     return collision_modules



+ def record_stream_collision_modules(mmd):

+     """

+     Find out modules from ursine content and record those that are buildrequire

+     module but have different stream.


+     Note that this depends on the result of module stream expansion.


+     MBS supports multiple base modules via option conf.base_module_names. A base

+     module name could be platform in most cases, but there could be others for

+     particular cases in practice. So, each expanded base module stored in

+     ``xmd/mbs/buildrequires`` will be handled and will have a new

+     key/value pair ``stream_collision_modules: [N-S-V-C, ...]``. This key/value

+     will then be handled by the module event handler.


+     As a result, a new item is added xmd/mbs/buildrequires/platform/stream_collision_modules,

+     which is a list of NSVC strings. Each of them is the module added to ursine

+     content by Ursa-Major.


+     :param mmd: a module's metadata which will be built.

+     :type mmd: Modulemd.Module

+     """

+     unpacked_xmd = glib.from_variant_dict(mmd.get_xmd())

+     buildrequires = unpacked_xmd['mbs']['buildrequires']


+     for module_name in conf.base_module_names:

+         base_module_info = buildrequires.get(module_name)

+         if base_module_info is None:

+             log.info(

+                 'Base module %s is not a buildrequire of module %s. '

+                 'Skip handling module stream collision for this base module.',

+                 mmd.get_name())

+             continue


+         modules_nsvc = find_stream_collision_modules(

+             buildrequires, base_module_info['koji_tag'])

+         if modules_nsvc:

+             base_module_info['stream_collision_modules'] = modules_nsvc

+         else:

+             log.info('No stream collision module is found against base module %s.',

+                      module_name)


+     mmd.set_xmd(glib.dict_values(unpacked_xmd))

file modified
+54 -26
@@ -693,18 +693,28 @@ 




- def make_module(nsvc, requires_list, build_requires_list, base_module=None):

+ def make_module(nsvc, requires_list=None, build_requires_list=None, base_module=None,

+                 filtered_rpms=None, xmd=None, store_to_db=True):


      Creates new models.ModuleBuild defined by `nsvc` string with requires

-     and buildrequires set according to `requires_list` and `build_requires_list`.

+     and buildrequires set according to ``requires_list`` and ``build_requires_list``.


      :param str nsvc: name:stream:version:context of a module.

      :param list_of_dicts requires_list: List of dictionaries defining the

          requires in the mmd requires field format.

      :param list_of_dicts build_requires_list: List of dictionaries defining the

          build_requires_list in the mmd build_requires_list field format.

-     :rtype: ModuleBuild

-     :return: New Module Build.

+     :param filtered_rpms: list of filtered RPMs which are added to filter

+         section in module metadata.

+     :type filtered_rpms: list[str]

+     :param dict xmd: a mapping representing XMD section in module metadata. A

+         custom xmd could be passed for testing a particular scenario and some

+         default key/value pairs are added if not present.

+     :param bool store_to_db: whether to store created module metadata to the

+         database.

+     :return: New Module Build if set to store module metadata to database,

+         otherwise the module metadata is returned.

+     :rtype: ModuleBuild or Modulemd.Module


      name, stream, version, context = nsvc.split(":")

      mmd = Modulemd.Module()
@@ -719,30 +729,46 @@ 




-     if not isinstance(requires_list, list):

-         requires_list = [requires_list]

-     if not isinstance(build_requires_list, list):

-         build_requires_list = [build_requires_list]


-     xmd = {

-         "mbs": {

-             "buildrequires": {},

-             "requires": {},

-             "commit": "ref_%s" % context,

-             "mse": "true",

-         }

-     }

-     deps_list = []

-     for requires, build_requires in zip(requires_list, build_requires_list):

-         deps = Modulemd.Dependencies()

-         for req_name, req_streams in requires.items():

-             deps.add_requires(req_name, req_streams)

-         for req_name, req_streams in build_requires.items():

-             deps.add_buildrequires(req_name, req_streams)

-         deps_list.append(deps)

-     mmd.set_dependencies(deps_list)

+     if filtered_rpms:

+         rpm_filter_set = Modulemd.SimpleSet()

+         rpm_filter_set.set(filtered_rpms)

+         mmd.set_rpm_filter(rpm_filter_set)


+     if requires_list is not None and build_requires_list is not None:

+         if not isinstance(requires_list, list):

+             requires_list = [requires_list]

+         if not isinstance(build_requires_list, list):

+             build_requires_list = [build_requires_list]


+         deps_list = []

+         for requires, build_requires in zip(requires_list,

+                                             build_requires_list):

+             deps = Modulemd.Dependencies()

+             for req_name, req_streams in requires.items():

+                 deps.add_requires(req_name, req_streams)

+             for req_name, req_streams in build_requires.items():

+                 deps.add_buildrequires(req_name, req_streams)

+             deps_list.append(deps)

+         mmd.set_dependencies(deps_list)


+     # Caller could pass whole xmd including mbs, but if something is missing,

+     # default values are given here.

