#1011 Import module API - just for Jenkins testing
Closed 5 years ago by fivaldi. Opened 5 years ago by fivaldi.

Import module API
Filip Valder • 5 years ago  
file modified
@@ -667,6 +667,76 @@ 

  - ``task_id``



+ Import module

+ -------------


+ Importing of modules is done via posting the SCM URL of a repository

+ which contains the generated modulemd YAML file. Name, stream, version,

+ context and other important information must be present in the metadata.


+ ::


+     POST /module-build-service/1/import-module/


+ ::


+     {

+       "scmurl": "git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/foo.git?#21f92fb05572d81d78fd9a27d313942d45055840"

+     }



+ If all the module build is imported successfully, JSON containing the

+ most important information is returned from MBS for each build. The JSON

+ also contains log messages collected during the import.


+ ::


+     HTTP 201 Created


+ ::


+     {

+       "module": {

+         "component_builds": [],

+         "context": "00000000",

+         "id": 3,

+         "koji_tag": "",

+         "name": "mariadb",

+         "owner": "mbs_import",

+         "rebuild_strategy": "all",

+         "scmurl": null,

+         "siblings": [],

+         "state": 5,

+         "state_name": "ready",

+         "state_reason": null,

+         "stream": "10.2",

+         "time_completed": "2018-07-24T12:58:14Z",

+         "time_modified": "2018-07-24T12:58:14Z",

+         "time_submitted": "2018-07-24T12:58:14Z",

+         "version": "20180724000000"

+       },

+       "messages": [

+         "'koji_tag' is not set in xmd['mbs'] for module mariadb:10.2:20180724000000:00000000",

+         "Updating existing module build mariadb:10.2:20180724000000:00000000.",

+         "Module mariadb:10.2:20180724000000:00000000 imported"

+       ]

+     }



+ If the module import fails, an error message is returned.


+ ::


+     HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity


+ ::


+     {

+       "error": "Unprocessable Entity",

+       "message": "Incomplete NSVC: None:None:0:00000000"

+     }



  Listing about



file modified
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ 

          # 'modularity-wg',





      # Available backends are: console and file

      LOG_BACKEND = 'console'

@@ -120,6 +122,8 @@ 

      AUTH_METHOD = 'oidc'

      RESOLVER = 'db'


+     ALLOWED_GROUPS_TO_IMPORT_MODULE = set(['mbs-import-module'])



  class ProdConfiguration(BaseConfiguration):


@@ -247,6 +247,10 @@ 

              'type': set,

              'default': set(['packager']),

              'desc': 'The set of groups allowed to submit builds.'},

+         'allowed_groups_to_import_module': {

+             'type': set,

+             'default': set(),

+             'desc': 'The set of groups allowed to import module builds.'},

          'log_backend': {

              'type': str,

              'default': None,
@@ -350,7 +354,7 @@ 

          'yaml_submit_allowed': {

              'type': bool,

              'default': False,

-             'desc': 'Is it allowed to directly submit modulemd yaml file?'},

+             'desc': 'Is it allowed to directly submit build by modulemd yaml file?'},

          'num_concurrent_builds': {

              'type': int,

              'default': 0,

@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ 

  from datetime import datetime


  from module_build_service import conf, log, models

- from module_build_service.errors import ValidationError, ProgrammingError

+ from module_build_service.errors import (

+     ValidationError, ProgrammingError, UnprocessableEntity)



  def scm_url_schemes(terse=False):
@@ -258,6 +259,10 @@ 

      the module, we have no idea what build_context or runtime_context is - we only

      know the resulting "context", but there is no way to store it into do DB.

      By now, we just ignore mmd.get_context() and use default 00000000 context instead.


