#2886 Updates Policy exception: Ansible 7 in Fedora 37
Closed: Accepted a year ago by zbyszek. Opened 2 years ago by gotmax23.

I would like an Updates Policy exception to update Ansible to the next major version in Fedora 37. Each ansible version is tied to a specific ansible-core version. Currently, Fedora 37 has ansible-6.4.0 and ansible-core-2.13.4. Ansible 7.x.x will go together with ansible-core 2.14.x. See [1] for more about the Ansible release cycle.

Keeping the current Ansible 6 for the lifetime of Fedora 37 is a problem because:

  1. ansible 6.x.x will go EOL upstream within a month of the the release of the Fedora 37 release. (The ansible-core portion will be supported longer)
  2. ansible 7.x.x / ansible-core 2.14.x officially support Python 3.11, but ansible 6.x.x / ansible-core 2.13.x do not. Upstream has advised against shipping ansible-core 2.13 with our incomplete downstream patches to add support for Python 3.11, and I agree with them.

Ansible is relatively stable and I do not envision any major issues with this update. FWIW, RHEL does ansible-core major release bumps every RHEL minor release (e.g. RHEL 8.6 and 9.0 have ansible-core 2.12.x and 9.1/8.7 will have 2.13.x).

The reason I haven't already done this update is due to the unfortunate timing. ansible-core 2.14.0 is scheduled for November 7th and ansible 7.0.0 for is scheduled for a couple weeks later. The Ansible Community Steering committee is currently discussing making this gap shorter. Currently, ansible 7.0.0a2 and ansible-core 2.14.0rc1 are available upstream.

I plan on updating to the latest ansible-core and ansible pre-releases in Rawhide now. I would like permission to preform this update for F37 in a couple weeks when ansible-core 2.14.0 is released.

[1] https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/reference_appendices/release_and_maintenance.html

sounds reasonable to me, +1

What are the risks? Can users have some custom ansible plugins etc. that stop working?

+1 especially when considering the Python 3.11 and EOL aspects.

Given the details you’ve provided here, this seems like the reasonable choice.


What are the risks? Can users have some custom ansible plugins etc. that stop working?

Here is the combined ansible-core 2.14 / ansible 7 changelog. The major changes are minimal. Ansible 7 is a curated set of collections which are all tested against ansible-core 2.14. Most of the commonly plugins are part of that package. Standalone collections, one off plugins, and user's playbooks and roles should also keep working.

More than a week has passed.
APPROVED (+7, 0, 0)

Metadata Update from @zbyszek:
- Issue close_status updated to: Accepted
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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