+     xmd = xmd or {'mbs': {}}

+     xmd_mbs = xmd['mbs']

+     if 'buildrequires' not in xmd_mbs:

+         xmd_mbs['buildrequires'] = {}

+     if 'requires' not in xmd_mbs:

+         xmd_mbs['requires'] = {}

+     if 'commit' not in xmd_mbs:

+         xmd_mbs['commit'] = 'ref_%s' % context

+     if 'mse' not in xmd_mbs:

+         xmd_mbs['mse'] = 'true'




+     if not store_to_db:

+         return mmd


      module_build = ModuleBuild()

      module_build.name = name

      module_build.stream = stream
@@ -762,6 +788,8 @@ 

      module_build.modulemd = mmd.dumps()

      if base_module:


+     if 'koji_tag' in xmd['mbs']:

+         module_build.koji_tag = xmd['mbs']['koji_tag']




file modified
+25 -19
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ 

      import moksha.hub.reactor # noqa



+ @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

  @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'system', new_callable=PropertyMock,


@@ -326,7 +327,7 @@ 

      @pytest.mark.parametrize('mmd_version', [1, 2])

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg,

+     def test_submit_build(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc,



          Tests the build of testmodule.yaml using FakeModuleBuilder which
@@ -392,7 +393,7 @@ 


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build_no_components(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+     def test_submit_build_no_components(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests the build of a module with no components

@@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ 

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


      def test_submit_build_eol_module(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, is_eol, check,

-                                      conf_system, dbg):

+                                      conf_system, dbg, hmsc):

          """ Tests the build of a module with an eol stream.  """

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'python3', 'python3-no-components.yaml',

@@ -436,7 +437,7 @@ 

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


      def test_submit_build_from_yaml_not_allowed(

-             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, "testmodule", "testmodule.yaml")


          testmodule = os.path.join(base_dir, 'staged_data', 'testmodule.yaml')
@@ -454,7 +455,8 @@ 


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build_from_yaml_allowed(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+     def test_submit_build_from_yaml_allowed(

+             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule.yaml',


          testmodule = os.path.join(base_dir, 'staged_data', 'testmodule.yaml')
@@ -475,7 +477,7 @@ 


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build_cancel(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+     def test_submit_build_cancel(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Submit all builds for a module and cancel the module build later.

@@ -526,7 +528,8 @@ 


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build_instant_complete(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+     def test_submit_build_instant_complete(

+             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests the build of testmodule.yaml using FakeModuleBuilder which

          succeeds everytime.
@@ -559,7 +562,7 @@ 

             new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=1)

      def test_submit_build_concurrent_threshold(self, conf_num_concurrent_builds,

                                                 mocked_scm, mocked_get_user,

-                                                conf_system, dbg):

+                                                conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests the build of testmodule.yaml using FakeModuleBuilder with

          num_concurrent_builds set to 1.
@@ -603,7 +606,7 @@ 

             new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=2)

      def test_try_to_reach_concurrent_threshold(self, conf_num_concurrent_builds,

                                                 mocked_scm, mocked_get_user,

-                                                conf_system, dbg):

+                                                conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that we try to submit new component build right after

          the previous one finished without waiting for all
@@ -652,7 +655,7 @@ 


             new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=1)

      def test_build_in_batch_fails(self, conf_num_concurrent_builds, mocked_scm,

-                                   mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+                                   mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that if the build in batch fails, other components in a batch

          are still build, but next batch is not started.
@@ -711,7 +714,7 @@ 


             new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=1)

      def test_all_builds_in_batch_fail(self, conf_num_concurrent_builds, mocked_scm,

-                                       mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+                                       mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that if the build in batch fails, other components in a batch

          are still build, but next batch is not started.
@@ -755,7 +758,7 @@ 


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build_reuse_all(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+     def test_submit_build_reuse_all(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that we do not try building module-build-macros when reusing all

          components in a module build.
@@ -806,7 +809,7 @@ 

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


      def test_submit_build_reuse_all_without_build_macros(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user,

-                                                          conf_system, dbg):

+                                                          conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that we can reuse components even when the reused module does

          not have module-build-macros component.
@@ -858,7 +861,7 @@ 


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build_resume(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+     def test_submit_build_resume(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that resuming the build works even when previous batches

          are already built.
@@ -982,7 +985,7 @@ 

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


      def test_submit_build_resume_recover_orphaned_macros(

-             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that resuming the build works when module-build-macros is orphaned but marked as

          failed in the database
@@ -1097,7 +1100,8 @@ 


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build_resume_failed_init(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+     def test_submit_build_resume_failed_init(

+             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that resuming the build works when the build failed during the init step

@@ -1151,7 +1155,8 @@ 


      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build_resume_init_fail(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg):

+     def test_submit_build_resume_init_fail(

+             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that resuming the build fails when the build is in init state

@@ -1181,7 +1186,7 @@ 

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


      def test_submit_build_repo_regen_not_started_batch(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user,

-                                                        conf_system, dbg):

+                                                        conf_system, dbg, hmsc):


          Tests that if MBS starts a new batch, the concurrent component threshold is met before a

          build can start, and an unexpected repo regen occurs, the build will not fail.
@@ -1254,13 +1259,14 @@ 

              except Exception:



+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)




             return_value=path.join(base_dir, 'staged_data', "local_builds"))

      def test_submit_build_local_dependency(

-             self, resultsdir, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system):

+             self, resultsdir, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, conf_system, hmsc):


          Tests local module build dependency.


@@ -19,9 +19,13 @@ 



  # Written by Jan Kaluza <jkaluza@redhat.com>

+ import os

+ import shutil

+ import tempfile


  import mock

  import koji



      import xmlrpclib

  except ImportError:
@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ 

  import pytest

  from mock import patch, MagicMock


- from tests import conf, init_data, reuse_component_init_data

+ from tests import conf, init_data, reuse_component_init_data, clean_database


  from module_build_service.builder.KojiModuleBuilder import KojiModuleBuilder

@@ -634,3 +638,82 @@ 

          current_module = module_build_service.models.ModuleBuild.query.get(3)

          rv = KojiModuleBuilder._get_filtered_rpms_on_self_dep(current_module, br_filtered_rpms)

          assert set(rv) == set(expected)



+ class TestGetDistTagSRPM:

+     """Test KojiModuleBuilder.get_disttag_srpm"""


+     def setup_method(self):

+         clean_database()


+         self.tmp_srpm_build_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='test-koji-builder-')

+         self.spec_file = os.path.join(self.tmp_srpm_build_dir, 'module-build-macros.spec')

+         self.srpms_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_srpm_build_dir, 'SRPMS')

+         os.mkdir(self.srpms_dir)

+         self.expected_srpm_file = os.path.join(

+             self.srpms_dir, 'module-build-macros.src.rpm')


+         # Don't care about the content, just assert the existence.