+     :return: module build (ModuleBuild),

+              log messages collected during import (list)

+     :rtype: tuple



      name = mmd.get_name()
@@ -265,22 +270,33 @@ 

      version = str(mmd.get_version())

      context = mmd.get_context()


+     # Log messages collected during import

+     msgs = []


      # NSVC is used for logging purpose later.

-     nsvc = ":".join([name, stream, version, context])

+     try:

+         nsvc = ":".join([name, stream, version, context])

+     except TypeError:

+         msg = "Incomplete NSVC: {}:{}:{}:{}".format(name, stream, version, context)

+         log.error(msg)

+         raise UnprocessableEntity(msg)


      # Get the koji_tag.

-     xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

-     if "mbs" in xmd.keys() and "koji_tag" in xmd["mbs"].keys():

+     try:

+         xmd = mmd.get_xmd()

          koji_tag = xmd["mbs"]["koji_tag"]

-     else:

-         log.warn("'koji_tag' is not set in xmd['mbs'] for module %s", nsvc)

-         koji_tag = ""

+     except KeyError:

+         msg = "'koji_tag' is not set in xmd['mbs'] for module {}".format(nsvc)

+         log.error(msg)

+         raise UnprocessableEntity(msg)


      # Get the ModuleBuild from DB.

      build = models.ModuleBuild.get_build_from_nsvc(

          session, name, stream, version, context)

      if build:

-         log.info("Updating existing module build %s.", nsvc)

+         msg = "Updating existing module build {}.".format(nsvc)

+         log.info(msg)

+         msgs.append(msg)


          build = models.ModuleBuild()

@@ -298,4 +314,22 @@ 

      build.time_completed = datetime.utcnow()



-     log.info("Module %s imported", nsvc)

+     msg = "Module {} imported".format(nsvc)

+     log.info(msg)

+     msgs.append(msg)


+     return build, msgs



+ def get_mmd_from_scm(url):

+     """

+     Provided an SCM URL, fetch mmd from the corresponding module YAML

+     file. If ref is specified within the URL, the mmd will be returned

+     as of the ref.

+     """

+     from module_build_service.utils.submit import _fetch_mmd


+     mmd, _ = _fetch_mmd(url, branch=None, allow_local_url=False,

+                         whitelist_url=False, mandatory_checks=False)


+     return mmd

@@ -462,7 +462,8 @@ 

      return not results[0]['active']



- def _fetch_mmd(url, branch=None, allow_local_url=False, whitelist_url=False):

+ def _fetch_mmd(url, branch=None, allow_local_url=False, whitelist_url=False,

+                mandatory_checks=True):

      # Import it here, because SCM uses utils methods

      # and fails to import them because of dep-chain.

      import module_build_service.scm
@@ -477,7 +478,8 @@ 


              scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(url, branch, conf.scmurls, allow_local_url)


-         scm.verify()

+         if mandatory_checks:

+             scm.verify()

          cofn = scm.get_module_yaml()

          mmd = load_mmd(cofn, is_file=True)

@@ -494,6 +496,9 @@ 

              raise ValidationError(

                  'Module {}:{} is marked as EOL in PDC.'.format(scm.name, scm.branch))


+     if not mandatory_checks:

+         return mmd, scm


      # If the name was set in the modulemd, make sure it matches what the scmurl

      # says it should be

      if mmd.get_name() and mmd.get_name() != scm.name:

@@ -36,10 +36,14 @@ 



  def get_scm_url_re():

+     """

+     Returns a regular expression for SCM URL extraction and validation.

+     """

      schemes_re = '|'.join(map(re.escape, scm_url_schemes(terse=True)))

-     return re.compile(

-         r"(?P<giturl>(?:(?P<scheme>(" + schemes_re + r"))://(?P<host>[^/]+))?"

-         r"(?P<repopath>/[^\?]+))\?(?P<modpath>[^#]*)#(?P<revision>.+)")

+     regex = (

+         r"(?P<giturl>(?P<scheme>(?:" + schemes_re + r"))://(?P<host>[^/]+)?"

+         r"(?P<repopath>/[^\?]+))(?:\?(?P<modpath>[^#]+)?)?#(?P<revision>.+)")

+     return re.compile(regex)



  def pagination_metadata(p_query, api_version, request_args):

file modified
+80 -12
@@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ 

  from module_build_service.utils import (

      pagination_metadata, filter_module_builds, filter_component_builds,

      submit_module_build_from_scm, submit_module_build_from_yaml,

-     get_scm_url_re, cors_header, validate_api_version)

+     get_scm_url_re, cors_header, validate_api_version, import_mmd,

+     get_mmd_from_scm)

  from module_build_service.errors import (

-     ValidationError, Forbidden, NotFound, ProgrammingError)

