#1001 Add some comments to MMDResolver.
Merged 5 years ago by mprahl. Opened 5 years ago by jkaluza.
jkaluza/fm-orchestrator solve-comments  into  master

@@ -47,74 +47,171 @@ 

          self.available_repo = self.pool.add_repo("available")


      def _deps2reqs(self, deps):

+         """

+         Helper method converting dependencies from MMD to sov.Dep instance expressing

"sov.Dep" => "solv.Dep"

+         the dependencies in a way libsolv accepts as input.


+         So for example for following input:

+             deps = [{'gtk': ['1'], 'foo': ['1']}]

+         The resulting solv.Dep expression will be:

+             ((module(gtk) with module(gtk:1)) and (module(foo) with module(foo:1)))


+         The "with" syntax is here to allow depending on "module(gtk)" meaning "any gtk".

+         This can happen in case {'gtk': []} is used as an input.


+         See the inline comments for more information.


+         :param list deps: List of dicts with dependency name as key and list of streams as value.

+         :rtype: solv.Dep

+         :return: solv.Dep instance with dependencies in form libsolv accepts.

+         """

          pool = self.pool


-         rel_or_dep = lambda dep, op, rel: dep.Rel(op, rel) if dep is not None else rel

+         # Every name:stream combination from dict in `deps` list is expressed as `solv.Dep`

+         # instance and is represented internally in solv with "module(name:stream)".

+         # This is parallel to RPM-world "Provides: perl(foo)" or "Requires: perl(foo)",

+         # but in this method, we are only constructing the condition after the "Provides:"

+         # or "Requires:".

+         # This method creates such solve.Dep.

          stream_dep = lambda n, s: pool.Dep("module(%s:%s)" % (n, s))


+         # There are relations between modules in `deps`. For example:

+         #   deps = [{'gtk': ['1'], 'foo': ['1']}]" means "gtk:1 and foo:1" are both required.

+         #   deps = [{'gtk': ['1', '2']}"] means "gtk:1 or gtk:2" are required.

+         # This method helps creating such relations using following syntax:

+         #   rel_or_dep(solv.Dep, solve.REL_OR, stream_dep(name, stream))

+         #   rel_or_dep(solv.Dep, solve.REL_AND, stream_dep(name, stream))

+         #   rel_or_dep(solv.Dep, solve.REL_WITH, stream_dep(name, stream))

+         #   rel_or_dep(solv.Dep, solve.REL_WITHOUT, stream_dep(name, stream))

+         rel_or_dep = lambda dep, op, rel: dep.Rel(op, rel) if dep is not None else rel


+         # Check each dependency dict in `deps` list and generate the solv requirements.

          reqs = None

          for deps in deps:

I just noticed that each item in the for loop is called deps which overrides the deps parameter for this method. Could we rename this to something else? It's confusing otherwise.

+             # Contains the solv.Dep requirements for current dict.

              require = None

              for name, streams in deps.items():

+                 # The req_pos will store solv.Dep expression for "positive" requirements.

+                 # That is the case of 'gtk': ['1', '2'].

+                 # The req_neg will store negative requirements like 'gtk': ['-1', '-2'].

                  req_pos = req_neg = None


+                 # For each stream in `streams` for this dependency, generate the

+                 # module(name:stream) solv.Dep and add REL_OR relations between them.

                  for stream in streams:

                      if stream.startswith("-"):

                          req_neg = rel_or_dep(req_neg, solv.REL_OR, stream_dep(name, stream[1:]))


                          req_pos = rel_or_dep(req_pos, solv.REL_OR, stream_dep(name, stream))


+                 # Generate the module(name) solv.Dep.

                  req = pool.Dep("module(%s)" % name)


+                 # Use the REL_WITH for positive requirements and REL_WITHOUT for negative

+                 # requirements.

                  if req_pos is not None:

                      req = req.Rel(solv.REL_WITH, req_pos)

                  elif req_neg is not None:

                      req = req.Rel(solv.REL_WITHOUT, req_neg)


+                 # And in the end use AND between the last name:[streams] and the current one.

                  require = rel_or_dep(require, solv.REL_AND, req)


+             # There might be multiple dicts in `deps` list, so use OR relation between them.

              reqs = rel_or_dep(reqs, solv.REL_OR, require)


          return reqs


      def add_modules(self, mmd):

+         """

+         Adds module represented by `mmd` metadata to MMDResolver. Modules added by this

+         method will be considered as possible dependencies while resolving the dependencies

+         using the `solve(...)` method only if their "context" is None. Otherwise they are

+         threated like input modules we want to resolve dependencies for.

