#16 Allow overriding the architecture that FlatpakBuilder uses
Merged 2 years ago by otaylor. Opened 2 years ago by otaylor.

@@ -29,6 +29,44 @@ 

  from xml.etree import ElementTree



+ class Arch:

+     def __init__(self, oci, flatpak, rpm):

+         self.oci = oci

+         self.flatpak = flatpak

+         self.rpm = rpm



+ ARCHES = {

+     arch.oci: arch for arch in [

+         Arch(oci="amd64", flatpak="x86_64", rpm="x86_64"),

+         Arch(oci="arm64", flatpak="aarch64", rpm="aarch64"),

+         Arch(oci="s390x", flatpak="s390x", rpm="s390x"),

+         Arch(oci="ppc64le", flatpak="ppc64le", rpm="ppc64le"),

+         # This is used in tests to test the case where the Flatpak and RPM names are

+         # different - this does not happen naturally at the moment as far as I know.

+         Arch(oci="testarch", flatpak="testarch", rpm="testarch_rpm"),

+     ]

+ }



+ @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)

+ def _get_flatpak_arch():

+     return subprocess.check_output(

+         ['flatpak', '--default-arch'], universal_newlines=True

+     ).strip()


+ def get_arch(oci_arch=None):

+     if oci_arch:

+         return ARCHES[oci_arch]

+     else:

+         flatpak_arch = _get_flatpak_arch()

+         for arch in ARCHES.values():

+             if arch.flatpak == flatpak_arch:

+                 return arch


+         raise RuntimeError("Unknown flatpak arch '{}'".format(flatpak_arch))





@@ -56,21 +94,6 @@ 

      CP = configparser.RawConfigParser



- @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)

- def get_flatpak_arch():

-     """Return Flatpak's name for the current architecture"""

-     return subprocess.check_output(['flatpak', '--default-arch'],

-                                    universal_newlines=True).strip()



- # Returns flatpak's name for the current arch

- @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)

- def get_rpm_arch():

-     """Return RPM's name for the current architecture"""

-     return subprocess.check_output(['rpm', '--eval', '%{_arch}'],

-                                    universal_newlines=True).strip()



  # flatpak build-init requires the sdk and runtime to be installed on the

  # build system (so that subsequent build steps can execute things with

  # the SDK). While it isn't impossible to download the runtime image and
@@ -78,7 +101,7 @@ 

  # since our build step is just unpacking the filesystem we've already

  # created. This is a stub implementation of 'flatpak build-init' that

  # doesn't check for the SDK or use it to set up the build filesystem.

- def build_init(directory, appname, sdk, runtime, runtime_branch, tags=[]):

+ def build_init(directory, appname, sdk, runtime, runtime_branch, arch, tags=[]):

      if not os.path.isdir(directory):


      with open(os.path.join(directory, "metadata"), "w") as f:
@@ -91,7 +114,7 @@ 




-                                   arch=get_flatpak_arch())))

+                                   arch=arch.flatpak)))

          if tags:

              f.write("tags=" + ";".join(tags) + "\n")

      os.mkdir(os.path.join(directory, "files"))
@@ -105,10 +128,10 @@ 

          self.mmd = mmd

          self.rpms = rpms


-     def get_profile_packages(self, profile):

+     def get_profile_packages(self, profile, arch):

          result = self.mmd.get_profile(profile).get_rpms()


-         arch_profile = profile + '-' + get_rpm_arch()

+         arch_profile = profile + '-' + arch.rpm

          if arch_profile in self.mmd.get_profile_names():


@@ -389,7 +412,7 @@ 


  class FlatpakBuilder(object):

      def __init__(self, source, workdir, root, parse_manifest=None,

-                  flatpak_metadata=FLATPAK_METADATA_ANNOTATIONS):