+     ValidationError, Forbidden, NotFound, ProgrammingError, UnprocessableEntity)

  from module_build_service.backports import jsonify


@@ -86,6 +87,12 @@ 

          'options': {

              'methods': ['GET']


+     },

+     'import_module': {

+         'url': '/module-build-service/<int:api_version>/import-module/',

+         'options': {

+             'methods': ['POST'],

+         }



@@ -152,6 +159,12 @@ 

      query_filter = staticmethod(filter_module_builds)

      model = models.ModuleBuild


+     @staticmethod

+     def check_groups(username, groups, allowed_groups=conf.allowed_groups):

+         if allowed_groups and not (allowed_groups & groups):

+             raise Forbidden("%s is not in any of %r, only %r" % (

+                 username, allowed_groups, groups))


      # Additional POST and DELETE handlers for modules follow.


      def post(self, api_version):
@@ -163,9 +176,7 @@ 

          if conf.no_auth is True and handler.username == "anonymous" and "owner" in handler.data:

              handler.username = handler.data["owner"]


-         if conf.allowed_groups and not (conf.allowed_groups & handler.groups):

-             raise Forbidden("%s is not in any of  %r, only %r" % (

-                 handler.username, conf.allowed_groups, handler.groups))

+         self.check_groups(handler.username, handler.groups)



          modules = handler.post()
@@ -193,9 +204,7 @@ 

              elif username == "anonymous":

                  username = r["owner"]


-         if conf.allowed_groups and not (conf.allowed_groups & groups):

-             raise Forbidden("%s is not in any of  %r, only %r" % (

-                 username, conf.allowed_groups, groups))

+         self.check_groups(username, groups)


          module = models.ModuleBuild.query.filter_by(id=id).first()

          if not module:
@@ -268,6 +277,43 @@ 

          return jsonify({'items': items}), 200



+ class ImportModuleAPI(MethodView):


+     @validate_api_version()

+     def post(self, api_version):

+         # disable this API endpoint if no groups are defined

+         if not conf.allowed_groups_to_import_module:

+             raise Forbidden((

+                 "Import module API is disabled. Set 'ALLOWED_GROUPS_TO_IMPORT_MODULE'"

+                 " configuration value first."))


+         # auth checks

+         username, groups = module_build_service.auth.get_user(request)

+         ModuleBuildAPI.check_groups(username, groups,

+                                     allowed_groups=conf.allowed_groups_to_import_module)


+         # scmurl processing

+         data = SCMHandler.load_data(request)

+         SCMHandler.check_scmurl(data)


+         url = data["scmurl"]


+         SCMHandler.check_prefix(url)

+         SCMHandler.check_url_regex(url)


+         mmd = get_mmd_from_scm(url)


+         if mmd:

+             build, messages = import_mmd(db.session, mmd)

+             json_data = {"module": build.json(show_tasks=False),

+                          "messages": messages}

+         else:

+             raise UnprocessableEntity("Nothing to import.")


+         # return 201 Created if we reach this point

+         return jsonify(json_data), 201



  class BaseHandler(object):

      def __init__(self, request):

          self.username, self.groups = module_build_service.auth.get_user(request)
@@ -304,27 +350,43 @@ 

  class SCMHandler(BaseHandler):

      def __init__(self, request):

          super(SCMHandler, self).__init__(request)

+         self.data = self.load_data(request)


+     @staticmethod

+     def load_data(request):


-             self.data = json.loads(request.get_data().decode("utf-8"))

+             return json.loads(request.get_data().decode("utf-8"))

          except Exception:

              log.error('Invalid JSON submitted')

              raise ValidationError('Invalid JSON submitted')


-     def validate(self):

-         if "scmurl" not in self.data:

+     @staticmethod

+     def check_scmurl(data):

+         if "scmurl" not in data:

              log.error('Missing scmurl')

              raise ValidationError('Missing scmurl')


-         url = self.data["scmurl"]

+     @staticmethod

+     def check_prefix(url):

          allowed_prefix = any(url.startswith(prefix) for prefix in conf.scmurls)

          if not conf.allow_custom_scmurls and not allowed_prefix:

              log.error("The submitted scmurl %r is not allowed" % url)

              raise Forbidden("The submitted scmurl %s is not allowed" % url)