"threated" => "treated"


+         :param Modulemd mmd: Metadata of module to add.

+         :rtype: list

+         :return: list of solv.Solvable instances representing the module in libsolv world.

+         """

          n, s, v, c = mmd.get_name(), mmd.get_stream(), mmd.get_version(), mmd.get_context()


          pool = self.pool


+         # Helper method tu return the dependencies of `mmd` in the {name: [streams], ... form}.

"tu" => "to"

+         # The `fn` is either "get_requires" or "get_buildrequires" str depending on whether

+         # the return deps should be runtime requires or buildrequires.

          normdeps = lambda mmd, fn: [{name: streams.get()

                                       for name, streams in getattr(dep, fn)().items()}

                                      for dep in mmd.get_dependencies()]


+         # Each solvable object has name, version, architecture and list of

+         # provides/requires/conflicts which defines its relations with other solvables.

+         # You can image solvable as an single RPM.

"image" => "imagine"

+         # Single module can be represented by multiple solvables - read further inline

+         # comments for more info. Therefore we use list to store them.

          solvables = []

          if c is not None:

-             # Built module


-             # $n:$s:$v:$c-$v.$a

+             # If context is not set, the module we are adding should be used as dependencies

+             # for input module. Therefore add it in "available_repo".

              solvable = self.available_repo.add_solvable()


+             # Use n:s:v:c as name, version as version and set the arches.

              solvable.name = "%s:%s:%d:%s" % (n, s, v, c)

              solvable.evr = str(v)

-             # TODO: replace with real arch

+             # TODO: replace with real arch, but for now resolving using single arch

+             # is sufficient.

              solvable.arch = "x86_64"


-             # Prv: module($n)

+             # Add "Provides: module(name)", beach every module provides itself.

What is "beach" supposed to be here?

+             # This is used for example to find the buildrequired module when

+             # no particular stream is used - for example when buildrequiring

+             # "gtk: []"


                                    pool.Dep("module(%s)" % n))

-             # Prv: module($n:$s) = $v

+             # Add "Provides: module(name:stream) = version", so we can find builrequired

+             # modules when "gtk:[1]" is used and also choose the latest version.


                                    pool.Dep("module(%s:%s)" % (n, s)).Rel(

                                        solv.REL_EQ, pool.Dep(str(v))))


+             # Fill in the "Requires" of this module, so we can track its dependencies

+             # on other modules.

              requires = self._deps2reqs(normdeps(mmd, "get_requires"))

              solvable.add_deparray(solv.SOLVABLE_REQUIRES, requires)


-             # Con: module($n)

+             # Add "Conflicts: module(name)", because TODO, ask ignatenko.

              solvable.add_deparray(solv.SOLVABLE_CONFLICTS, pool.Dep("module(%s)" % n))




-             # Input module

-             # Context means two things:

-             # * Unique identifier

-             # * Offset for the dependency which was used

+             # For input module, we might have mulptiple buildrequires/requires pairs in the

"mulptiple" => "multiple"

+             # input `mmd`. For example like this:

+             #   - buildrequires:

+             #       gtk: [1]

+             #       platform: [f28]

+             #     requires:

+             #       gtk: [1]

+             #   - buildrequires:

+             #       gtk: [2]

+             #       platform: [f29]

+             #     requires:

+             #       gtk: [2]

+             # This means we need: "(gtk:1 and platform:f28) or (gtk:2 and platform:f29)".

+             # There is no way how to express that in libsolv as single solvable and in the same

+             # time try all the possible combinations. Libsolv just returns the single one and does

+             # not offer enough data for us to tell it to try another one to really find all of

+             # them.

