From 741b24c2b9d1a46b68e54cab899f297bda9d466f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mprahl Date: Jul 26 2018 19:36:16 +0000 Subject: Remove the unused Jenkinsfile in favor of .cico-pr.pipeline --- diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile deleted file mode 100644 index caed919..0000000 --- a/Jenkinsfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -def onmyduffynode(script){ - ansiColor('xterm'){ - timestamps{ - sh 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root ${DUFFY_NODE} -t "' + script + '"' - } - } -} - -def syncfromduffynode(rsyncpath){ - sh 'rsync -e "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root " -Ha --include=' + rsyncpath + " ${DUFFY_NODE} ./" -} - -node('factory2'){ - - stage('Allocate Node'){ - env.CICO_API_KEY = readFile("${env.HOME}/duffy.key").trim() - duffy_rtn=sh( - script: 'cico --debug node get -f value -c hostname -c comment', - returnStdout: true - ).trim().tokenize(' ') - env.DUFFY_NODE=duffy_rtn[0] - env.SSID=duffy_rtn[1] - } - - try{ - stage('Pre Setup Node'){ - // Install EPEL and the SCLs repo - onmyduffynode 'yum -y install git docker && systemctl start docker' - } - - stage('Clone Test Suite') { - onmyduffynode "git clone -b \"${env.BRANCH_NAME}\" --single-branch --depth 1" - } - - stage('Build Docker Image') { - onmyduffynode 'cd fm-orchestrator && docker build -t mbs/test -f docker/Dockerfile-tests .' - } - - stage('Run Test Suite') { - timeout(20) { - onmyduffynode 'docker run -v ~/fm-orchestrator:/src:Z mbs/test' - } - } - - }catch (e){ - currentBuild.result = "FAILED" - throw e - } finally { - stage('Deallocate Node'){ - sh 'cico node done ${SSID}' - } - } -}