#374 Modify Cloture rule
Closed None Opened 13 years ago by kevin.

= Proposal topic =

Modify the current FESCo meeting discussion rules

= Overview =

Currently, discussion of a topic goes for 15minutes. At the end of that time, a vote is taken on if discussion can continue or is cut off. I would like to modify this rule to instead, after 15 minutes of discussion, ask those members who are discussing the issue to write up their thoughts in a wiki page for consideration at the next meeting. Each view point can list their thoughts as a seperate proposal, or work off line with others to come up with a single proposal acceptable to them all. This page is used in the next meeting to guide discussions and voting.

= Problem space =

Allow topics where a full consensis can't be reached to have more off line discussion and clearer write up before voting. Allow folks a chance to compromise.

= Solution Overview =

Change the rule to have people more clearly write up their thoughts and position on a wiki page.

= Active Ingredients =

FESCo rules, wiki pages.

= Owners =


This is 'if FESCo does not agree to continue discussion', right?

Yes, sorry for not being clear on that.

it would be:

  • 15min discussion on topic.
  • If no vote to continue/consensus has not been reached, then ask stakeholders to write up positions on a wiki page for next meeting/work off line to compromise.
  • If vote to continue, continue discussions for another 15min.

This was approved at the 2010-05-11 meeting. Will get it written up.

In assisting nirik, I incorporated this information into the page at [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FESCO#Meetings].

Thanks for doing that!

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