#3226 Change: Wayland-only GNOME Workstation Media
Opened 9 days ago by amoloney. Modified 5 days ago

Remove the GNOME X11 packages from the Fedora Workstation media. The packages will remain available in the repositories maintained by the GNOME SIG, but not preinstalled on the media anymore.

Owners, do not implement this work until the FESCo vote has explicitly ended.
The Fedora Program Manager will create a tracking bug in Bugzilla for this Change, which is your indication to proceed.
See the FESCo ticket policy and the Changes policy for more information.

REMINDER: This ticket is for FESCo members to vote on the proposal. Further discussion should happen in the devel list thread linked above.


Quick clarification: for systems that absolutely don't need X11, how are they supposed to be installed? Network installer, I suppose (though discouraging this is probably a good idea anyway)

Your question is confusing, but I think you mean what are you supposed to do if you need it? Kickstart netinstalls would be the way to install it if you need it.

That's what I meant, sorry. Edited to strike out the extra word

PS I think the change should mention the fallback option explicitly, since I bet somebody will ask about it

+1, but with the understanding that if it turns out that there are situations where the lack of the packages on the media prevents activation of a fallback, that previously would have worked, we may need to postpone this to F42. There was some discussion about Orca and some specific chipsets, and it's not really clear if right now the activation of X11 as a fallback even works… But if it does work now and it stops working with the proposed removal, we need to either make Wayland work in those cases or postpone or explicitly stop supporting those cases.

Right now, whatever we support now in GNOME Wayland is all that is available in the live environments, since it's impossible to select GNOME X11 for a user without a password. GNOME X11 is currently not being deleted from the distribution, it's merely going to require installation after initial install.

This is only adding one more step for those who need/want GNOME X11.

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