+         with open(self.expected_srpm_file, 'w') as f:

+             f.write('')


+         module_nsvc = dict(

+             name='testmodule',

+             stream='master',

+             version='1',

+             context=module_build_service.models.DEFAULT_MODULE_CONTEXT

+         )


+         xmd = {

+             'mbs': {

+                 'buildrequires': {

+                     'modulea': {

+                         'filtered_rpms': ['baz-devel-0:0.1-6.fc28',

+                                           'baz-doc-0:0.1-6.fc28'],

+                     },

+                     'platform': {

+                         'filtered_rpms': [],

+                         'stream_collision_modules': ['modulefoo-s-v-c'],

+                         'ursine_rpms': ['foo-0:1.0-1.fc28', 'bar-0:2.0-1.fc28']

+                     }

+                 },

+                 'koji_tag': 'module-{name}-{stream}-{version}-{context}'

+                 .format(**module_nsvc)

+             }

+         }

+         from tests import make_module

+         self.module_build = make_module(

+             '{name}:{stream}:{version}:{context}'.format(**module_nsvc),

+             xmd=xmd)


+     def teardown_method(self):

+         shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_srpm_build_dir)

+         clean_database()


+     @patch('tempfile.mkdtemp')

+     @patch('module_build_service.builder.KojiModuleBuilder.execute_cmd')

+     def _build_srpm(self, execute_cmd, mkdtemp):

+         mkdtemp.return_value = self.tmp_srpm_build_dir

+         return KojiModuleBuilder.get_disttag_srpm('disttag', self.module_build)


+     def test_return_srpm_file(self):

+         srpm_file = self._build_srpm()

+         assert self.expected_srpm_file == srpm_file


+     def test_filtered_rpms_are_added(self):

+         self._build_srpm()


+         with open(self.spec_file, 'r') as f:

+             content = f.read()

+         for nevr in ['baz-devel-0:0.1-6.fc28', 'baz-doc-0:0.1-6.fc28']:

+             assert KojiModuleBuilder.format_conflicts_line(nevr) + '\n' in content


+     def test_ursine_rpms_are_added(self):

+         self._build_srpm()


+         with open(self.spec_file, 'r') as f:

+             content = f.read()


+         assert '# modulefoo-s-v-c\n' in content

+         for nevr in ['foo-0:1.0-1.fc28', 'bar-0:2.0-1.fc28']:

+             assert KojiModuleBuilder.format_conflicts_line(nevr) + '\n' in content

@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ 

+ # Copyright (c) 2017  Red Hat, Inc.

+ #

+ # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

+ # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

+ # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights

+ # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell

+ # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is

+ # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

+ #

+ # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all

+ # copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ #









+ from mock import patch, Mock


+ from module_build_service import conf, glib

+ from module_build_service.utils import ursine

+ from tests import make_module, clean_database



+ class TestFindModuleKojiTags:

+     """Test ursine.find_module_koji_tags"""


+     @patch.object(conf, 'koji_tag_prefixes', new=['module'])

+     def test_find_out_all_module_koji_tags(self):

+         session = Mock()

+         session.getFullInheritance.return_value = [

+             {'name': 'module-tag1-s-v-c'},

+             {'name': 'module-tag2-s-v-c'},

+             {'name': 'tag-1'},

+         ]


+         expected_tags = ['module-tag1-s-v-c', 'module-tag2-s-v-c']


+         tags = ursine.find_module_koji_tags(session, 'tag-a-build')

+         assert expected_tags == tags


+     @patch.object(conf, 'koji_tag_prefixes', new=['module'])

+     def test_return_empty_if_no_module_koji_tags(self):

+         session = Mock()

+         session.getFullInheritance.return_value = [

+             {'name': 'tag-1'}, {'name': 'tag-2'},

+         ]


+         tags = ursine.find_module_koji_tags(session, 'tag-a-build')

+         assert [] == tags



+ class TestFindUrsineRootTags:

+     """Test ursine.find_build_tags_from_external_repos"""


+     def setup_method(self):

+         self.koji_session = Mock()

+         self.koji_session.getTag.side_effect = lambda name: \

+             None if name == 'X-build' else {'name': name}


+     def test_find_build_tags(self):

+         with patch.object(conf, 'koji_external_repo_url_prefix',

+                           new='http://example.com/brewroot/'):

+             tags = ursine.find_build_tags_from_external_repos(self.koji_session, [

+                 {

+                     'external_repo_name': 'tag-1-external-repo',

+                     'url': 'http://example.com/brewroot/repos/tag-1-build/latest/$arch/'

+                 },

+                 {

+                     'external_repo_name': 'tag-2-external-repo',

+                     'url': 'http://example.com/brewroot/repos/tag-2-build/latest/$arch/'

+                 },

+             ])


+             assert ['tag-1-build', 'tag-2-build'] == tags


+     def test_return_emtpy_if_no_match_external_repo_url(self):

+         with patch.object(conf, 'koji_external_repo_url_prefix',

+                           new='http://example.com/brewroot/'):

+             tags = ursine.find_build_tags_from_external_repos(self.koji_session, [

+                 {

+                     'external_repo_name': 'tag-1-external-repo',

+                     'url': 'https://another-site.org/repos/tag-1-build/latest/$arch/'

+                 },

+                 {

+                     'external_repo_name': 'tag-2-external-repo',

+                     'url': 'https://another-site.org/repos/tag-2-build/latest/$arch/'

+                 },

+             ])


