#18 Fedora containers: next steps
Closed: Talk Scheduled 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by ttomecek.

  1. Abstract
Our team has a
focus on automation and streamlining the process of Red Hat container images
delivery. We would love to bring some of our tools and ideas to Fedora!

Outcome: faster delivery process, container images are up to date, less work
for maintainers, containers are validated


1. Introduction of stakeholders.
2. Introduction of what we did at Red Hat (processes) and introduction to our tools.
3. Design discussion on what can we do at Fedora side:
  * Validation.
  * Automation (least amount of steps for container maintainers).
  * Delivery (can I have the container on my system ASAP?).
  1. Who needs to be in the room for this to succeed? List each person by Name and FAS ID as Name (FAS ID)
    * @dhodovsk, @jpopelka (both members of user-cont)
    * @cverna (Fedora container buildsystem)
    * @bowlofeggs (bodhi)
    * @puiterwijk (Fedora master)

  2. Is this a … (Delete all that DO NOT apply)
    * Our preference is to do a half-day hackfest so we have enough time to do some real work.
    * In case there is not enough time slots, 2 hours for a workshop should be sufficient.

  3. Anything else we need to know? We probably need just a projector. Whiteboard would be nice.

  4. Who are you?
    * Name: Tomas Tomecek
    * FAS ID: ttomecek
    * IRC Nick is the same

@ttomecek The CfP committee is in favor of this talk, however they have requested that you update the submission to reflect which type of event you want to hold, Hackfest or Workshop.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue tagged with: Talk In Consideration

6 years ago

My preference is half day workshop -- it's possible we would be able to even do some work in 4 hours. I'll update the proposal.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue untagged with: Talk In Consideration
- Issue tagged with: Talk Accepted

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: Talk Scheduled
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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