#2989 Proposal to adjust Changes Policy to use Fedora Discussion instead of the devel list
Closed: Accepted 2 years ago by zbyszek. Opened 2 years ago by mattdm.

The current Change Process calls for Changes to be announced on the devel-announce and devel mailing list, followed by a FESCo ticket after at least a week of discussion.

In a message to the devel list last month, I proposed that we transition general development discussion from that list to Fedora Discussion, starting with the Changes process. That discussion seems to have settled down, so I am moving forward with the next step: this formal request to change the location of Change discussion.

My message above goes into further detail, but in summary I am proposing this because:

  • Many Fedora contributors, for various reasons, do not keep up with devel list
  • We're seeing a lot of Fedora development conversations scatter to ticket trackers for various teams. This immediate step won't solve that, but is one step towards bringing things closer together.
    • I do hope it will help reduce people's urge to discuss the change proposals in the FESCo tickets, at least. (We can consider hooking up some automation like https://pagure.io/pagure2discourse/.)
  • People can follow Change discussion without necessarily following everything else; at the same time, everything else is (or could be!) easily nearby if wanted.
  • As, I think actually demonstrated in some way by how this particular thread went, big devel list threads aren't really healthy. Discourse has features which can help with big discussions.
    • In the above, several sub-topics emerged — a discussion of the mailman3 infrastructure, a lot on how to use Discourse features and particularly the email interface, various questions about why the "mailing list mode" feature is disabled on our site currently, and some things about how decisions are made in Fedora. None of these are bad conversations: they're just better served standing on their own as linked conversations. It's worth nothing that mailing list threading doesn't really help -- some of these things kept coming up in different branches. For Change proposals, the main topic can stay focused to the change itself, and linked topics used for other ideas and tangents.
    • We can moderate comments that are really out of line, keeping conversation civil and welcoming
    • For Changes in specific: updates to the Change can be noted in edits to the top post, so that it reflects the current proposal at all times. (Or, if preferred, we can make new topics for significant edits and link them.)

The specific proposal is simple:

  • Changes will be announced on devel-announce as they are currently
  • But discussion will be directed to the corresponding topic under a #change-proposal tag

Anyone who is not interested in the rest of Fedora Discussion but who would like to follow change proposals can mute everything else and "watch" only this tag. As discussed in the thread, this allows for receiving the discussion by email and participation by reply.

I am not currently proposing further active migration of topics from devel list. This is an experiment which we can learn from and adjust -- or back off from, if need be.

For what it's worth, I did some quick (well, no, not quick. tedious. but not in-depth) analysis of each person's response to the devel list thread, and it breaks down roughly like this (by person, not post):

In support:        10
Open to the idea:  17
"Push" concern:    10 
Opposed:            7
Neutral:           18

"In support" includes me.

"Open to the idea" includes various degrees of skepticism (and one or two that are more fatalistic but not hostile).

"'Push' concern" is those who feel their own participation will drop because email comes to them. I hope we can mitigate this. (I tried to limit this count to folks for whom this was the only voiced objection, but it is a bit subjective.)

"Opposed" is various degrees of vehemence.

"Neutral" commenters did not express an opinion -- either talking about Discourse features generally, or off-topic.

Changes will be announced on devel-announce as they are currently
But discussion will be directed to the corresponding topic under a #change-proposal tag

Do I assume correctly that the discussion topic will be created by whoever announces the change on devel-announce and a link to it will be included in the announcement email?

If people naturally hit Reply on the announcement email and that reply goes to the devel list, do you plan to try directing the people to the forum or not? I am afraid this could create a discussion that is scattered across two disconnected places.

Do I assume correctly that the discussion topic will be created by whoever announces the change on devel-announce and a link to it will be included in the announcement email?

Yes, that's the idea.

If people naturally hit Reply on the announcement email and that reply goes to the devel list, do you plan to try directing the people to the forum or not? I am afraid this could create a discussion that is scattered across two disconnected places.

Yeah, I'd like that not to happen. I have some ideas for what we could do -- but probably should not go in depth in the tracker discussing them, in order to stay consistent with what I'm advocating. :)

but probably should not go in depth in the tracker discussing them, in order to stay consistent with what I'm advocating. :)

Could you please continue on devel or discourse then? At this point, it might be a good idea to start a "Changes Policy to use Fedora Discussion technicalities" topic instead of reviving the original beast.

Let's discuss this today.

@mattdm ^

Metadata Update from @zbyszek:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

2 years ago

This was discussed today:
AGREED: APPROVED (+6, 0, 0):
Subsequent Fedora Changes for F40 and later will be discussed on discussions.fedoraproject.org

Metadata Update from @zbyszek:
- Issue close_status updated to: Accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

I've seen @amoloney send some devel-announce Fedora change proposals (thanks!). What are the next steps here? @mattdm where do we track this?

we have our first F40 change...

Do we? We already approved 3 such changes, see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/40/ChangeSet

Looking at when those F40 change proposals went through and the dates in this ticket when a decision was reached, it seems those x3 change proposals went out just before this decision was finalised to move the discussion to discourse. Id suggest leaving them as is as they followed the policy at the time.
Now that the decision to try F40 change proposal discussions on discourse is in place, I'm happy to shepard the process and see if discourse is the better fit long term for the project.

From what I understand, the next steps remain the same. After a discussion period (1week + 1day as per Ben's notes), the 'wrangler' will open a FESCo ticket to vote.

FWIW I'm trying to fill in as best I can in place of Ben but you should expect a little lateness here and there as this is falling a little outside my day-to-day work, but I am happy to do it and have had a great mentor showing me the ropes :)

The Change process doc and Change announcement SOP have never been updated for this, which is rather confusing. I have filed a ticket for this. I intended to draft a PR, but could not, because the intended process here never actually seems to have been clearly decided - I will hope for some more clarity in that thread before drafting a PR.

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