#529 RFE: Clean DNF cache after completing a local build
Opened 7 years ago by psabata. Modified 7 years ago

Currently MBS creates a new DNF cache for every local module build but doesn't remove it after the build finishes. After a couple of builds, the cache can easily grow to tens of gigabytes in size and needs to be cleaned manually.

Conside rrunning mock --scrub=all at the end.

Sounds reasonable to me.

(Although, wouldn't --scrub=all clean other caches that you might want to keep? Maybe there is a more targeted option we can pass.)

Sounds reasonable to me.
(Although, wouldn't --scrub=all clean other caches that you might want to keep? Maybe there is a more targeted option we can pass.)

It only touches the supplied chroot and I think you'll want to clear all caches linked to it.

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