+             assert [] == tags


+     def test_some_tag_is_not_koji_tag(self):

+         with patch.object(conf, 'koji_external_repo_url_prefix',

+                           new='http://example.com/brewroot/'):

+             tags = ursine.find_build_tags_from_external_repos(self.koji_session, [

+                 {

+                     'external_repo_name': 'tag-1-external-repo',

+                     'url': 'http://example.com/brewroot/repos/tag-1-build/latest/$arch/'

+                 },

+                 {

+                     'external_repo_name': 'tag-2-external-repo',

+                     'url': 'http://example.com/brewroot/repos/X-build/latest/$arch/'

+                 },

+             ])


+             assert ['tag-1-build'] == tags



+ class TestGetModulemdsFromUrsineContent:

+     """Test ursine.get_modulemds_from_ursine_content"""


+     def setup_method(self):

+         clean_database(False)


+     def teardown_method(self, test_method):

+         clean_database()


+     @patch('koji.ClientSession')

+     def test_return_empty_if_no_ursine_build_tag_is_found(self, ClientSession):

+         session = ClientSession.return_value


+         # No module koji_tag in ursine content yet. This will result in empty

+         # ursine modulemds is returned.

+         session.getFullInheritance.return_value = [

+             {'name': 'tag-1.0-build'},

+         ]

+         session.getExternalRepoList.return_value = [

+             {

+                 'external_repo_name': 'tag-1.0-external-repo',

+                 'url': 'http://example.com/repos/tag-4-build/latest/$arch/'

+             }

+         ]


+         modulemds = ursine.get_modulemds_from_ursine_content('tag')

+         assert [] == modulemds


+     @patch.object(conf, 'koji_tag_prefixes', new=['module'])

+     @patch('koji.ClientSession')

+     def test_get_modulemds(self, ClientSession):

+         session = ClientSession.return_value


+         # Ensure to to get build tag for further query of ursine content.

+         # For this test, the build tag is tag-4-build

+         session.getExternalRepoList.return_value = [

+             {

+                 'external_repo_name': 'tag-1.0-external-repo',

+                 'url': 'http://example.com/repos/tag-4-build/latest/$arch/'

+             }

+         ]


+         # Ensure to return module tags from ursine content of fake build tag

+         # specified in above external repo's url.

+         def mock_getFullInheritance(tag):

+             if tag == 'tag-4-build':

+                 return [

+                     {'name': 'tag-1.0-build'},

+                     # Below two modules should be returned and whose modulemd

+                     # should be also queried from database.

+                     {'name': 'module-name1-s-2020-c'},

+                     {'name': 'module-name2-s-2021-c'},

+                 ]

+             raise ValueError('{} is not handled by test.'.format(tag))

+         session.getFullInheritance.side_effect = mock_getFullInheritance


+         # Defaults to DB resolver, so create fake module builds and store them

+         # into database to ensure they can be queried.

+         mmd_name1s2020c = make_module(

+             'name1:s:2020:c',

+             xmd={'mbs': {'koji_tag': 'module-name1-s-2020-c'}})

+         mmd_name2s2021c = make_module(

+             'name2:s:2021:c',

+             xmd={'mbs': {'koji_tag': 'module-name2-s-2021-c'}})


+         koji_tag = 'tag'  # It's ok to use arbitrary tag name.

+         with patch.object(conf, 'koji_external_repo_url_prefix', new='http://example.com/'):

+             modulemds = ursine.get_modulemds_from_ursine_content(koji_tag)


+         test_nsvcs = [item.dup_nsvc() for item in modulemds]

+         test_nsvcs.sort()


+         expected_nsvcs = [mmd_name1s2020c.mmd().dup_nsvc(),

+                           mmd_name2s2021c.mmd().dup_nsvc()]

+         expected_nsvcs.sort()


+         session.getExternalRepoList.assert_called_once_with(koji_tag)

+         assert expected_nsvcs == test_nsvcs



+ class TestRecordStreamCollisionModules:

+     """Test ursine.record_stream_collision_modules"""


+     @patch.object(conf, 'base_module_names', new=['platform'])

+     @patch.object(ursine, 'find_stream_collision_modules')

+     def test_nothing_changed_if_no_base_module_is_in_buildrequires(

+             self, find_stream_collision_modules):

+         xmd = {

+             'mbs': {

+                 'buildrequires': {

+                     'modulea': {'stream': 'master'}

+                 }

+             }

+         }

+         fake_mmd = make_module('name1:s:2020:c', xmd=xmd, store_to_db=False)

+         original_xmd = glib.from_variant_dict(fake_mmd.get_xmd())


+         with patch.object(ursine, 'log') as log:

+             ursine.record_stream_collision_modules(fake_mmd)

+             log.info.assert_called_once()

+             find_stream_collision_modules.assert_not_called()


+         assert original_xmd == glib.from_variant_dict(fake_mmd.get_xmd())


+     @patch.object(conf, 'base_module_names', new=['platform'])

+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.ursine.get_modulemds_from_ursine_content')

+     def test_nothing_changed_if_no_modules_in_ursine_content(

+             self, get_modulemds_from_ursine_content):

+         xmd = {

+             'mbs': {

+                 'buildrequires': {

+                     'modulea': {'stream': 'master'},

+                     'platform': {'stream': 'master', 'koji_tag': 'module-rhel-8.0-build'},

+                 }

+             }

+         }

+         fake_mmd = make_module('name1:s:2020:c', xmd=xmd, store_to_db=False)

+         original_xmd = glib.from_variant_dict(fake_mmd.get_xmd())


+         get_modulemds_from_ursine_content.return_value = []


+         with patch.object(ursine, 'log') as log:

+             ursine.record_stream_collision_modules(fake_mmd)

+             log.info.assert_called()


