This is a list of Features in risk not to deliver on time for Fedora 18.
Features with less than 80% done and updated/commented recently Clojure: 75% (updated to 75% - dependency on Maven change can be resolved) KRB5 DIR: Credential Caches: 75% (pam_krb5 is still pending. Expected to land in time for Alpha freeze, GNOME Online Accounts work is ready upstream but hasn't landed yet in Fedora. Should be ready for Alpha) SELinux Systemd Access Control: 70% (selinux-policy fixes are in Fedora 18. Patch has gone through one preliminary review by systemd, Looks pretty good and working well on my machine. I want to add proper auditing before submitting patch upstream to systemd, then it is up to them to accept or reject the patch. ) OpenShift Origin: 70% (blocked on rubygem-passenger, forking possibility) QXL/Spice KMS Driver: 70% (leaf feature, Alpha will probably not have a testable version. I plan to have it testable at the next milestone - beta ) Agent Free Management: 50% (was approved late) Rework Package Groups: 30% (patches sent to yum/anaconda) Fontconfig Enable Autohinting: 30% VNCServer support for LLVMpipe/Mesa on 64-bit IBM Power Systems: 15% (pknirsch is in touch with IBM guys) ownCloud: 15% (high risk, <cwickert> jreznik: not much honestly) LLVM support on 64-bit POWER systems: 10% (pknirsch is in touch with IBM guys) Sugar 0.98: 0% (high risk, upstream issues, pbrobinson to contact upstream)
and not updated recently (after sending a request(s) to update) Syscall Filters: 60% (last updated on 2012-07-27) Secure Boot: 55% (last updated on 2012-06-22) Initial Experience: 33% (last updated on 2012-07-17) NetworkManager Hotspots: 30% (last updated on 2012-05-30) * Usermode Migration: 20% (last updated on 2012-04-03, notting?)
SysV to Systemd is the same as in Fedora 17 - ongoing feature through more than one release: * SysV to Systemd: 60%
FESCo tasks: a) select critical/dependency features b) grant exception for "marketing" features that are on track and there's higher possibility to deliver Feature for Fedora 18 * c) proceed with critical/dependency system wide features
Sorry for late ticket, I was on vacations last week with terrible (understand hotel) connection...
AGREED: Have jreznik contact feature owners from #932 with another week to complete or re-target to f19(+:6,-:0,0:0) (limburgher, 17:29:15)
Sadly, I won't be here next two weeks. I would propose thorough review of features with low percentage and propose to developers targeting them for Fedora 19.
For example how is Initial Experience doing? It's the firstboot still available for other DE? Does it impact development on this one anaconda?
Fontconfig Enable Autohinting postponed by Feature Owner to Fedora 19.
Features with less than 80% done
ownCloud is now 60% - in testable state and works, but not yet reviewed.
Fesco is fairly happy with current progress - I'll leave this open for further updates.
I'm not convinced that the MATE Desktop feature's reported 85% is reasonable. At this point I don't think it is testable at all. There are several necessary packages for which the reviews haven't even started, e.g., mate-session-manager (bug #844162). I don't think it meets the criteria for feature freeze, even though it's now more than three weeks after the deadline.
From 2012-09-05 FESCo meeting: Agreed: FESCo will do final review of feature progress (including dropping of any features) one week before the "100% Feature Complete" date. this is currently scheduled for the 2012-09-26 meeting.
Replying to [comment:8 notting]:
The 100% Feature Complete date is now Oct 2. We will review this at the Oct 3 meeting.
The 100% Feature Complete date is now Oct 9. Features re-review at the Oct 10 meeting.