+                  flatpak_metadata=FLATPAK_METADATA_ANNOTATIONS, oci_arch=None):

          self.source = source

          self.workdir = workdir

          self.root = root
@@ -401,6 +424,8 @@ 

              raise ValueError("Bad flatpak_metadata value %s" % flatpak_metadata)

          self.flatpak_metadata = flatpak_metadata


+         self.arch = get_arch(oci_arch)


          self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


          self.extra_labels = {}
@@ -443,7 +468,7 @@ 


      def get_install_packages(self):

          source = self.source

-         packages = source.base_module.get_profile_packages(source.profile)

+         packages = source.base_module.get_profile_packages(source.profile, self.arch)

          if not source.runtime:

              # The flatpak-runtime-config package is needed when building an application

              # Flatpak because it includes file triggers for files in /app. (Including just
@@ -481,7 +506,9 @@ 


          if not source.runtime:

              runtime_module = source.runtime_module

-             available_packages = sorted(runtime_module.get_profile_packages('runtime'))

+             available_packages = sorted(

+                 runtime_module.get_profile_packages('runtime', self.arch)

+             )


              for m in source.app_modules:

                  # Strip off the '.rpm' suffix from the filename to get something
@@ -489,7 +516,9 @@ 

                  available_packages.extend(x[:-4] for x in m.rpms)


              base_module = source.base_module

-             available_packages = sorted(base_module.get_profile_packages(source.profile))

+             available_packages = sorted(

+                 base_module.get_profile_packages(source.profile, self.arch)

+             )


          return available_packages

@@ -714,7 +743,7 @@ 

              'id': id_,

              'runtime_id': runtime_id,

              'sdk_id': sdk_id,

-             'arch': get_flatpak_arch(),

+             'arch': self.arch.flatpak,

              'branch': branch


@@ -755,9 +784,13 @@ 

          subprocess.check_call(['ostree', 'commit'] + commit_args)

          subprocess.check_call(['ostree', 'summary', '-u', '--repo', repo])


-         subprocess.check_call(['flatpak', 'build-bundle', repo,

-                                '--oci', '--runtime',

-                                outfile, id_, branch])

+         subprocess.check_call([

+             'flatpak', 'build-bundle', repo,

+             '--oci',

+             '--runtime',

+             '--arch', self.arch.flatpak,

+             outfile, id_, branch

+         ])


          return runtime_ref

@@ -786,10 +819,12 @@ 

          # See comment for build_init() for why we can't use 'flatpak build-init'

          # subprocess.check_call(['flatpak', 'build-init',

          #                        builddir, app_id, runtime_id, runtime_id, runtime_version])

-         build_init(builddir, app_id, sdk_id, runtime_id, runtime_version, tags=info.get('tags', []))

+         build_init(

+             builddir, app_id, sdk_id, runtime_id, runtime_version, self.arch, tags=info.get('tags', [])

+         )


          # with gzip'ed tarball, tar is several seconds faster than tarfile.extractall

-         subprocess.check_call(['tar', 'xCfz', builddir, tarred_filesystem])

+         subprocess.check_call(['tar', 'xvCfz', builddir, tarred_filesystem])


          processor = FileTreeProcessor(builddir, info)

@@ -811,7 +846,7 @@ 



          def try_export(disable_sandbox):

-             args = ['flatpak', 'build-export', repo, builddir, app_branch]

+             args = ['flatpak', 'build-export', '-v', repo, builddir, app_branch]

              if disable_sandbox:

                  args += ['--disable-sandbox']

              if 'end-of-life' in info:
@@ -836,11 +871,15 @@ 

                  self.log.info('Retrying without --disable-sandbox')



-         subprocess.check_call(['flatpak', 'build-bundle', repo, '--oci',

-                                outfile, app_id, app_branch])

+         subprocess.check_call([

+             'flatpak', 'build-bundle', repo,

+             '--oci',

+             '--arch', self.arch.flatpak,

+             outfile, app_id, app_branch

+         ])


          app_ref = 'app/{app_id}/{arch}/{branch}'.format(app_id=app_id,

-                                                         arch=get_flatpak_arch(),