+         assert original_xmd == glib.from_variant_dict(fake_mmd.get_xmd())


+     @patch.object(conf, 'base_module_names', new=['platform', 'project-platform'])

+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.ursine.get_modulemds_from_ursine_content')

+     def test_add_collision_modules(self, get_modulemds_from_ursine_content):

+         xmd = {

+             'mbs': {

+                 'buildrequires': {

+                     'modulea': {'stream': 'master'},

+                     'foo': {'stream': '1'},

+                     'bar': {'stream': '2'},

+                     'platform': {'stream': 'master', 'koji_tag': 'module-rhel-8.0-build'},

+                     'project-platform': {

+                         'stream': 'master', 'koji_tag': 'module-project-1.0-build'

+                     },

+                 }

+             }

+         }

+         fake_mmd = make_module('name1:s:2020:c', xmd=xmd, store_to_db=False)


+         def mock_get_ursine_modulemds(koji_tag):

+             if koji_tag == 'module-rhel-8.0-build':

+                 return [

+                     make_module('modulea:10:20180813041838:5ea3b708', store_to_db=False),

+                     make_module('moduleb:1.0:20180113042038:6ea3b105', store_to_db=False),

+                 ]

+             if koji_tag == 'module-project-1.0-build':

+                 return [

+                     make_module('bar:6:20181013041838:817fa3a8', store_to_db=False),

+                     make_module('foo:2:20180113041838:95f078a1', store_to_db=False),

+                 ]


+         get_modulemds_from_ursine_content.side_effect = mock_get_ursine_modulemds


+         ursine.record_stream_collision_modules(fake_mmd)


+         xmd = glib.from_variant_dict(fake_mmd.get_xmd())

+         buildrequires = xmd['mbs']['buildrequires']


+         assert (['modulea:10:20180813041838:5ea3b708'] ==

+                 buildrequires['platform']['stream_collision_modules'])


+         modules = buildrequires['project-platform']['stream_collision_modules']

+         modules.sort()

+         expected_modules = ['bar:6:20181013041838:817fa3a8', 'foo:2:20180113041838:95f078a1']

+         assert expected_modules == modules



+ class TestFindStreamCollisionModules:

+     """Test ursine.find_stream_collision_modules"""


+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.ursine.get_modulemds_from_ursine_content')

+     def test_no_modulemds_found_from_ursine_content(

+             self, get_modulemds_from_ursine_content):

+         get_modulemds_from_ursine_content.return_value = []

+         assert not ursine.find_stream_collision_modules({}, 'koji_tag')


+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.ursine.get_modulemds_from_ursine_content')

+     def test_no_collisions_found(self, get_modulemds_from_ursine_content):

+         xmd_mbs_buildrequires = {

+             'modulea': {'stream': 'master'},

+             'moduleb': {'stream': '10'},

+         }

+         get_modulemds_from_ursine_content.return_value = [

+             make_module('moduler:1:1:c1', store_to_db=False),

+             make_module('modules:2:1:c2', store_to_db=False),

+             make_module('modulet:3:1:c3', store_to_db=False),

+         ]

+         assert [] == ursine.find_stream_collision_modules(

+             xmd_mbs_buildrequires, 'koji_tag')


+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.ursine.get_modulemds_from_ursine_content')

+     def test_collision_modules_are_found(self, get_modulemds_from_ursine_content):

+         xmd_mbs_buildrequires = {

+             'modulea': {'stream': 'master'},

+             'moduleb': {'stream': '10'},

+         }

+         fake_modules = [

+             make_module('moduler:1:1:c1', store_to_db=False),

+             make_module('moduleb:6:1:c2', store_to_db=False),

+             make_module('modulet:3:1:c3', store_to_db=False),

+         ]

+         get_modulemds_from_ursine_content.return_value = fake_modules


+         assert [fake_modules[1].dup_nsvc()] == \

+             ursine.find_stream_collision_modules(

+                 xmd_mbs_buildrequires, 'koji_tag')

file modified
+121 -1
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ 

  from module_build_service.builder.base import GenericBuilder

  from module_build_service.builder.KojiModuleBuilder import KojiModuleBuilder

  from module_build_service import glib, Modulemd

- from tests import app

+ from tests import app, make_module


  BASE_DIR = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))

@@ -1093,3 +1093,123 @@ 

              assert len(local_modules) == 1

              assert local_modules[0].koji_tag.endswith(




+ class TestRecordFilteredRPMs:

+     """Test submit.record_filtered_rpms"""


+     def setup_method(self):

+         clean_database(add_platform_module=False)


+         # Prepare fake data for resolver.get_module_modulemds

+         xmd = {

+             'mbs': {

+                 'buildrequires': {

+                     # This module has its own filtered_rpms, which should be unchanged.

+                     'modulea': {'stream': '201808', 'version': '2', 'context': '00000000',

+                                 'filtered_rpms': ['pkg-1.0-1.fc28']},


+                     # Whereas no filtered_rpms in this module, filtered rpms should be

+                     # injected eventually.

+                     'moduleb': {'stream': '7', 'version': '2', 'context': '00000000'},


+                     # For test recording rpms included in stream collision modules

+                     'platform': {'stream': 'f28', 'version': '2', 'context': '00000000',

+                                  # Don't care about platform module's filtered rpms here

+                                  'filtered_rpms': [],

+                                  'stream_collision_modules': ['foo:master:1:00000000',

+                                                               'bar:master:2:00000000']},

+                 }

+             }

+         }


+         self.mmd = make_module('cool-module:201809:1:00000000', xmd=xmd, store_to_db=False)


+         # Store buildrequires modules into database in order to be queried in the test

+         for module_name, md_dict in xmd['mbs']['buildrequires'].items():

+             br_module_nsvc = (module_name, md_dict['stream'],

+                               md_dict['version'], md_dict['context'])

+             br_module_xmd = {

+                 'mbs': {

+                     'koji_tag': 'module-{}-{}-{}-{}'.format(*br_module_nsvc),

+                 }

+             }

+             br_module_filtered_rpms = None

+             if module_name == 'moduleb':

+                 # Add this RPM to filter section.