+     @staticmethod

+     def check_url_regex(url):

          if not get_scm_url_re().match(url):

              log.error("The submitted scmurl %r is not valid" % url)

              raise Forbidden("The submitted scmurl %s is not valid" % url)


+     def validate(self):

+         self.check_scmurl(self.data)


+         url = self.data["scmurl"]


+         self.check_prefix(url)

+         self.check_url_regex(url)


          if "branch" not in self.data:

              log.error('Missing branch')

              raise ValidationError('Missing branch')
@@ -369,6 +431,7 @@ 

      component_view = ComponentBuildAPI.as_view('component_builds')

      about_view = AboutAPI.as_view('about')

      rebuild_strategies_view = RebuildStrategies.as_view('rebuild_strategies')

+     import_module = ImportModuleAPI.as_view('import_module')

      for key, val in api_routes.items():

          if key.startswith('component_build'):

@@ -390,6 +453,11 @@ 




+         elif key == 'import_module':

+             app.add_url_rule(val['url'],

+                              endpoint=key,

+                              view_func=import_module,

+                              **val['options'])


              raise NotImplementedError("Unhandled api key.")


@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ ref: refs/heads/master

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ 

+ [core]

+ 	repositoryformatversion = 0

+ 	filemode = true

+ 	bare = true

@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ 

+ # git ls-files --others --exclude-from=.git/info/exclude

+ # Lines that start with '#' are comments.

+ # For a project mostly in C, the following would be a good set of

+ # exclude patterns (uncomment them if you want to use them):

+ # *.[oa]

+ # *~

@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ 9ab5fdeba83eb3382413ee8bc06299344ef4477d	refs/heads/master

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ 

+ P pack-92fbbdbf4fa07dc9cab035120eb248da930e0bd6.pack


@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ 

+ # pack-refs with: peeled fully-peeled 

+ 9ab5fdeba83eb3382413ee8bc06299344ef4477d refs/heads/master

empty or binary file added
empty or binary file added
file modified
+18 -17
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ 

  import module_build_service.scm

  from module_build_service.errors import ValidationError, UnprocessableEntity


- repo_path = 'file://' + os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/scm_data/testrepo"

+ base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'scm_data')

+ repo_url = 'file://' + base_dir + '/testrepo'



  class TestSCMModule:
@@ -45,14 +46,14 @@ 


      def test_simple_local_checkout(self):

          """ See if we can clone a local git repo. """

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)


          files = os.listdir(self.repodir)

          assert 'foo' in files, "foo not in %r" % files


      def test_local_get_latest_is_sane(self):

          """ See that a hash is returned by scm.get_latest. """

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)

          latest = scm.get_latest('master')

          target = '5481faa232d66589e660cc301179867fb00842c9'

          assert latest == target, "%r != %r" % (latest, target)
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ 




-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)

          assert scm.scheme == 'git', scm.scheme

          fname = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='mbs-scm-test')

@@ -71,70 +72,70 @@ 

              assert not os.path.exists(fname), "%r exists!  Vulnerable." % fname


      def test_local_extract_name(self):

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)

          target = 'testrepo'

          assert scm.name == target, '%r != %r' % (scm.name, target)


      def test_local_extract_name_trailing_slash(self):

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path + '/')

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url + '/')

          target = 'testrepo'

          assert scm.name == target, '%r != %r' % (scm.name, target)


      def test_verify(self):

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)




      def test_verify_unknown_branch(self):

          with pytest.raises(UnprocessableEntity):

-             module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path, "unknown")

+             module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url, "unknown")


      def test_verify_commit_in_branch(self):

          target = '7035bd33614972ac66559ac1fdd019ff6027ad21'

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path + "?#" + target, "dev")

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url + "?#" + target, "dev")




      def test_verify_commit_not_in_branch(self):

          target = '7035bd33614972ac66559ac1fdd019ff6027ad21'

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path + "?#" + target, "master")

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url + "?#" + target, "master")


          with pytest.raises(ValidationError):



      def test_verify_unknown_hash(self):

          target = '7035bd33614972ac66559ac1fdd019ff6027ad22'

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path + "?#" + target, "master")

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url + "?#" + target, "master")

          with pytest.raises(UnprocessableEntity):



      def test_get_module_yaml(self):