Here's a list from the wiki of features that are not 100% right now:
{{{ 20% LLVM support on 64-bit POWER systems 20% Usermode Migration 25% VNCServer support for LLVMpipe/Mesa on 64-bit IBM Power Systems 60% ownCloud 60% SysV to Systemd Porting from sysVinit init scripts to systemd unit files. 80% New Installer UI 80% NetworkManager Hotspots 80% LTTng 2.0 80% Avahi by Default on the Desktop 80% Secure Boot 80% PowerPC ppc64p7 subarch support 80% System Storage Manager 80% Sugar 0.98 85% Eucalyptus 85% Rework Package Groups 90% GSS Proxy 90% Heat 90% IPython 0.13 90% CIM Management 90% Clojure 90% Active Directory 90% Secure Containers 90% Systemtap 2 95% MATE Desktop 95% D Programming 95% firewalld 95% Python 3.3 95% rngd default-on 95% OpenStack Folsom 95% OpenShift Origin 99% Samba 4 }}}
Since we will be looking at tomorrows meeting, please ping any feature owners above and ask them to update/rescope.
I believe these features should be reviewed one week later according to the ticket #946.
Yep, the 100% feature complete deadline is tied to beta change deadline and both were pushed back by one week - current deadline is Oct 16, review on Oct 17 FESCo meeting.
I'm trying to get in touch with Feature owners. Currently in high risk are LLVM support on 64-bit POWER systems and VNCServer support for LLVMpipe/Mesa on 64-bit IBM Power Systems features updated day ago to 20%, resp. 25%. Trying to convince owner to move it to F19. A few features were already postponed (QXL KMS etc.).
Yeah, everyone does have another week, but it would be great if people could update...
Ideally everything left would be 100% by next week and we could just close this. ;)
Yep, ideally :) I'm really trying. Some people are happy for the another week left to finish development (we gave them another month;-) and they promised to update it by the next FESCo meeting. I've already updated bunch of the features yesterday/today.
But I like the ideal world strategy!
As agreed in the ticket #946, feature 100% complete deadline is on Oct 23.
Current status: 18 features still not 100% complete but several updated recently and for a few maintainers asked for more time to mark it 100% (done by slip).
High risk features: 20% LLVM support on 64-bit POWER systems; updated on 2012-10-08 25% VNCServer support for LLVMpipe/Mesa on 64-bit IBM Power Systems; updated on 2012-10-08 * 60% ownCloud; updated on 2012-08-20
At risk < 90%: 80% New Installer UI; udpated on 2012-08-07 80% LTTng 2.0; updated on 2012-07-17 80% Avahi by Default on the Desktop; updated on 2012-08-06 80% PowerPC ppc64p7 subarch support; updated on 2012-06-27 * 85% Rework Package Groups; updated on 2012-08-20
Continuous effort: 20% Usermode Migration 60% SysV to Systemd
Recently updated features: 99% Secure Boot 95% PowerPC ppc64p7 subarch support 95% D Programming (missing packages reviews to be 100%) 90% Sugar 0.98 (bugfixing only, feature complete)
High risk features: 20% LLVM support on 64-bit POWER systems; updated on 2012-10-08 25% VNCServer support for LLVMpipe/Mesa on 64-bit IBM Power Systems; updated on 2012-10-08 60% ownCloud; updated on 2012-08-20, cwickert taking look, probably won't be finished 95% rngd default-on (no reply from Feature owner yet) * 95% OpenShift Origin (packaging issues, rubygem-rails too new in F18, high chance not to make it if current schedule stays)
New installer UI is tracked in ticket #946.
LLVM support on 64-bit POWER systems and VNCServer support for LLVMpipe/Mesa on 64-bit IBM Power Systems Features postponed to Fedora 19.
Usermode Migration and SysV to Systemd are continuous effort, not handled by current Feature process - could be just moved to F19 with implicit FESCo approval.
Secure Boot and New installer UI are worth tracking as it's still ongoing effort.
We have moved non 100% features that should be retargeted at f19.
rngd default-on - needs to actually default to on.
SysV to Systemd - will note whats done for f18 and do a new feature to track f19 progress.
Usermode Migration - moved to f19.
Secure Boot - essentially done, just needs final legal signoff.
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