+                 # Test will verify if this package is listed in final filtered_rpms list.

+                 br_module_filtered_rpms = ['foo']


+             # Modules have to be created in database whose NSVC appears in

+             # stream_collision_modules. This is for testing recording rpms

+             # built for stream collision modules.

+             if module_name == 'platform':

+                 for nsvc in md_dict['stream_collision_modules']:

+                     make_module(nsvc, xmd={'mbs': {

+                         'koji_tag': 'module-{}-{}-{}-{}'.format(*nsvc.split(':'))

+                     }})


+             make_module('{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(*br_module_nsvc),

+                         filtered_rpms=br_module_filtered_rpms,

+                         xmd=br_module_xmd)


+     def teardown_method(self):

+         clean_database()


+     @patch('koji.ClientSession')

+     def test_generate_and_store_filtered_rpms(self, ClientSession):


+         def mocklistTaggedRPMs(tag, latest):

+             # Result returned from listTaggedRPMs should contain two lists.

+             # The second one is the build, which is not used in test and

+             # omitted here.

+             rpms = {

+                 'module-modulea-201808-2-00000000': [

+                     [

+                         {'name': 'pkg1', 'version': '1.0', 'release': '1.fc28'},

+                         {'name': 'pkg2', 'version': '2.34', 'release': '1.fc28'},

+                     ],

+                 ],

+                 'module-moduleb-7-2-00000000': [

+                     [

+                         {'name': 'foo', 'version': '2.0', 'release': '1.fc28'},

+                         {'name': 'bar', 'version': '1.0', 'release': '1.fc28'},

+                     ],

+                 ],


+                 # These rpms are built for stream collision modules. See above

+                 # in setup_method.

+                 'module-foo-master-1-00000000': [

+                     [

+                         {'name': 'foo-a', 'version': '1.0', 'release': '1.fc28'},

+                         {'name': 'foo-a-devel', 'version': '1.0', 'release': '1.fc28'},

+                     ],

+                 ],

+                 'module-bar-master-2-00000000': [

+                     [

+                         {'name': 'bar-a', 'version': '0.2', 'release': '2.fc28'},

+                         {'name': 'bar-a-devel', 'version': '0.2', 'release': '2.fc28'},

+                     ],

+                 ]

+             }

+             return rpms[tag]


+         ClientSession.return_value.listTaggedRPMS.side_effect = mocklistTaggedRPMs


+         with patch.object(conf, 'resolver', new='db'):

+             mmd = module_build_service.utils.submit.record_filtered_rpms(self.mmd)


+         xmd_mbs = mmd.get_xmd()['mbs'].unpack()


+         assert ['pkg-1.0-1.fc28'] == xmd_mbs['buildrequires']['modulea']['filtered_rpms']

+         assert ['foo-0:2.0-1.fc28'] == xmd_mbs['buildrequires']['moduleb']['filtered_rpms']


+         expected_ursine_rpms = [

+             'foo-a-0:1.0-1.fc28', 'foo-a-devel-0:1.0-1.fc28',

+             'bar-a-0:0.2-2.fc28', 'bar-a-devel-0:0.2-2.fc28',

+         ]

+         expected_ursine_rpms.sort()


+         found_ursine_rpms = xmd_mbs['buildrequires']['platform']['ursine_rpms']

+         found_ursine_rpms.sort()

+         assert expected_ursine_rpms == found_ursine_rpms

@@ -752,9 +752,10 @@ 

          assert data['meta']['total'] == 0


      @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, api_version):

+     def test_submit_build(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, rscm, api_version):

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule.yaml',


@@ -800,9 +801,10 @@ 

          assert module.buildrequires[0].context == '00000000'

          assert module.buildrequires[0].stream_version == 280000


+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_build_no_base_module(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user):

+     def test_submit_build_no_base_module(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, rscm):

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule-no-base-module.yaml',


@@ -817,11 +819,12 @@ 

              'error': 'Unprocessable Entity'



+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)



             new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=True)

-     def test_submit_build_rebuild_strategy(self, mocked_rmao, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user):

+     def test_submit_build_rebuild_strategy(self, mocked_rmao, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, hmsc):

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule.yaml',


@@ -895,9 +898,10 @@ 


          assert data == expected_error


+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


-     def test_submit_componentless_build(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user):

+     def test_submit_componentless_build(self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, rscm):

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'fakemodule', 'fakemodule.yaml',


@@ -1119,11 +1123,12 @@ 

          assert result['status'] == 400

          assert "The request contains 'owner' parameter" in result['message']


+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=anonymous_user)


      @patch("module_build_service.config.Config.no_auth", new_callable=PropertyMock,


-     def test_submit_build_no_auth_set_owner(self, mocked_conf, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user):

+     def test_submit_build_no_auth_set_owner(self, mocked_conf, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, hmsc):

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule.yaml',


@@ -1139,10 +1144,11 @@ 

          build = ModuleBuild.query.filter(ModuleBuild.id == result['id']).one()

          assert (build.owner == result['owner'] == 'foo') is True


+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=anonymous_user)


      @patch("module_build_service.config.Config.no_auth", new_callable=PropertyMock)

-     def test_patch_set_different_owner(self, mocked_no_auth, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user):

+     def test_patch_set_different_owner(self, mocked_no_auth, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, hmsc):

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule.yaml',


@@ -1183,10 +1189,11 @@ 

          assert data['status'] == 422

          assert data['error'] == 'Unprocessable Entity'


