#882 F18 Feature: CIM Management - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/CIMManagement
Closed None Opened 12 years ago by rbergero.

For FESCo meeting either on 2012-07-09 or 2012-07-16.

The feature was approved on the Jul 09 meeting.

Please consider standardizing on one CIMOM.

Replying to [comment:2 tmraz]:

Please consider standardizing on one CIMOM.

We have considered this already. Pegasus and SFCB fit slightly different use cases so there still exist reasons to support both. We don't want to limit the choice of the CIMOM since we have no control over the environments our possible users are constrained to (certifications, 3rd party providers, legacy systems interoperability, "embedded" systems like oVirt node, ...).

This may change in the future but it really is too early to make the decision now.


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