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)



          with pytest.raises(UnprocessableEntity):



      def test_get_latest_incorrect_component_branch(self):

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)

          with pytest.raises(UnprocessableEntity):



      def test_get_latest_component_branch(self):

          ref = "5481faa232d66589e660cc301179867fb00842c9"

          branch = "master"

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)

          commit = scm.get_latest(branch)

          assert commit == ref


      def test_get_latest_component_ref(self):

          ref = "5481faa232d66589e660cc301179867fb00842c9"

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)

          commit = scm.get_latest(ref)

          assert commit == ref


      def test_get_latest_incorrect_component_ref(self):

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)

          with pytest.raises(UnprocessableEntity):


@@ -146,6 +147,6 @@ 



          mock_run.return_value = (0, output, '')

-         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_path)

+         scm = module_build_service.scm.SCM(repo_url)

          commit = scm.get_latest(None)

          assert commit == '58379ef7887cbc91b215bacd32430628c92bc869'

@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ 

  import pytest


  from tests import app, init_data, clean_database, reuse_component_init_data

+ from tests.test_scm import base_dir as scm_base_dir

  from module_build_service.errors import UnprocessableEntity

  from module_build_service.models import ModuleBuild

  from module_build_service import db, version, Modulemd
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ 

  user = ('Homer J. Simpson', set(['packager']))

  other_user = ('some_other_user', set(['packager']))

  anonymous_user = ('anonymous', set(['packager']))

+ import_module_user = ('Import M. King', set(['mbs-import-module']))

  base_dir = dirname(dirname(__file__))


@@ -1191,3 +1193,177 @@ 

      def test_cors_header_decorator(self):

          rv = self.client.get('/module-build-service/1/module-builds/')

          assert rv.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] == '*'


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)

+     @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'allowed_groups_to_import_module',

+                   new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=set())

+     def test_import_build_disabled(self, mocked_groups, mocked_get_user, api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(post_url)

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert data['error'] == 'Forbidden'

+         assert data['message'] == (

+             'Import module API is disabled. Set '

+             '\'ALLOWED_GROUPS_TO_IMPORT_MODULE\' configuration value first.')


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=user)

+     def test_import_build_user_not_allowed(self, mocked_get_user, api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(post_url)

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert data['error'] == 'Forbidden'

+         assert data['message'] == (

+             'Homer J. Simpson is not in any of '

+             'set([\'mbs-import-module\']), only set([\'packager\'])')


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=import_module_user)

+     def test_import_build_scm_invalid_json(self, mocked_get_user, api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(post_url, data='')

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert data['error'] == 'Bad Request'

+         assert data['message'] == 'Invalid JSON submitted'


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=import_module_user)

+     def test_import_build_scm_url_not_allowed(self, mocked_get_user, api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(

+             post_url,

+             data=json.dumps({'scmurl': 'file://' + scm_base_dir + '/mariadb'}))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert data['error'] == 'Forbidden'

+         assert data['message'].startswith('The submitted scmurl ')

+         assert data['message'].endswith('/tests/scm_data/mariadb is not allowed')


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=import_module_user)

+     @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'allow_custom_scmurls',

+                   new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=True)

+     def test_import_build_scm_url_not_in_list(self, mocked_scmurls, mocked_get_user,

+                                               api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(

+             post_url,

+             data=json.dumps({'scmurl': 'file://' + scm_base_dir + (

+                 '/mariadb?#b17bea85de2d03558f24d506578abcfcf467e5bc')}))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert data['error'] == 'Forbidden'

+         assert data['message'].endswith(

+             '/tests/scm_data/mariadb?#b17bea85de2d03558f24d506578abcfcf467e5bc '

+             'is not in the list of allowed SCMs')


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=import_module_user)

+     @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'scmurls',

+                   new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=['file://'])

+     def test_import_build_scm(self, mocked_scmurls, mocked_get_user, api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(

+             post_url,

+             data=json.dumps({'scmurl': 'file://' + scm_base_dir + (

+                 '/mariadb?#7cf8fb26db8dbfea075eb5f898cc053139960250')}))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert 'Module mariadb:10.2:20180724000000:00000000 imported' in data['messages']

+         assert data['module']['name'] == 'mariadb'

+         assert data['module']['stream'] == '10.2'

