Erlang pkgs have exploded in their provides and requires. this script run against f13 + f13-updates-testing puts it in perspective results:
Top 10 Pkgs by provider counts erlang-wx 21157 erlang-megaco 10718 erlang-cosNotification 2198 erlang-orber 1982 erlang-stdlib 1656 erlang-snmp 1538 erlang-kernel 1239 erlang-ssl 1120 gcstar 951 perl-Date-Manip 944
Top 10 Pkgs by requires counts erlang-snmp 938 erlang-orber 931 erlang-stdlib 769 erlang-hipe 749 erlang-kernel 748 erlang-wx 733 erlang-mnesia 721 erlang-debugger 700 erlang-dialyzer 644 erlang-megaco 590 Total Provides: 168447 Total Erlang Provides: 55848 Percentage of provides from erlang: 33% Total Requires: 254025 Total Erlang Requires: 17372 Percentage of requires from erlang: 6% Total Erlang* pkgs: 126
So - if you translate this - it means - that if erlang gets updated 1 time in the f13 cycle with the same number of provs in the update - it will be HALF of our total provides for the ENTIRE distribution.
half the provides - for only 126 pkgs.
additional, info
Fesco would like to spend some time exploring the impact of this on the rest of the distribution and whether there are any other solutions that would satisfy Erlang's requirements. Could the maintainers please wait on pushing these updates to stable until we've had an opportunity to do that?
The following was agreed at the 2010-05-11 fesco meeting:
Automatically generated provides/requires must be kept to a reasonable level. Per-library function provides/requires are not reasonable. If you have questions about what is, contact FESCo and/or FPC
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