+                                                         arch=self.arch.flatpak,



          return app_ref

file modified
+131 -45
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ 

+ from io import TextIOWrapper

+ import json

  import os

  from subprocess import check_call

+ import tarfile

  from textwrap import dedent


  import gi
@@ -7,10 +10,11 @@ 

  from gi.repository import Modulemd


  import pytest

+ from six.moves import configparser

  import yaml


  from flatpak_module_tools.flatpak_builder import (

-     FlatpakBuilder, FlatpakSourceInfo, FLATPAK_METADATA_BOTH, get_rpm_arch, ModuleInfo

+     FlatpakBuilder, FlatpakSourceInfo, FLATPAK_METADATA_BOTH, get_arch, ModuleInfo



@@ -142,36 +146,58 @@ 

      - flatpak-runtime:f33


      id: org.fedoraproject.Platform

-     branch: stable

+     sdk: org.fedoraproject.Sdk

+     branch: f33

      end-of-life: Fedora 33 is no longer supported

      end-of-life-rebase: org.fedoraproject.NewPlatform




+ # We repeat the test with and without overriding the architectures

+ @pytest.fixture(params=(None, "arm64", "testarch"))

+ def oci_arch_override(request):

+   return request.param



+ # This is the Arch object corresponding to oci_arch_override

+ @pytest.fixture

+ def arch(oci_arch_override):

+   return get_arch(oci_arch_override)



+ # We need to substitute on the arch a lot, so define another fixture to do that

+ # concisely

+ @pytest.fixture

+ def R(arch):

+     def r(str):

+         return str.format(flatpak_arch=arch.flatpak, rpm_arch=arch.rpm)


+     return r




- def runtime_module():

+ def runtime_module(R):

      runtime_mmd = Modulemd.ModuleStream.read_string(FLATPAK_RUNTIME_MMD, True)

      yield ModuleInfo(runtime_mmd.get_module_name(),




-                      ['flatpak-rpm-macros-0:32-2.x86_64.rpm',

-                       'flatpak-runtime-config-0:29-5.x86_64.rpm'])

+                      [R('flatpak-rpm-macros-0:32-2.{rpm_arch}.rpm'),

+                       R('flatpak-runtime-config-0:29-5.{rpm_arch}.rpm')])




- def testapp_module():

-     testapp_mmd = TESTAPP_MMD.replace("@ARCH@",

-                                       get_rpm_arch())

+ def testapp_module(arch, R):

+     testapp_mmd = TESTAPP_MMD.replace("@ARCH@", arch.rpm)


      testapp_mmd = Modulemd.ModuleStream.read_string(testapp_mmd, True)

      yield ModuleInfo(testapp_mmd.get_module_name(),




-                      ['testapp-0:1-1.x86_64.rpm',

-                       'testapp-fancymath-0:1-1.x86_64.rpm',

-                       'libfoo-0:1.2.4-1.module_f33+11439+4b44cd2d.x86_64.rpm'])

+                      [R('testapp-0:1-1.{rpm_arch}.rpm'),

+                       R('testapp-fancymath-0:1-1.{rpm_arch}.rpm'),

+                       R('libfoo-0:1.2.4-1.module_f33+11439+4b44cd2d.{rpm_arch}.rpm')])



@@ -246,7 +272,6 @@ 

      manifest_lines = [l + "\n" for l in manifest.strip().split("\n")]


      expected_components = [c for c in parse_manifest(manifest_lines) if c['include']]

-     print(expected_components)

      components = builder.get_components(manifestfile)


      def flatten(components):
@@ -256,13 +281,73 @@ 

      assert flatten(components) == flatten(expected_components)



- def test_app_basic(testapp_source, tmpdir):

+ def check_exported_oci(oci_outdir, arch, R, runtime=False):

+     with open(os.path.join(oci_outdir, "index.json")) as f:

+         index = json.load(f)


+     def descriptor_to_path(descriptor):

+         digest = descriptor["digest"]

+         assert digest.startswith("sha256:")

+         return os.path.join(oci_outdir, "blobs", "sha256", digest[7:])


+     # Load the manifest that describes the container

+     with open(descriptor_to_path(index["manifests"][0])) as f:

