#3321 change: Remove pam-ssh-agent component
Closed: Accepted 22 days ago by sgallagh. Opened a month ago by amoloney.

Drop pam_ssh_agent_auth component from Fedora 42

Owners, do not implement this work until the FESCo vote has explicitly ended.
The Fedora Program Manager will create a tracking bug in Bugzilla for this Change, which is your indication to proceed. See the FESCo ticket policy and the Changes policy for more information.

REMINDER: This ticket is for FESCo members to vote on the proposal. Further discussion should happen in the Discourse discussion linked above. Additional discussion may happen on the Fedora Devel mailing list.

Note that this change proposal is to drop, rather than just deprecate pam-ssh-agent.

I title was already changed, so I moved the page to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Remove_pam-ssh-agent_component and will retitle this ticket too.

I wasn't sure what pam-ssh-agent does… The wiki page also doesn't explain this. In case anyone else is wondering:

This package contains a PAM module which can be used to authenticate users using ssh keys stored in a ssh-agent. Through the use of the forwarding of ssh-agent connection it also allows to authenticate with remote ssh-agent instance.

The module is most useful for su and sudo service stacks.



Looks like pam_rssh is the recommended alternative anyway though it is missing some dependencies to be packaged


It would be a nice to have the packaging of pam_rssh, considering that it is the suggested alternative

After 1 week
APPROVED (+6, 0, -0)

Metadata Update from @sgallagh:
- Issue tagged with: pending announcement

23 days ago

Metadata Update from @sgallagh:
- Issue close_status updated to: Accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

22 days ago

Does it mean I can implement this change?

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