+         assert data['module']['version'] == '20180724000000'

+         assert data['module']['context'] == '00000000'

+         assert data['module']['owner'] == 'mbs_import'

+         assert data['module']['state'] == 5

+         assert data['module']['state_reason'] is None

+         assert data['module']['state_name'] == 'ready'

+         assert data['module']['scmurl'] is None

+         assert data['module']['component_builds'] == []

+         assert data['module']['time_submitted'] == data['module']['time_modified'] == \

+             data['module']['time_completed']

+         assert data['module']['koji_tag'] == 'mariadb-10.2-20180724000000-00000000'

+         assert data['module']['siblings'] == []

+         assert data['module']['rebuild_strategy'] == 'all'


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=import_module_user)

+     @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'scmurls',

+                   new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=['file://'])

+     def test_import_build_scm_another_commit_hash(self, mocked_scmurls, mocked_get_user,

+                                                   api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(

+             post_url,

+             data=json.dumps({'scmurl': 'file://' + scm_base_dir + (

+                 '/mariadb?#1a43ea22cd32f235c2f119de1727a37902a49f20')}))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert 'Module mariadb:10.2:20180724065109:00000000 imported' in data['messages']

+         assert data['module']['name'] == 'mariadb'

+         assert data['module']['stream'] == '10.2'

+         assert data['module']['version'] == '20180724065109'

+         assert data['module']['context'] == '00000000'

+         assert data['module']['owner'] == 'mbs_import'

+         assert data['module']['state'] == 5

+         assert data['module']['state_reason'] is None

+         assert data['module']['state_name'] == 'ready'

+         assert data['module']['scmurl'] is None

+         assert data['module']['component_builds'] == []

+         assert data['module']['time_submitted'] == data['module']['time_modified'] == \

+             data['module']['time_completed']

+         assert data['module']['koji_tag'] == 'mariadb-10.2-20180724065109-00000000'

+         assert data['module']['siblings'] == []

+         assert data['module']['rebuild_strategy'] == 'all'


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=import_module_user)

+     @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'scmurls',

+                   new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=['file://'])

+     def test_import_build_scm_incomplete_nsvc(self, mocked_scmurls, mocked_get_user,

+                                               api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(

+             post_url,

+             data=json.dumps({'scmurl': 'file://' + scm_base_dir + (

+                 '/mariadb?#b17bea85de2d03558f24d506578abcfcf467e5bc')}))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert data['error'] == 'Unprocessable Entity'

+         assert data['message'] == 'Incomplete NSVC: None:None:0:00000000'


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=import_module_user)

+     @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'scmurls',

+                   new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=['file://'])

+     def test_import_build_scm_yaml_is_bad(self, mocked_scmurls, mocked_get_user,

+                                           api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(

+             post_url,

+             data=json.dumps({'scmurl': 'file://' + scm_base_dir + (

+                 '/mariadb?#cb7cf7069059141e0797ad2cf5a559fb673ef43d')}))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert data['error'] == 'Unprocessable Entity'

+         assert data['message'].startswith('The following invalid modulemd was encountered')


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_version', [1, 2])

+     @patch('module_build_service.auth.get_user', return_value=import_module_user)

+     @patch.object(module_build_service.config.Config, 'scmurls',

+                   new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=['file://'])

+     def test_import_build_scm_missing_koji_tag(self, mocked_scmurls, mocked_get_user,

+                                                api_version):

+         post_url = '/module-build-service/{0}/import-module/'.format(api_version)

+         rv = self.client.post(

+             post_url,

+             data=json.dumps({'scmurl': 'file://' + scm_base_dir + (

+                 '/mariadb?#9ab5fdeba83eb3382413ee8bc06299344ef4477d')}))

+         data = json.loads(rv.data)


+         assert data['error'] == 'Unprocessable Entity'

+         assert data['message'].startswith('\'koji_tag\' is not set in xmd[\'mbs\'] for module')

Just for testing, because Jenkins keeps hanging (not sure why) during git fetch from my own fork... See e.g. https://ci.centos.org/job/fm-orchestrator-pr/63/console

rebased onto c97a606

5 years ago

Tested successfully -> closing...

Pull-Request has been closed by fivaldi

5 years ago