+             # The solution for that is therefore adding multiple solvables for each OR block of

+             # that input condition.

+             #

+             # So in our example, we add two solvables:

+             #   1) Solvable with name "n:s:v:0" and "Requires: gtk:1 and platform:f28".

+             #   2) Solvable with name "n:s:v:1" and "Requires: gtk:2 and platform:f29".

+             #

+             # Note the "context" field in the solvable name - it is set according to index

+             # of buildrequires/requires pair and uniquely identifies the Solvable.

+             #

+             # Using this trick, libsolv will try to solve all the buildrequires/requires pairs,

+             # because they are expressed as separate Solvables and we are able to distinguish

+             # between them thanks to context value.

              normalized_deps = normdeps(mmd, "get_buildrequires")

              for c, deps in enumerate(mmd.get_dependencies()):

                  # $n:$s:$c-$v.src
@@ -136,25 +233,55 @@ 

          containing frozensets with all the possible combinations which

          satisfied dependencies.


+         :param Modulemd mmd: Input modulemd which should have the `context` set

+             to None.

+         :param policy: Policy to use when the dependencies used in buildrequires

+             section are ambigous. For example, when the single buildrequired

+             module is gtk:1 and this gtk:1 module is built against both

+             platform:f28 and platform:f29, the policy influences the resolving

+             in following way:


+             - MMDResolverPolicy.First: Only single combination of buildrequires

+               will be returned with "gtk:1" and "platform:f28", because the input

+               buildrequires section did not mention any platform stream and

+               therefore "first one" is used.

+             - MMDResolverPolicy.All: Two combinations of buildrequires will be returned,

+               one with "gtk:1" and "platform:f28", other with "gtk:1" and "platform:f29".


          :return: set of frozensets of n:s:v:c of modules which satisfied the

              dependency solving.


+         # Add the input module to pool and generate the "Provides" data so we can

+         # use them for resolving later.

          solvables = self.add_modules(mmd)

          if not solvables:

              raise ValueError("No module(s) found for resolving")



+         # "solvable to n:s:v:c"

          s2nsvc = lambda s: "%s:%s" % (s.name, s.arch)

+         # "solvable to n:s"

          s2ns = lambda s: ":".join(s.name.split(":", 2)[:2])


+         # For each solvable object generated from input module, run the solver.

+         # For reasons why there might be multiple solvable objects, please read the

+         # `add_modules(...)` inline comments.

          solver = self.pool.Solver()

          alternatives = collections.OrderedDict()

          for src in solvables:

+             # Create the solv Job to represent the solving task.

              job = self.pool.Job(solv.Job.SOLVER_INSTALL | solv.Job.SOLVER_SOLVABLE, src.id)


+             # Check that at max 1 requires element exists in the solvable object - since

+             # we create multiple solvable objects where each of them has at max one

+             # requires element, it should never be the case...

+             # NOTE: "requires" in solvable are actually "buildrequires" in mmd.

              requires = src.lookup_deparray(solv.SOLVABLE_REQUIRES)

              if len(requires) > 1:

                  raise SystemError("At max one element should be in Requires: %s" % requires)

              elif len(requires) == 0:

+                 # Return early in case the requires is empty, because it basically means

+                 # the module has no buildrequires section.

                  return set([frozenset([s2nsvc(src)])])


              requires = requires[0]
@@ -168,41 +295,82 @@ 

              # They do use "or" within "and", so simple string split won't work for binary packages.

              if src.arch != "src":

                  raise NotImplementedError


+             # What we get in `requires` here is a string in following format:

+             #   ((module(gtk) with module(gtk:1)) and (module(foo) with module(foo:1)) and (...))