+         manifest = json.load(f)


+     # Get the labels for the container

+     with open(descriptor_to_path(manifest["config"])) as f:

+         config = json.load(f)


+     print(config)

+     assert config['architecture'] == arch.oci


+     labels = config["config"]["Labels"]


+     if runtime:

+         assert labels["org.flatpak.ref"] == \

+             R("runtime/org.fedoraproject.Platform/{flatpak_arch}/f33")

+     else:

+         assert labels["org.flatpak.ref"] == \

+             R("app/org.fedoraproject.TestApp/{flatpak_arch}/stable")


+     # Do some basic checks on the metadata label

+     metadata_from_labels = labels["org.flatpak.metadata"]

+     cp = configparser.RawConfigParser()

+     cp.read_string(metadata_from_labels)


+     if runtime:

+         assert cp.get("Runtime", "runtime") == \

+             R("org.fedoraproject.Platform/{flatpak_arch}/f33")

+         assert cp.get("Runtime", "sdk") == \

+             R("org.fedoraproject.Sdk/{flatpak_arch}/f33")

+     else:

+         assert cp.get("Application", "runtime") == \

+             R("org.fedoraproject.Platform/{flatpak_arch}/f33")


+     # Now get the contents we built

+     tar = tarfile.open(descriptor_to_path(manifest["layers"][0]), "r:gz")


+     # Check that that has the same metadata as the labels - the metadata

+     # file here will be used after installation

+     extracted = tar.extractfile("metadata")

+     assert extracted

+     metadata_stream = TextIOWrapper(extracted)

+     metadata_from_tarfile = metadata_stream.read()

+     metadata_stream.close()

+     assert metadata_from_tarfile == metadata_from_labels


+     # And check that the bin/hello file we add for both the runtime and app is there

+     assert tar.getmember("files/bin/hello") is not None



+ def test_app_basic(testapp_source, tmpdir, oci_arch_override, arch, R):

      workdir = str(tmpdir / "work")



      builder = FlatpakBuilder(testapp_source, workdir, "root",


-                              flatpak_metadata=FLATPAK_METADATA_BOTH)

+                              flatpak_metadata=FLATPAK_METADATA_BOTH,

+                              oci_arch=oci_arch_override)


      assert set(builder.get_install_packages()) == set([

          "testapp", "testapp-fancymath", "flatpak-runtime-config"
@@ -271,9 +356,9 @@ 




-         "libfoo-0:1.2.4-1.module_f33+11439+4b44cd2d.x86_64",

-         "testapp-0:1-1.x86_64",

-         "testapp-fancymath-0:1-1.x86_64"

+         R("libfoo-0:1.2.4-1.module_f33+11439+4b44cd2d.{rpm_arch}"),

+         R("testapp-0:1-1.{rpm_arch}"),

+         R("testapp-fancymath-0:1-1.{rpm_arch}")



      bindir = tmpdir / "root/app/bin"
@@ -282,42 +367,43 @@ 

      with open(bindir / "hello", "w") as f:

          os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0o0755)


-     check_call(["tar", "cfv", "export.tar", "-H", "pax", "--sort=name",

+     check_call(["tar", "cf", "export.tar", "-H", "pax", "--sort=name",

                  "root"], cwd=tmpdir)


      with open(tmpdir / "export.tar", "rb") as f:

          outfile, manifest_file = (builder._export_from_stream(f, close_stream=False))


-     check_call(["gzip", tmpdir / "export.tar"])


-     builder.build_container(str(tmpdir / "export.tar.gz"))

+     ref_name, oci_outdir, tarred_oci_outdir = builder.build_container(outfile)


      # libfoo from the module should be listed in builder.get_components()

-     check_get_components(builder, tmpdir, dedent("""\

-         false flatpak-runtime-config-0:29-5.x86_64

-         false glibc-0:2.32-4.fc33.x86_64

-         true  libfoo-0:1.2.4-1.module_f33+11439+4b44cd2d.x86_64

-         true  testapp-0:1-1.x86_64

-         true  testapp-fancymath-0:1-1.x86_64

-     """))

