#520 Nominating myself to be a package sponser.
Closed None Opened 13 years ago by stevetraylen.

I would like to nominate myself to become a packagers' sponsor.

= Full Name =
Steve Traylen.

Userid: stevetraylen.

= Qualifications =
I have been building package pretty much all the time since I think 2001.
I have recorded evidence back to 2003.

and looking in my previous lives:
back to 2002.

More importantly though I expect I will be building RPMS for the next 10 years at least as
that is as far as I am willing to look forward. I currently run a system for around
14,000 accounts and always try to solve their software needs within Fedora-EPEL where

I have 40 packages submitted most of which are complete.

I have reviewed 57 packages (though I confess a great many globus copy cats).

I have also taken on a number of packages with EPEL so my commit rights:

At the end of the day I'm a very experienced sysadmin who has seen the worst and best
of packaging. Where we are now compared to a five years ago is far superior for sure.
I am quite frankly ruthless these days in my criticism and constructive comment to

Other items I contribute to within Fedora:

A big effort to get python26 packages into EPEL5: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Stevetraylen

Worked an EU project to use EPEL rather than DAG for it's dependency. https://twiki.cern.ch/twik/bin/view/EGEE/EpelOverDag including pushing the missing bits into it.

Moved all CERN's computer centre in house RPMs into EPEL where ever possible.

Set up a grid computing working group: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Grid_Computing

= Rationale =
There are clearly people around me who are more than capable of being packagers and certainly
two people near me are already within the process to some extent.
I am more than confident though I am big and bad enough to say NO to them till they and of course anyone else who proves themselves via the guidelines and packager's process.

Please believe me though presented with good packages or people willing to learn I
will be more than pleased to help them meet the grade.

Yours Faithfully,


Formal CV: http://www.steve.traylen.net/cv/traylen-cv.pdf (Though not update for a year or two.)

Sent to sponsors for feedback/votes.

Voting will take place over the next week.
If 3 +1 votes and no -1 votes the request will be approved.
If there's any negative votes it will be addressed at next week's fesco meeting.


There looks to be copy paste error with one link (I lost a char?):

Worked an EU project to use EPEL rather than DAG for it's dependency, Including pushing the missing bits into it.

I know a thorough application when I see one. A definite +1 from me.

Impressive CV, lot work for Fedora and EPEL.


A week having past and all votes have been +1, this request is APPROVED.

Congrats Steve and use your powers for good!

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