+             # And what we want to get is the list of all valid combinations with particular NSVCs

+             # of buildrequired modules. There are few steps we need to do to achieve that:


+             # 1) Convert the "(R1 and R2 and R3)" string to list of solv.Dep in following format:

+             #    [solv.Dep(R1), solv.Dep(R2), solv.Dep(R3), ...]

              deps = str(requires).split(" and ")

              if len(deps) > 1:

+                 # Remove the extra parenthesis in the input string in case there are more

+                 # rules.

                  deps[0] = deps[0][1:]

                  deps[-1] = deps[-1][:-1]

+             # Generate the new deps using the parserpmrichdep.

              deps = [self.pool.parserpmrichdep(dep) if dep.startswith("(") else self.pool.Dep(dep)

                      for dep in deps]


+             # 2) For each dep (name:stream), get the set of all solvables in particular NSVCs,

+             #    which provides that name:stream. Then use itertools.product() to actually

+             #    generate all the possible combinations so we can try solving them.

              for opt in itertools.product(*[self.pool.whatprovides(dep) for dep in deps]):

                  log.debug("Testing %s with combination: %s", src, opt)

+                 # We will be trying to solve all the combinations using all the NSVCs

+                 # we have in pool, but as we said earlier, we don't want to return

+                 # all of them when MMDResolverPolicy.First is used.

+                 # We will achieve that by storing alternative combinations in `src_alternatives`

+                 # with NSVC as key in case we want all of them and NS as a key when we want

+                 # just First combination for given dependency.

+                 # This will allow us to group alternatives for single NS in case of First

+                 # policy and later return just the first alternative.

                  if policy == MMDResolverPolicy.All:

                      kfunc = s2nsvc

                  elif policy == MMDResolverPolicy.First:

                      kfunc = s2ns

                  key = tuple(kfunc(s) for s in opt)

+                 # `key` now contains tuple similar to "('gtk:1', 'foo:1')"

                  alternative = src_alternatives.setdefault(key, [])


+                 # Create the solving jobs.

+                 # We need to say to libsolv that we want it to prefer modules from the combination

+                 # we are currently trying, otherwise it would just choose some random ones.

+                 # We do that by FAVORING those modules - this is done in libsolv by another

+                 # job prepending to our main job to resolve the deps of input module.

                  jobs = [self.pool.Job(solv.Job.SOLVER_FAVOR | solv.Job.SOLVER_SOLVABLE, s.id)

                          for s in opt] + [job]


+                 # Log the job.


                  for j in jobs:

                      log.debug("  - %s", j)

+                 # Solve the deps and log the dependency issues.

                  problems = solver.solve(jobs)

                  if problems:

                      raise RuntimeError("Problems were found during solve(): %s" % ", ".join(

                                         str(p) for p in problems))

+                 # Find out what was actually resolved by libsolv to be installed as a result

+                 # of our jobs - those are the modules we are looking for.

                  newsolvables = solver.transaction().newsolvables()


                  for s in newsolvables:

                      log.debug("  - %s", s)

+                 # Append them as an alternative for this src_alternative.

+                 # Remember that src_alternatives are grouped by NS or NSVC depending on

+                 # MMDResolverPolicy, so there might be more of them.



+         # If the MMDResolverPolicy is First, we will check all the alternatives and keep

+         # just the "first" one.

          if policy == MMDResolverPolicy.First:

              # Prune

              for transactions in alternatives.values():

                  for ns, trans in transactions.items():


+                         # The transation to keep is defined by the name:stream comparison,

+                         # so we always returnt he same name:stream if the input is the same.

"returnt he" => "return the"

                          transactions[ns] = [next(t for t in trans

                                                   if set(ns) <= set(s2ns(s) for s in t))]

                      except StopIteration:
@@ -210,6 +378,7 @@ 

                          del transactions[ns]



+         # Convert the solvables in alternatives to nsvc and return them as set of frozensets.

          return set(frozenset(s2nsvc(s) for s in transactions[0])

                     for src_alternatives in alternatives.values()

                     for transactions in src_alternatives.values())

no initial comment

I would prefer merging that and fixing any typos by new PR you would do yourself, because I won't be in commenting mood at least one week after this PR :).

I just noticed that each item in the for loop is called deps which overrides the deps parameter for this method. Could we rename this to something else? It's confusing otherwise.

What is "beach" supposed to be here?

:thumbsup: thanks a lot! I'll fix the typos in another PR for you.

Commit e5230ef fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by mprahl

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mprahl

5 years ago