+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


      @patch("module_build_service.config.Config.allow_custom_scmurls", new_callable=PropertyMock)

-     def test_submit_custom_scmurl(self, allow_custom_scmurls, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user):

+     def test_submit_custom_scmurl(self, allow_custom_scmurls, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, hmsc):

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule.yaml',


@@ -1209,10 +1216,11 @@ 

          (['f28'], None),

          (['f28'], ['f28']),


+     @patch('module_build_service.utils.submit.record_stream_collision_modules')

      @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)


      def test_submit_build_dep_override(

-             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, br_override_streams, req_override_streams):

+             self, mocked_scm, mocked_get_user, rscm, br_override_streams, req_override_streams):

          init_data(data_size=1, multiple_stream_versions=True)

          FakeSCM(mocked_scm, 'testmodule', 'testmodule_platform_f290000.yaml',


This resolve the stream collision by adding specific RPMs to
module-build-macros SRPM as Conflicts.

For more information about module stream collision, please refer to
docstring in utils/ursine.py

Signed-off-by: Chenxiong Qi cqi@redhat.com

This PR requires PR #1029 to be merged firstly.

Feature implementation for both frontend and backend finishes. It's ready for review now. The rest of work would be to try to verify it by building an actual module and probably write more tests. I'll continue doing those work when I'm back from holidays.

rebased onto c2799f6bf3c81087ffedbb7003c0ed8190a4eeea

5 years ago

rebased onto 9a4b5571dede397d3bfaede79466710b2687b3c5

5 years ago

rebased onto 9a4b5571dede397d3bfaede79466710b2687b3c5

5 years ago

rebased onto 186fa5979f6454b87b18e92c99081cc6f6b1276c

5 years ago

rebased onto 186fa5979f6454b87b18e92c99081cc6f6b1276c

5 years ago

Hi all, this patch is rebased on master branch and is ready for your review. The test in real system is not a blocker for review and merge.

Can you use req_name in conf.base_module_names here? We try to not hardcode "platform" in MBS.

Instead of hardcoded "module-" here, can you test with the conf.koji_tag_prefixes?

This won't work in case the module name or stream is longer than maximum Koji tag length. See utils.general.generate_koji_tag.

Maybe instead of getting the nsvc, you could add new method to DBResolver and MBSResolver to find a module based on Koji tag.

I think instead of using conf.ursine_external_repo_server_url, you should pass koji_session into this method and use koji_session.opts["topurl"] to get the https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/ on Fedora and http://download.devel.redhat.com/brewroot internally.

That will make it working for any possible Koji topurl without messing up with brewroot and you can also remove conf.ursine_external_repo_server_url completely.

I'm done with review so far.

rebased onto 2aa9666a068656a8b4260d71c5d9002a9a858e22

5 years ago

rebased onto 4d32862ffae43297d345a328549eac98ca031360

5 years ago

@jkaluza Hi, your comments should be addressed. Please review again.

In addition, record_stream_collision_modules is called only when new build is created.

I think this probably should be "log.info", because in Fedora, there are no ursine module tags currently.

This must use : as a delimiter instead of -, because module stream can contain - character which would break the parsing later.

rebased onto 0724e58c36f2141a07568c2fa889b843a34918b7

5 years ago

rebased onto bddb20eaaa075e72bc9d93b08d3d42805340052b

5 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Add W504 to flake8 ignore list
5 years ago

Add a new commit to ignore W504 flake8 error, which was reported today after I updated my patch.

1 new commit added

  • Fix F901 flake8 error
5 years ago

@jkaluza Both of those two issues are fixed.

It'd be clearer if you did xmd.mbs.buildrequires since slashes imply "or"

This shouldn't be a warning because we will eventually have base modules other than platform, and it'll be okay if they aren't all used. How about making this a debug log?

Optional: buildrequires.get(module_name, None) is the same as buildrequires.get(module_name)

Could you describe this parameter?

Ursine build tag is a Koji build tag is not very descriptive. Could you elaborate?

What does ursine mean here? Could this function just be called find_tags_from_external_repos?

Perhaps you could verify the tag exists in Koji before appending?

Perhaps something more descriptive like:

log.warning('The Koji tag couldn\'t be parsed from the external repo {}.'.format(info['external_repo_name']))

be considered be => be considered

Saying Any tags with this prefix is misleading because its solely based on the values in conf.koji_tag_prefixes.

You should pass in the Koji session into this function so that you don't have to generate a new Koji session for every build tag.

This seems quite fragile. What if one of the items in conf.koji_tag_prefixes has a - in it or some other character with meaning in regex? That would then throw off your whole regex.

In general, I don't think you're using the term ursine correctly. I was under the impression that ursine referred to a non-modular RPM. So reading the comments in this PR have been fairly confusing. @jkaluza, could you please confirm/deny this?

rebased onto 84730b9318d72a8bce07c71750b534e43c592063

5 years ago

builtroot => buildroot


It'd be clearer if you did xmd.mbs.buildrequires since slashes imply "or"


What does ursine mean here? Could this function just be called find_tags_from_external_repos?


Ursine build tag is a Koji build tag is not very descriptive. Could you elaborate?

As the method name is renamed, I just removed the first sentence.

Could you describe this parameter?


Perhaps you could verify the tag exists in Koji before appending?


log.warning('The Koji tag couldn\'t be parsed from the external repo {}.'.format(info['external_repo_name']))

Done. The url is also logged in the message.

Saying Any tags with this prefix is misleading because its solely based on the values in conf.koji_tag_prefixes.
be considered be => be considered

Done. Description is rewritten.

This seems quite fragile. What if one of the items in conf.koji_tag_prefixes has a - in it or some other character with meaning in regex? That would then throw off your whole regex.

