Update the Fedora 42 GNU Toolchain to gcc 15, binutils 2.44, glibc 2.41 and gdb 15+.
The set of core GNU Toolchain packages for Fedora 42 are as follows:
GNU C Compiler 15 Associated runtimes for C++ (libstdc++), Go (gccgo), OpenMP (gomp), Fortran (gfortran), D (phobos), Objective C/C++. GNU Binary Utilities 2.44 GNU C Library 2.41 GNU Debugger 15+ (immediately available in Fedora 40 and 41 today)
The gcc 15 change will be tracked in this top-level GNU Toolchain system-wide change request.
The binutils 2.44 change will be tracked in this top-level GNU Toolchain system-wide change request.
The glibc 2.41 change will be tracked in this top-level GNU Toolchain system-wide change request.
The gdb 15+ update was rolled out across all Fedora releases and the move to newer versions will be handled in the same fashion. The debugger is capable of debugging the binary artifacts produced by the rest of the system toolchain.
Owners, do not implement this work until the FESCo vote has explicitly ended. The Fedora Program Manager will create a tracking bug in Bugzilla for this Change, which is your indication to proceed. See the FESCo ticket policy and the Changes policy for more information.
REMINDER: This ticket is for FESCo members to vote on the proposal. Further discussion should happen in the Discourse discussion linked above. Additional discussion may happen on the Fedora Devel mailing list.
+1 (mass rebuild is next wed, so hopefully everything is ready by then)
Is this being tracked somewhere? It would be a shame if we ended up in the "oops, mass rebuild already? we didn't push / build our changes yet" situation again.
yeah, we talked about this in the releng meeting this morning... @jnsamyak is going to setup a releng ticket and ping changes that indicated they needed mass rebuild.
We're keeping an eye on the schedule and the mass rebuild status. I just had a sync with Siddhesh, Jakub, Nick, and Florian for the respective GNU Toolchain components.
Current status:
@humaton Please cast a vote so we can approve this without delay.
After 1 week APPROVED (+8, 0, -0)
Metadata Update from @sgallagh: - Issue tagged with: pending announcement
Metadata Update from @sgallagh: - Issue close_status updated to: Accepted - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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