+     check_get_components(builder, tmpdir, R(dedent("""\

+         false flatpak-runtime-config-0:29-5.{rpm_arch}

+         false glibc-0:2.32-4.fc33.{rpm_arch}

+         true  libfoo-0:1.2.4-1.module_f33+11439+4b44cd2d.{rpm_arch}

+         true  testapp-0:1-1.{rpm_arch}

+         true  testapp-fancymath-0:1-1.{rpm_arch}

+     """)))


      # But libfoo from the runtime should not

-     check_get_components(builder, tmpdir, dedent("""\

-         false flatpak-runtime-config-0:29-5.x86_64

-         false glibc-0:2.32-4.fc33.x86_64

-         false libfoo-0:1.2.3-1.fc33.x86_64

-         true  testapp-0:1-1.x86_64

-         true  testapp-fancymath-0:1-1.x86_64

-     """))

+     check_get_components(builder, tmpdir, R(dedent("""\

+         false flatpak-runtime-config-0:29-5.{rpm_arch}

+         false glibc-0:2.32-4.fc33.{rpm_arch}

+         false libfoo-0:1.2.3-1.fc33.{rpm_arch}

+         true  testapp-0:1-1.{rpm_arch}

+         true  testapp-fancymath-0:1-1.{rpm_arch}

+     """)))


+     check_exported_oci(oci_outdir, arch, R, runtime=False)


- def test_runtime_basic(runtime_source, tmpdir):


+ def test_runtime_basic(runtime_source, tmpdir, oci_arch_override, arch, R):

      workdir = str(tmpdir / "work")



      builder = FlatpakBuilder(runtime_source, workdir, "root",


-                              flatpak_metadata=FLATPAK_METADATA_BOTH)

+                              flatpak_metadata=FLATPAK_METADATA_BOTH,

+                              oci_arch=oci_arch_override)


      assert set(builder.get_install_packages()) == set([

          "glibc", "flatpak-runtime-config", "libfoo"
@@ -338,16 +424,16 @@ 

      with open(tmpdir / "export.tar", "rb") as f:

          outfile, manifest_file = (builder._export_from_stream(f, close_stream=False))


-     check_call(["gzip", tmpdir / "export.tar"])


-     builder.build_container(str(tmpdir / "export.tar.gz"))

+     refname, oci_outdir, tarred_oci_outdir = builder.build_container(outfile)


      # builder.get_components() should not filter out any packages

-     check_get_components(builder, tmpdir, dedent("""\

-         true flatpak-runtime-config-0:29-5.x86_64

-         true glibc-0:2.32-4.fc33.x86_64

-         true libfoo-0:1.2.3-1.fc33.x86_64

-     """))

+     check_get_components(builder, tmpdir, R(dedent("""\

+         true flatpak-runtime-config-0:29-5.{rpm_arch}

+         true glibc-0:2.32-4.fc33.{rpm_arch}

+         true libfoo-0:1.2.3-1.fc33.{rpm_arch}

+     """)))


+     check_exported_oci(oci_outdir, arch, R, runtime=True)



  def test_export_long_filenames(testapp_source, tmpdir):

This supercedes #15

We want to allow cross-building and generating a Flatpak OCI for an architecture other than the current one - to enable this, allow FlatpakBuilder(..., oci_arch=<other arch).

Because we need to maintain a mapping between OCI/RPM/Flatpak architecture names, new architectures will require an addition here.

Tests are extended to check the generated OCI content, and then updated to handle metadata changes based on architecture - looking at the individual commits will clarify what is going on.

LGTM, thank you for handling this.

5 new commits added

  • Allow overriding the architecture that FlatpakBuilder uses
  • test_flatpak_builder: Add checks on the generated OCI
  • test_flatpak_builder: Fix contents of generated Flatpaks
  • test_flatpak_builder: remove a stray print
  • test_flatpak_builder: use right metadata for runtime
2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by otaylor

2 years ago