This should depend on the specification of each prefix configured in koji_tag_prefixes. I didn't find out such description in the config, but only a default one module. Code is rewritten without using a regex, that should work in a better way than using regex.

You should pass in the Koji session into this function so that you don't have to generate a new Koji session for every build tag.


with => with a


Optional: buildrequires.get(module_name, None) is the same as buildrequires.get(module_name)


This shouldn't be a warning because we will eventually have base modules other than platform, and it'll be okay if they aren't all used. How about making this a debug log?

Make sense to me. Done.

I was under the impression that ursine referred to a non-modular RPM.

@mprahl You are right. The tag inheritance hierarchy managed by Ursa-Major contains modular RPMs with non-modularized RPMs together. So, I call the whole content referernced by those tags as ursine content. After reading your comment, I thought again but haven't got an idea of an alternative name to describe those kind of content. Do you have any idea? Or, probably I can put a description into the module level docstring in ursine.py to explain what ursine content is.

rebased onto 1b24eccb43ce7bf5d25f14097c32b09999c35d36

5 years ago

rebased onto eca92708024f3f3e8f1abc661163f563e68332e1

5 years ago

rebased onto 28829858e60c54ef3f5ba0789a83704fc52ccbdd

5 years ago

Now, module stream collision is checked for each module build whatever it's a new build or a one resubmitted.

PR is tested with local module build.

rebased onto 38a10dc617f1490bcc596b3e5872062c1822c938

5 years ago

This code should only get executed if the builder is Koji. Perhaps the base builder class can have a method called record_ursine_rpms that does nothing, but the Koji builder should have the method implemented.

Edit: This should likely get called by the local builder as well, because that partially uses Koji, but future builders may not use Koji at all.

Could you change this to the following so the code doesn't get executed when req_data['ursine_rpms'] is empty?

if req_name in conf.base_module_names and req_data.get('ursine_rpms'):

Since all the parameters are required, why doesn't the error message say 'Cannot find the module build "{}:{}:{}:{}"'.format(name, stream, version, context)?

If all you're doing is getting the modulemd file, why not just reuse get_module_modulemds instead of creating _get_module?

module-build-macros doesn't get rebuilt when a module build resumes, so this should only be run on new modules.

Why is this a separate function now?

Note that, this handle depends => Note that this depends

will be handled in module event handler then. => will then be handled by the module event handler.

This should not be a warning. This may become a totally normal scenario, it just isn't right now because the only base module is platform and it's currently required through policy.

How about:
Find buildrequired modules that are part of the ursine content represented by the koji_tag but with a different stream.

collision modules => modules that collide

You're actually returning None, not False.

You could return an empty list instead, that way the type is consistent and still evaluates to falsy.

This should likely be a debug log.

few of => few
which is => which are

How about naming this find_module_koji_tags_in_inheritance?

Ignore => Ignoring the
info is found => info was found

particular test purpose => testing a particular scenario

create => the created
to database => to the database

Pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

@cqi, looks good. I left some minor comments. Once they are addressed, :thumbsup:.

@jkaluza could you please review this?

Pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

rebased onto 2dee2e4bd3b8a06f4dc1fbe09e3f1dc521a69abf

5 years ago

Why is this a separate function now?

This is a mistake. I made this change for my local debug. Restored.

module-build-macros doesn't get rebuilt when a module build resumes, so this should only be run on new modules.


What does om stand for?

This is just my habbit to name return value from re.match, which just means the match object. But, yeah, it could confuse. I renamed it to match.

Ignore => Ignoring the
info is found => info was found


How about naming this find_module_koji_tags_in_inheritance?

This name is a bit longer and the meaning of finding koji tag from inheritance is already included in the docstring, and in the context of Python module name, ursine.find_module_koji_tag would also have that meaning. So, maybe keeping current name should not cause confusion too much.

few of => few
which is => which are


could be=> will be


this method => this function


This should likely be a debug log.


How about:
Find buildrequired modules that are part of the ursine content represented by the koji_tag but with a different stream.


retrieve from => retrieved from


ursince => ursine


collision modules => modules that collide


You're actually returning None, not False.


You could return an empty list instead, that way the type is consistent and still evaluates to falsy.


This can be a debug log


Note that, this handle depends => Note that this depends


will be handled in module event handler then. => will then be handled by the module event handler.


This should not be a warning. This may become a totally normal scenario, it just isn't right now because the only base module is platform and it's currently required through policy.

Changed to log.info.

particular test purpose => testing a particular scenario


create => the created
to database => to the database


@mprahl Thanks for your review. PTAL.

@cqi, my comment from below is still open. Could you please explain why you created this method instead of reusing get_module_modulemds?

Thanks @cqi. I just have one open question still.

@jkaluza could you please review this? This is a fairly large change and I'd like two reviewers on this at least.

my comment from below is still open. Could you please explain why you created this method instead of reusing get_module_modulemds?


Sorry, I missed this comment. I tried to recall my memory and the reason should be koji_tag[1] is required to call Koji API and koji_tag exists in a module's json data.

[1] https://pagure.io/fm-orchestrator/pull-request/1030#_9,142

@cqi: Any reason why this latest version does not use opts["topurl"]? In case there is real reason to define this new koji_external_repo_url_prefix config variable instead of using opts["topurl"], you should remove the topurl from tests.

@jkaluza This config gives it a little flexible. An external repo could have arbitrary URL to Brew/Koji or other resources. Currently, for the base module, it is the opts['topurl'], however, if it become another "topurl" for some reason, what we need to do is just change the config.

1 new commit added

  • Remove unuseful topurl from tests
5 years ago

makes sense, thanks :)

@cqi could you please write up a series of steps to test this once this is deployed in staging? Sending email would be fine.

Pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

@cqi could you please rebase? Then once the tests pass, we can merge this.

rebased onto 917c06a

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mprahl

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