#3307 Change: Intel Compute Runtime - Upgrade with HW cut-off
Closed: Accepted a month ago by sgallagh. Opened a month ago by amoloney.

Intel Compute Runtime parts are currently stuck at a legacy branch that isn't undergoing an active development. Newer branches did significantly cut hardware support (for GPU Generations prior to the 12th), and the aim of this change is to do the leap of faith, and rebase intel-compute-runtime and intel-igc to the latest upstream releases, and remove compute support for Intel GPU generations released prior to 2020 (full list is available in the "Detailed Description" section here).

This Change doesn't affect the intel-media-driver included in the default package set, which continues to have support for old generations of hardware in the main development branches for now.

Owners, do not implement this work until the FESCo vote has explicitly ended.
The Fedora Program Manager will create a tracking bug in Bugzilla for this Change, which is your indication to proceed. See the FESCo ticket policy and the Changes policy for more information.

REMINDER: This ticket is for FESCo members to vote on the proposal. Further discussion should happen in the Discourse discussion linked above. Additional discussion may happen on the Fedora Devel mailing list.

Having a "compat" package that supports the older hardware would be great ... but it looks like people who commented on the discussion all want to have that, not actually want to work on it. :sigh:


My perspective here is this: Maintaining this code is well beyond what we can reasonably expect from a distribution packager. If support for older hardware (and yes, I realize it's not very old) is needed, then an upstream effort has to be made. If such an upstream project appears, Fedora can package it.

After 1 week
APPROVED (+6, 0, -0)

Metadata Update from @sgallagh:
- Issue tagged with: pending announcement

a month ago

Metadata Update from @sgallagh:
- Issue close_status updated to: Accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a month ago

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